In recent years, due to such features as low cost, ease
of deployment, increased coverage, and enhanced capac-
ity, there are a growing number of new protocols for
WSN. The concept of cross-layer design is based on ar-
chitecture where different layers can exchange informa-
tion in order to improve the overall network performance
[17]. To maximize the lifetime of a wireless sensor net-
work, mobile Sink [18] is a wise choice. In this way, the
sink travels along nodes with few energy or large com-
munication to balance the network for longer life.
4.2. Management Software of EITS
Management software of EITS, that is also called EITSV,
is implemented. EITSV is designed to be an interface
between users and the server. EITSV provides some tools
to simplify deployment and visualization. It also makes it
easy to connect to a database, to display products infor-
mation, and to observe the status of EITs and Area Con-
trollers as well as regional environment information. If
an exception occurs, there will be alert notifications. All
of display information, status information and control
commands will be stored in database.
The structure of EITV, shown in Figure 7, consists of
four parts: EIT View, AREA View, SINK View and
SENSOR View. Merchandise information (name, pro-
duction place, price, et al) and status information (re-
gional environment, operating voltage, devices status, et
al) will show to users through EIT View. EIT, owning
the unique ID, can be identified by the system automati-
cally. Whenever it joins into the network or leaves the
network will be visualized. AREA View and SINK View
are used to monitor operating status and load fluctuation
of SINK and Area Controllers for intelligent manage-
ment. SENSOR View makes the sensing data manage-
ment and analysis more conveniently, which will ensure
that the entire system is in a secure environment.
5. Conclusions
In this article, we take full advantage of wireless sensor
network technology to give a whole solution for Elec-
tronic Intelligent Tag System, providing intelligent man-
agement for supermarkets. The EIT will replace the ex-
isting paper tag to improve the efficiency of the malls.
Figure 7. The structure of EITV.
Sensing information of supermarkets will make super-
markets more secure. This system has been applied in
practical projects. The results show that the system has
high efficiency, low labor costs and good reliability.
Therefore, we should further popularize the EITS to ben-
efit our supermarkets.
In the further work, this system will be extended to the
whole supply chain, forming a supply chain management
system. The commodity, environment, vehicle and re-
lated persons could be managed more efficiently. In brief,
the successful application of EITS will play an important
role in promoting the development of the Internet of
6. Acknowledgements
This work is supported by the Major Scientific & Tech-
nology Specific Programs of Zhejiang Province for key
industrial project (No. 2011C11042), the National Natu-
ral Science Foundation of China (No. 60902097), the
Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of
China (No. Y1090571), the Natural Science Foundation
of Zhejiang Province (Y12F020065).
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