Prof. Reba Goodman
Columbia University Health Sciences
1953‑1956 Ph.D., Columbia University, Developmental Genetics
1949‑1953 M.A., Columbia University, Developmental Genetics
1945‑1949 B.A., Indiana
University, Zoology and Botany
Goodman R, Blank M, Lin H, Khorkova O, Soo L, Weisbrot D, Henderson, A
(1994) Increased levels of hsp70 transcripts are induced when cells are exposed
to low frequency electromagnetic fields. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 33:115-120.
Lin H, Blank M, Jin M, Lam H, Goodman, R (1996) Electromagnetic field
stimulation of biosynthesis:changes in c-myc transcript levels during
continuous and intermittent exposures. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 39: 215-220.
Opler, M, Rukenstein, L, Cote, L and Goodman, R (1997) Reduced dopamine
levels in PC12 cells exposed to low frequency electromagnetic fields.
Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 42: 235-240.
Jin M, Lin H, Han L, Opler M, Maurer S, Blank M, Goodman, R (1997)
Biological and technical variables in MYC expression in HL60 cells exposed to
60Hz electromagnetic fields. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 44: 111-120.
Blank, M and Goodman, R (1997) Do electromagnetic fields interact directly
with DNA? Bioelectromagnetics 18: 111-115.
Lin H, Opler M, Head M,Blank M, Goodman R (1997) Electromagnetic
field exposure induces rapid transitory heat shock factor activation in human
cells J Cell Biochem 66: 482-488.
Goodman R and Blank M (1998) Magnetic field stress induces expression of
hsp70. Cell Stress & Chaperones 3: 79-88.
Lin H, Head M, Blank M, Jin M, Goodman R (1998a) Myc-mediated
transactivation of HSP70 expression following exposure to magnetic fields J
Cell Biochem 69: 181-188.
Lin H, Han L, Blank M, Head M,Goodman R (1998b) Magnetic field
activation of protein-DNA binding. J Cell Biochem: 70 297-303.
Han L, Lin H, Jin M, Blank M, Goodman R (1998) Application of magnetic
field-induced heat shock protein 70 for presurgical cytoprotection. J Cell
Biochem 71: 577-583.
Lin, H, Blank M, Head M, Goodman R (1999) Magnetic field-responsive
domain in the human HSP70 promoter.J Cell Biochem 75: 170-176.
Blank M and Goodman R (1999) Electromagnetic fields may act directly on
DNA. J Cellular Biochem 75: 369-374.
Jin M, Blank M, Goodman R (2000) ERK1/2 phosphorylation, induced by
electromagnetic fields, diminishes during neoplastic transformation. J Cellular
Biochem, 78: 371-379.
Blank M, Goodman R (2000)Stimulation of the stress response by low
frequency electromagnetic fields: Possibility of direct interaction with DNA.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci 28: 168-172.
Carmody S, Wu XL, Lin H, Blank M Goodman R (2000) Cytoprotection by
electromagnetic field-induced hsp70: a model for clinical appl;ication. J
Cellular Biochem, 79: 453-459.
Lin H, Blank M, Goodman R (2001) Regulating genes with
electromagnetic response elements. J Cellular Biochem, 81:143-148.
Blank M and Goodman R (2001) Electromagnetic initiation of transcription
at specific DNA sites. J Cellular Biochem 81: 689-692.
Goodman R and Blank M (2002) Insights into electromagnetic interaction
mechanisms. J Cellular Physiology 192:16-22.
Blank M and Goodman R (2002) Biomedical applications of electromagnetic
fields. In:( Kostarakis, Stavroulakis eds.) Millenium International Workshop on
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Proceedings, Haraklion, Crete,
Greece. 17-20 October 2000, pp169-175, ISBN: 960-86733-0-5.
Blank M, Goodman R (2002) Interaction of Weak Low Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields with DNA: Mechanism and Biomedical Applications. IEEE
Transactions on Plasma Science 30: 1497-1500.
Blank M and Goodman R (2003) Stress Protein Synthesis and Enzyme Reactions
are Stimulated by Electromagnetic Fields. In Magnetotherapy: Potential
Therapeutic Benefits and Adverse Effects. MJ McLean, S Engström, RR Holcomb
(eds), Floating Gallery Press, New York, pp. 19-28.
Blank M and Goodman R (2003) Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic
Fields. In Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, P Stavroulakis (ed),
Springer, pp.494-502.
Weisbrot D, Lin H, Ye L, Blank M, Goodman R (2003) Effects of Mobile Phone
Radiation On Growth and Development In Drosophila melanogaster. J
Cellular Biochemistry 89: 48-55.
Blank M and Goodman R (2004) Initial interaction in electromagnetic
field-induced biosynthesis. J Cell Physiol. 199: 359-363.
Blank M and Goodman R (2004) A biological guide for electromagnetic
safety: The stress response. Bioelectromagnetics 25(8):642-646.
Blank M Goodman R (2004). Initial interactions in electromagnetic
field-induced biosynthesis. J Cell Physiol 199:359-363.
Blank M, Goodman R (2007). A mechanism for stimulation of biosynthesis by
electromagnetic fields: charge transfer in DNA and base pair separation.
Madkan A, Avary Lin-Ye, Spiro Pantazatos, Matthew S. Geddis, Martin Blank,
Reba Goodman (2009).Frequency sensitivity of nanosecond pulse EMF on regrowth
and hsp70 levels in transected planaria Ash J. Biomedical Science and
Engineering, 2009, 4, 227-238.
Madkan A, Martin Blank, Edward Elson, Kuo-Chen Chou, Matthew S. Geddis,
Reba Goodman (2009) Steps to the clinic with ELF EMF JBiSE Vol.1, No.2, 1-92
(2009) doi: 10.4236/ns.2009.13020 SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at
Goodman R,, Lin A, , Geddis M, ,, Hodge S, Pantazatos S, Bland M, Ambron
(2009) Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields activate the ERK cascade,
increase hsp70 protein levels and promote regeneration in Planaria. Int. J.
Radiat. Biol., Vol. 85, No. 10, October 2009, pp. 851–859.
Blank M, Goodman R (2010) DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic
fields (EMF). Int. J. Radiat. Biol (in press).