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pneumonectomy in an adult, reported by Mehta et al.
[14]. Taguchi reported pneumonectomy and embolec-
tomy in a 10-year-old child [15]. A staged extra-anat-
omic conduit to deliver low-pressure blood to the lung,
and interruption of the high-pressure vessels were re-
ported in a 14-year-old child by Rankin [16]. Kirkpatrick
reported success with a complete anatomic repair of the
congenital heart abnormality in the treatment of a
hemoptysis in a symptomatic 2-month-old in high-output
cardiac failure [17].
4. Conclusion
Hemorrhage into the child’s airway is a frightening and
potentially lethal event. The differential diagnosis in
children is broad and a systematic approach to diagnosis
and management is essential. We add another case report
and two new alternative techniques to our series and to
the armamentarium for the management of massive
hemoptysis in children.
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