The Design of the Fuzzy Inference System for the Determination of Attention


In this study, by using the response speed and the number of errors resulting from the children’s concentration test through the fuzzy inference system and comparing it to the theta which is one of the EEG’s parameter to find the level of concentration. Targeting 21(Male 12, Female 9) healthy children between the ages of 10 - 14, the test was conducted one time with a duration of 14 minutes. For the first 5 minutes the children were listening to the Bach’s Air on a G string having a steady state and the next 9 minutes the children were subjected to the external stimuli audiogenic stimulation that induces attention concentration. When the number 3 was heard, children were subjected to press down on the spacebar to check the response speed and the number of errors. By conducting computerized neurocognitive function test to compare the theta wave related to the concentration with the response speed and the number of errors that determines the attention concentration through the fuzzy system, the data from 15 children out of 21 have shown the results for the concentration. In order to check the concentration level, a fuzzy inference system which was designed by the user could be used.

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H. J. Kim and S. K. Yoo, "The Design of the Fuzzy Inference System for the Determination of Attention," Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 5B, 2013, pp. 58-62. doi: 10.4236/eng.2013.55B012.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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