Electromagnetic Gauges and Maxwell Lagrangians Applied to the Determination of Curvature in the Space-Time and their Applications


If we consider the finite actions of electromagnetic fields in Hamiltonian regime and use vector bundles of geodesic in movement of the charges with a shape operator (connection) that measures the curvature of a geometrical space on these geodesic (using the light caused from these points (charges) acting with the infinite null of gravitational field (background)) we can establish a model of the curvature through gauges inside the electromagnetic context. In partular this point of view is useful when it is about to go on in a quantized version from the curvature where the space is distorted by the interactions between particles. This demonstrates that curvature and torsion effect in the space-time are caused in the quantum dimension as back-reaction effects in photon propagation. Also this permits the observational verification and encodes of the gravity through of light fields deformations. The much theoretical information obtained using the observable effects like distortions is used to establish inside this Lagrangian context a classification of useful spaces of electro-dynamic configuration for the description of different interactions of field in the Universe related with gravity. We propose and design one detector of curvature using a cosmic censor of the space-time developed through distortional 3-dimensional sphere. Some technological applications of the used methods are exhibited.

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F. Bulnes, "Electromagnetic Gauges and Maxwell Lagrangians Applied to the Determination of Curvature in the Space-Time and their Applications," Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 4 No. 6, 2012, pp. 252-266. doi: 10.4236/jemaa.2012.46035.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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