Figure 7. Comparison of green fluorescent signals obtained
from the HC-800 filled with green fluorescent microparticles
dispersed in water (black solid rectangles) and ethanol (red
solid circles), and HC-1060 filled with green fluorescent mi-
croparticles dispersed in ethanol (blue solid triangles).
1.36. The results are repeatable for different fiber segments
with the same central wavelengths. The fluorescent spec-
troscopic signals obtained (which are shown in Figure 5
and Figure 6 are plotted in Figure 7 for intensity com-
parison. The obtained results are found to be in accordance
with the simulation done based on RI scaling law.
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, an HC-PCF fluorescence spectroscopic
scheme has been illustrated on the basis of refractive
index scaling law. The variations in the central wave-
length for different filling material indices are analyzed
in the case of HC-PCFs with cladding made of pure
fused silica with array of air holes running along the en-
tire length of the fiber. A proof of concept study has been
performed by infiltrating fluorescence sample volume
inside HC-PCF and the quantification of fluorescence
intensity is analyzed using spectroscopic method. The
sensitivity has been compared for similar fiber with dif-
ferent dispersed media and different fibers with same
dispersed medium. The obtained experimental results are
in good agreement with the analytical simulation results.
These findings are expected to accelerate the R&D on
HC-PCF based ultrasensitive spectroscopic analysis and
relevant sensors for specific detection of biomolecules in
very low sample volumes.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge the financial support received
through ASTAR-SERC and ARC (MOE). One of the
authors, V. K. Shinoj, would also like to acknowledge
Nanyang Technological University for the research stu-
dent support.
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