Vol.3, No.8, 507-511 (2011) Health
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Firmness of purpose in life significantly influences
emotional state and autonomic nervous activity
Riichiro Ishida*, Tsueko Abe, Masahiko Okada
Division of Clinical Preventive Medicine, Niigata Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University, Niigata,
Japan; *Corresponding Author: ishida-riichiro@hb.tp1.jp
Received 23 April 2011; revised 2 June 2011; accepted 15 July 2011.
The present study was performed to clarify the
influence of having a firm purpose in life (PIL)
on psychological and physical stresses. Par-
ticipants were 59 subjects (19 males and 40 fe-
males) with a mean age of 30.9 years (standard
deviation, 12.1; range, 18 - 68 years). We used a
mental arithmetic (MA) test as a goal-oriented
stressor; the test was supposed to be finished
before a time limit expired without using pencil
and paper. We used a PIL test to assess the in-
tensity of personal meaning in one’s life, an in-
terest in mental arithmetic test (IMAT) to assess
the intensity of interest in the MA test, and an
anxiety inventory (AI) to assess the a nxiety level
of before and during the MA tes t. Heart rat e (HR),
systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood
pressure (DBP) and nose tip temperature (NTT)
were recorded before and after MA. We used
logistic regression modeling to estimate the
odds ratio (OR) of independent variables of age,
sex, PIL test score, AI score, HR, SBP, DBP, and
NTT before the MA test. Multivariate-adjusted
models showed that PIL test scores prior to the
MA test significantly predicted the observed
changes in AI score and HR. Other variables
were not significant predictors. In conclusion,
we found that a firm PIL decreased anxiety un-
der psychological stress as measured with the
MA test, even with objective evaluation by oth-
ers. Having a firm PIL also lowered the response
of the sympathetic nervous system to psycho-
logical stress.
Keywords: Purpose in Life; Psychological Stress;
Anxiety; Sympathetic Nervous Activity; Longevity
Physical and psychological stresses can easily cause
anxiety and simultaneously activate the sympathetic ner-
vous system [1,2]. A “will” to seek meaning in life or to
achieve purpose in life (PIL) is significantly associated
with intrinsic motivation to get satisfaction and/or plea-
sure from an act [3,4]. Hence, persons with a firm PIL
are less sensitive to physical and psychological stresses
[5]. People exhibiting a Type A behavior pattern, char-
acterized by traits such as impatience, aggressiveness,
strong approval motivation, and a chronic struggle to
achieve one’s goal, are much more sensitive to stressors
[6,7]. It has been reported that type A behavior tended to
increase sympathetic nervous activity, generate reactive
oxygen species, and cause secretion of
-endorphin [1,
6-8]. It is also known that type A behavior is associated
with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) [7].
Several tests have been devised to measure the inten-
sity of PIL. Crumbaugh and Maholic, for example, de-
veloped a PIL test to assess the intensity of personal
meaning in one’s life [9]; Sato and Tanaka modified this
test for Japanese people [10]. This test enables meas-
urement of intrinsic motivation, satisfaction, or pleasure
in life. Audio-visual stimulations such as watching a
kaleidoscopic roller coaster movie have been used to
show that persons with firm PIL exhibited less anxiety
and had lower sympathetic nervous system responses
compared with persons with less firm PIL [5]. The stim-
uli were physical and continuous without any appointed
goal. In daily life, however, there are many goal-oriented
stresses involving time limitations and being exposed to
objective evaluation. For example, company employees
have to accomplish a large number of tasks in a day,
students have to complete their homework assignments,
and housewives have to do many routine tasks every
The present study was performed to clarify the influ-
ence of having a firm PIL on responses to psychological
and physical stresses. We hypothesized that people with
a firm PIL show low anxiety and low sympathetic nerv-
ous response to psychological stress.
R. Ishida et al. / Health 3 (2011) 507-511
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
2.1. Study Population
Details of the subjects and the experimental protocol
have been described previously [11]. Briefly, 62 subjects
(20 males and 42 females) in a variety of occupations,
including housewife, salesman, elementary school teacher,
and technician, were recruited. Of these 62, 3 subjects
whose attitude and physical symptoms could seriously
affect the test results were excluded due to excessive
talking during the test, frequent arrhythmia, or excessive
time spent reading documents because of presbyopia.
Finally, 59 subjects (19 males and 40 females) with a
mean age of 30.9 years (standard deviation, 12.1; range,
18 - 68 years) participated in the study.
The subjects were instructed not to drink alcohol or
tea and not to smoke on the day of the experiment. No
instructions were given regarding food intake. The test
was performed on an individual basis. The ethics com-
mittee of the Faculty of Medicine of Niigata University
approved the study, and all subjects provided written
informed consent.
2.2. Goal-Oriented Stress Test
The goal-oriented stress we applied was a mental ari-
thmetic (MA) test that was supposed to be finished
within a given time limit without using pencil and paper.
An instructor (male, 57 years of age) administered each
test. First, the instructor explained the written protocol
on the panel as follows: “Please perform the mental cal-
culations as quickly and accurately as possible in four
minutes. Answer the resulting values when I say ‘stop
and answer.’ Do not talk during the test other than to
answer with the resulting values during the test.” Then
the instructor randomly chose one of three cards: “1000
– 6,” “1000 – 7,” or “1000 – 8,” and showed the card to
the subject. Subjects were requested to perform sequen-
tial subtractions as shown on the card. Thus, for example,
a subject who received the “1000 – 6” card would cal-
culate 1000 – 6 (= 994), 994 – 6 (= 988), 988 – 6 = 982,
and so forth.
2.3. Psychological Tests
The PIL test used here consists of 20 items to which
subjects expressed agreement or disagreement on a
7-point Likert scale. The questionnaire is outlined in
Appendix 1 [5,10]. High scores indicate a firm PIL [10].
The subjects were divided into groups according to their
scores: firm PIL (FPIL) (55 points) and weak PIL
(WPIL) (<55 points).
We also devised another two tests. One was the inter-
est in mental arithmetic test (IMAT) to assess the inten-
sity of interest for the MA test. The IMAT consisted of
only one question, “Are you interested in mental arith-
metic?” and was scored on a 6-point Likert scale (1: not
at all, 2: very weakly, 3: weakly, 4: somewhat strongly, 5:
strongly, 6: very strongly). The other was an anxiety
inventory (AI) to assess the anxiety level of before and
during the MA test. The test before MA consisted of the
question “Do you feel anxiety before MA?” and the test
during MA was the question “Did you feel anxiety dur-
ing MA?” These tests were each scored on a 6-point
Likert scale (1: not at all, 2: very weakly, 3: weakly, 4:
somewhat strongly, 5: strongly, 6: very strongly).
2.4. Measuring Autonomic Nervous
After the subject had sat in a chair comfortably for 20
minutes, heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP),
and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were recorded using
an electric sphygmomanometer (ES-P1000, Terumo,
Tokyo, Japan) and nose tip temperature (NTT) was
measured with a skin thermometer (D717, Technol7m
Tokyo, Japan). These measurements were performed
before and after the MA test. As environmental condi-
tions affect the autonomic nervous function, room tem-
perature, humidity, illumination and noise were con-
trolled at 24.51C 1.02C, 58.64% 4.61%, 259.17
78.21 lx and 53.10 1.37 dB, respectively. Atmospheric
pressure was measured at the time of the experiment.
2.5. Statistical Analyses
Univariate analyses were performed first to compare
age, sex, PIL test score, IMAT score, and environmental
conditions such as room temperature between FPIL and
WPIL groups. Then AI score, HR, SBP, DBP and NTT
were compared between values observed before and
during/after MA tests.
A chi-square test was used for evaluating differences
in the number of men and women between the FPIL and
WPIL groups. An unpaired 2-tailed t test was used to
evaluate differences in age and environmental conditions
such as room temperature between the FPIL and WPIL
groups. The Mann-Whitney Test was used for evaluating
differences in IMAT score between the FPIL and WPIL
groups. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to eva-
luate changes in the AI score from before to during the
MA test. Paired 2-tailed t tests were used in evaluating
changes of the four autonomic indicators HR, SBP, DBP,
and NTT before and after the MA test. The basic char-
acteristics were expressed as mean standard deviation
Multivariate analyses were performed to evaluate
changes before and during/after MA tests as follows.
R. Ishida et al. / Health 3 (2011) 507-511
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Change in AI score = (during MA test) (before MA
Change in HR, SBP and DBP = (after MA test) / (be-
fore MA test)
Change in NTT = (before MA test) / (after MA test).
We used logistic regression modeling to estimate the
odds ratios (OR) of independent variables for age, sex,
PIL test score, AI score, HR, SBP, DBP, and NTT before
the MA test. Subjects with PIL test score 55, AI score
before MA 2.05, HR 64.03, SBP 107.49, DBP
72.88 or NTT 33.85 before MA were assigned a value
of 1 for each respective independent variable; otherwise
a value of 0 was assigned. For dependent variables, a
value of 1 was assigned 1 for each subject whose score
changes were: AI 1.10, HR 1.05, SBP 1.06, DBP
1.03, or NTT 1.02. Otherwise, a value of 0 was as-
signed for that dependent variable.
Statistical significance was accepted at p < 0.05, ex-
cept for the tests of HR, SBP, DBP and NTT, which were
accepted at p < 0.05 / 4 = 0.0125 by Bonferroni correc-
tion. SPSS software was used for the statistical analyses.
3.1. Characteristics
The basic characteristics of the subjects as sex, age,
and IMAT score did not differ between the FPIL and
WPIL groups (Ta b l e 1 ). Environmental conditions such
as temperature and humidity were not significantly dif-
ferent between FPIL and WPIL groups (data not shown).
The recorded atmospheric pressures on the days of ex-
periments were 1015.50 4.94 hPa, and did not differ
between subject groups.
3.2. Anxiety and Autonomic Nervous
AI score, HR, SBP and DBP significantly increased
during/after the MA test compared with the values be-
fore the test, whereas NTT significantly decreased after
the MA test (Table 2).
Five logistic regression models for predicting the
changes in AI score, HR, SBP, DBP and NTT are pre-
sented in Table 3. The multivariate-adjusted models
showed that the PIL score before the MA test was sig-
nificant for predicting the change in AI score and the
change in HR. The other variables of age, sex, AI score
before MA, HR before MA test, SBP before MA test,
DBP before MA test, and NTT before MA test were not
significant in any of the multivariate-adjusted models.
We found that MA was a possible psychological
stressor because AI scores, HR, SBP, DBP and NTT all
were changed significantly by the test (Ta b le 2). These
results are compatible with previous reports that psy-
chological stresses caused anxiety and also activated the
sympathetic nervous system [12]. PIL score was nega-
tively associated with change in AI score and change in
HR (Table 3). Therefore, it can be concluded that the
persons with a firm PIL showed lower anxiety and a
lesser sympathetic nervous response to psychological
Table 1. Demographic and psychological characteristics of subjects by categories of purpose in life (PIL).
Characteristic FPIL group WPIL group p
N (male/female) 26 (6/20) 33 (13/ 20) 0.183
Age (year) 30.19 ± 13.02 31.39 ± 11.50 0.708
PIL test score (point) 61.12 ± 4.32 47.24 ± 7.28 -
IMAT score (point) 2.81 0.98 2.76 1.35 0.692
N: number of subjects, FPIL: firm PIL, WPIL: weak PIL, IMAT: interest in mental arithmetic test. Data are expressed as mean standard deviation.
Ta b le 2. Anxiety inventory (AI) score, heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and nose tip
temperature (NTT) (N = 59).
Characteristic Before MA During/After MA p
AI score (point) 2.05 1.32 3.20 1.54 <0.001
HR (beat/min) 64.03 9.86 67.59 12.14 <0.0025#
SBP (mmHg) 107.49 15.87 112.86 16.73 <0.0025#
DBP (mmHg) 72.88 10.29 74.98 10.47 <0.0125#
NTT () 33.85 1.13 33.31 1.35 <0.0025#
MA: mental arithmetic. #: statistically significant after Bonferroni correction for HR, SPB, DBP and NTT.
R. Ishida et al. / Health 3 (2011) 507-511
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 3. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) of demographic, psychological, and physiological characteristics (N = 59).
Change in AI score Change in HR Change in SBPChange in DBP Change in NTT
Characteristic OR p ORp ORP OR p ORp
Age (year) 1.04 0.155 0.970.238 1.040.135 0.99 0.790 1.030.205
Sex 1.38 0.619 4.620.046 0.510.392 1.03 0.968 3.210.079
PIL test score before MA 0.27 <0.05 0.18<0.0125#0.760.662 0.96 0.939 0.330.076
AI score before MA 0.51 0.296 2.610.150 1.990.275 1.52 0.477 1.510.493
HR before MA 0.950.179
SBP before MA 0.970.229
DBP before MA 0.94 0.057
NTT before MA 0.930.780
#: statistically significant after Bonferroni correction.
stress. The results are consistent with the previous study
Much attention has been focused on the biological re-
sponses caused by psychological stress [13-21]. Sympa-
thetic nervous activity in response to stressors easily
generates reactive oxygen species [1,2,22], which ace-
lerate lipid oxidation, gene dysfunction, and telomere
shortening [14-17]. It is interesting that the secretions of
dopamine and
-endorphin could be accelerated by the
psychological reactions as reward, satisfaction, and/or
pleasure based on intrinsic motivation or reinforcement
of motivation [18-21]. A lower response against the
psychological stresses with FPIL, therefore, could con-
tribute to longevity.
Limitations in this study should be noted. First, each
of the AI tests before and during MA and the IMA test
consisted of only one question. The tests should be vali-
dated for the number of questions, sensitivity, specificity,
and reproducibility in the future. Second, since the psy-
chological condition of subjects might influence their
test results, the experimental conditions, including in-
structors’ attitudes, should be carefully discussed. Third,
food intake before the experiment might influence the
autonomic nervous system. Further studies with a large
number of volunteers would be required.
In conclusion, we found that a firm PIL decreased an-
xiety during psychological stress caused by the MA test
even under the objective evaluation by others. Having a
firm PIL also lowered the response of the sympathetic
nervous system to psychological stress.
This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Science Research
from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (No.17927020;
2005). The authors wish to express their gratitude to Yuko Ishida for
the data analysis.
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Appendix 1. Examples of the questions used in the purpose in life (PIL) test.
(1) In life I have:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(no goals or aims at all) (neutral) (very clear goals and aims)
(2) Concerning man’s freedom to make his own choices, I believe man is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(completely bound by limitations (neutral) (absolutely free to make all choices)
of heredity and environment)
(3) Every day is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(exactly the same) (neutral) (constantly new and different)
(4) My life is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(empty, filled only with despair) (neutral) (running over with exciting and good things)
(5) If I should die today, I would feel that my life has been:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(completely worthless) (neutral) (very worthwhile)