Food and Nutrition Sciences
Vol.3 No.8(2012), Paper ID 21579, 8
Microbiological, Physico-Chemical and Sensorial Characteristics of Serrano, an Artisanal Brazilian Cheese
Ana Paula Longaray Delamare, Cristiane Conte Paim de Andrade, Fernanda Mandelli, Renata Chequeller de Almeida, Sergio Echeverrigaray
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Caxias do Sul, R. Francisco G. Vargas 1130, Caxias do Sul, 95001-970, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Caxias do Sul, R. Francisco G. Vargas 1130, Caxias do Sul, 95001-970, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Caxias do Sul, R. Francisco G. Vargas 1130, Caxias do Sul, 95001-970, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Caxias do Sul, R. Francisco G. Vargas 1130, Caxias do Sul, 95001-970, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Caxias do Sul, R. Francisco G. Vargas 1130, Caxias do Sul, 95001-970, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Copyright © 2012 Ana Paula Longaray Delamare, Cristiane Conte Paim de Andrade, Fernanda Mandelli, Renata Chequeller de Almeida, Sergio Echeverrigaray et al. This is
an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to Cite this Article
A. Delamare, C. Andrade, F. Mandelli, R. Almeida and S. Echeverrigaray, "Microbiological, Physico-Chemical and Sensorial Characteristics of Serrano, an Artisanal Brazilian Cheese,"
Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 8, 2012, pp. 1068-1075. doi: