Production and Biochemestry-Molecular Analysis of Microbial Community Fermenting Whey as a Potential Probiotic for Use Animals


The aims of this work were: To achieve a simple and low cost propagation of potential probiotic agents using plain whey as a culture medium, study the diversity of the members of the bacterial community (MC) in plain whey and to evaluate the probiotic capacity of this MC. After a systematic selection of agents according to their growing capacity in whey, the constituted MC was considered as a unit. Biochemical characterization of the lactic acid bacteria were performed using the API system. Molecular characterization of the lactic acid bacteria was realized using AFLPTM DNA-fingerprinting, partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). The physiological characterization of yeast was determined with the automated microplate method Allev/Biolomics and using yeast characterization system based on standard taxonomic criteria. The identification molecular was realized by PCR-fingerprinting. The resistance of MC to pH and bile salts were evaluated. The MC was composed of agents from different separated Dominium like Bacteria (Lactobacillum) and Eukaria (yeast). They are multispecies and also multistrain assuring high biodiversity. The MC grew at low pH and different concentrations bile salts.

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E. N. Esteban, M. Indart, S. Cerone, G. de Yaniz, A. G. Inza, H. Landi, S. Mogni, M. Juliarena and L. Igarza, "Production and Biochemestry-Molecular Analysis of Microbial Community Fermenting Whey as a Potential Probiotic for Use Animals," Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2012, pp. 104-112. doi: 10.4236/ojvm.2012.23018.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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