
Dr. Panchanan Maiti

Central Michigan University, USA



PhD, Bharathiar Univeristy

MSc, Vidyasagar University

BSc, Vidyasagar University

Publications (selected)

  1. Maiti P, Hall TC, Paladugu L, Koli N, Learman C, Rossignol J, Dunbar, GL. Dietary curcumin and nanocurcumin both label Aβ-plaques ex-vivo similar to Aβ-specific antibody and better than classical amyloid binding dyes, Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 2016 (In press).
  2. Srinageshwar B, Maiti P, Gary G, Rossignol J. Role of Epigenetics in Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation: Implications for Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016 (In press).
  3. Maiti P, Laura CG, McDonald, MP. MPTP-induced executive dysfunction is associated with altered prefrontal serotonergic function. Behavioral Brain Research, 2015 (In press).
  4. Maiti P, Manna J, Ilavazhagan G, Rossignol J, Dunbar GD. Molecular regulation of dendritic spine dynamics and their potential impact on synaptic plasticity and neurological diseases. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Review, 2015 (In press).
  5. Maiti P, Manna J. Dietary curcumin: a potent natural polyphenol for neurodegenerative diseases therapy. MOJ Anatomy & Physiology, 2015 (In press).
  6. Maiti P, Manna J and McDonald, MP. Merging advanced technologies with classical methods to uncover dendritic spine dynamics: a hot spot of synaptic plasticity. Neuroscience Research, 2015, 96: 1-13.
  7. Hu, S, Maiti P, Ma, Q, Zuo, X, Jones, MR, Cole, GM and Frautschy SA. Clinical development of curcumin in neurodegenerative disease. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2015, 5(6): 629-37.
  8. Maiti P, Manna J, Veleri S, and Frauthschy S. Molecular chaperone dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases and effects of curcumin. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014.
  9. Maiti P, Manna J. Activation of Heat Shock Proteins by Nanocurcumin to Prevent Neurodegenerative Diseases. Brain Disorder & Therapy, 2014, 3(5): 1000.
  10. Wang R, Palavicini JP, Wang H, Maiti P, Bianchi E, Xu S, Lloyd B, Dawson-Scully K, Kang DE, Lakshmana M. RanBP9 Overexpression Accelerates Loss of Dendritic Spines in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Neurobiology of Disease 2014, pii: S0969-9961 (14) 00147-8.
  11. Ma QL, Zuo X, Yang F, Ubeda OJ, Gant DJ, Alaverdyan M, Teng E, Hu S, Chen PP, Maiti P, Teter B, Cole GM, Frautschy SA. Curcumin suppresses soluble tau dimers and corrects molecular chaperone, synaptic, and behavioral deficits in aged human tau transgenic mice. J. Biol. Chem. 2013, 288(6): 4056-65.
  12. Attar A, Ripoli C, Riccardi E, Maiti P, Li Puma DD, Liu T, Hayes J, Jones MR, Lichti-Kaiser K, Yang F, Gale GD, Tseng CH, Tan M, Xie CW, Straudinger JL, Klärner FG, Schrader T, Frautschy SA, Grassi C, Bitan G. Protection of primary neurons and mouse brain from Alzheimer's pathology by molecular tweezers. Brain. 2012, 135(Pt 12): 3735-48.
  13. Sinha S, Du Z, Maiti P, Klärner FG, Schrader T, Wang C, Bitan G. Comparison of three amyloid assembly inhibitors: the sugar scyllo-inositol, the polyphenol epigallocatechingallate, and the molecular tweezer CLR01. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2012, 3(6): 451-8.
  14. Hickey MA, Zhu C, Medvedeva V, Lerner RP, Patassini S, Franich NR, Maiti P, Frautschy SA, Zeitlin S, Levine MS, Chesselet MF. Improvement of neuropathology and transcriptional deficits in CAG 140 knock-in mice supports a beneficial effect of dietary curcumin in Huntington's disease. Molecular Neurodegener. 2012, 7:12.
  15. Moskovitz J, Maiti P, Lopes DH, Oien DB, Attar A, Liu T, Mittal S, Hayes J, Bitan G. Induction of Methionine-Sulfoxide Reductases Protects Neurons from Amyloid β-Protein Insults in Vitro and in Vivo. Biochemistry. 2011, 50(49): 10687-97.
  16. Muthuraju S, Maiti P, Pati S, Solanki P, Sharma AK, Singh SB, Prasad D, Ilavazhagan G. Role of cholinergic markers on memory function of rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia. Eur J Pharmacol. 2011, 672(1-3): 96-105.
  17. Muthuraju S, Maiti P, Solanki P, Sharma AK, Pati S, Singh SB, Prasad D, Ilavazhagan G. Possible role of cholinesterase inhibitors on memory consolidation following hypobaric hypoxia of rats. Int J Neurosci. 2011, 121(5): 279-88.
  18. Maiti P, Piacentini R, Ripoli C, Grassi C, Bitan G. Surprising toxicity and assembly behaviour of amyloid β-protein oxidized to sulfone. Biochem J. 2011, 433(2): 323-32.
  19. Muthuraju S, Maiti P, Solanki P, Sharma AK, Singh SB, Prasad D, Ilavazhagan G. Cholinesterase inhibitors ameliorate spatial learning deficits in rats following hypobaric hypoxia. Exp. Brain Res. 2010, 203(3): 583-92.
  20. Maiti P, Lomakin A, Benedek GB, Bitan G. Despite its role in assembly, methionine 35 is not necessary for amyloid beta-protein toxicity. J Neurochem. 2010, 113(5): 1252-62.
  21. Muthuraju S, Maiti P, Solanki P, Sharma AK, Amitabh, Singh SB, Prasad D, Ilavazhagan G. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors enhance cognitive functions in rats following hypobaric hypoxia. Behav Brain Res. 2009, 203(1): 1-14.
  22. Maiti P, Singh SB, Ilavazhagan G. Nitric oxide system is involved in hypobaric hypoxia-induced oxidative stress in rat brain. Acta Histochem. 2010, 112(3): 222-32.
  23. Rahimi F, Maiti P, Bitan G. Photo-induced cross-linking of unmodified proteins (PICUP) applied to amyloidogenic peptides.J Vis Exp. 2009, (23).
  24. Maiti P, Singh SB, Mallick B, Muthuraju S, Ilavazhagan G. High altitude memory impairment is due to neuronal apoptosis in hippocampus, cortex and striatum. J. ChemNeuroanat. 2008, 36(3-4): 227-38.
  25. Maiti P, Muthuraju S, Ilavazhagan G, Singh SB. Hypobaric hypoxia induces dendritic plasticity in cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons in rat brain. Behav Brain Res. 2008, 189(2): 233-43.

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