Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Figure 19. Alcohol co ntent trends.
Figure 20. Me thanol c ontent tre nds.
Figure 21. Ethyl acetate c onte nt tre nds.
the sample, and to the stability of judge, so that the es-
tablished mod el has a wider a nd better ap plication value ;
2) The detection rate of fakes. Fakes detection rate to a
certain extent depends on the wine samples and the true
wine simulation is high or low, so the experiment to se-
lect fakes of simul ation is higher .
5. Acknowledgements
The research was financially fitted by the “Doubles” fo-
cused on protection of geographic marks of white wine
of origin inspection techniques (2012104019-2), Author
acknowledge the suppo rt with gratitude .
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