T. Belay et al. / Open Journal of Gastroenterology 3 (2013) 344-348 347
diagnosis is made and at least prior to a scheduled major
procedure that can unmask the dysfunction and lead to
serious morbidity or death [32]. Regarding the screening
method, it appears that echocardiography identifies a
larger proportion of patients with cardiomyopathy than
EKG. Additional studies should be conducted to identify
the number of patients that would require screening di-
agnose CCM, the cost effectiveness of undertaking the
diagnostic testing as well as how early to start and how
frequent to undertake screening evaluation.
CCM is a common problem, but often under diagnosed.
A higher prevalence of CCM in our study was noted
amongst patients with advancing age, female gender,
alcoholic cirrhosis and patients in whom the cause of
cirrhosis was not identified. While a higher prevalence of
CCM was evident among patients in whom the cause of
cirrhosis is unknown and alcoholic cirrhosis, the study
was not statistically powered to detect a difference among
other causes (infectious, autoimmune causes of cirrhosis)
if one exists. A large number of patients have not had
screenings for CCM. Awareness should be increased
among providers to increase recognition and target ther-
We are grateful to Natalie Hartley (RN, BSN) who was the clinical
allscripts support and Melissa Marcum, (BSN, CCRC), research coor-
dinator for University Cardiovascular Services at Marshall University,
Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine for their support at the initial
phase of the study. We would like to thank Dr. Larry Dial, chairman of
internal medicine department at Marshall University, Joan C. Edwards
School of Medicine for his steady support at all times of the study.
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