American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2013, 3, 52-55
doi:10.4236/ajcm.2013.33B009 Published Online September 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJCM
The Planar Ramsey Numbers PR (K4-e, Kl)*
Yongqi Sun1, Yali Wu1, Rui Zhang1, Yuansheng Yang2
1School of Computer and Information Technology, Beijing jiaotong University, Beijing, China
2Department of Computer Science, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
Received 2013
The planar Ramsey number PR (H1, H2) is the smallest integer n such that any planar graph on n vertices contains a
copy of H1 or its complement contains a copy of H2. It is known that the Ramsey number R(K4 e, K6) = 21, and the
planar Ramsey numbers PR(K4 e, Kl) for l ≤ 5 are known. In this paper, we give the lower bounds on PR (K4 e, Kl)
and determine the exact value of PR (K4 e, K6).
Keywords: Planar Graph; Ramsey Number; Forbidden Subgr ap h
1. Introduction
We consider only finite undirected graphs without loops
or multiple edges. For a graph G with vertex set V(G)
and edge set E(G), we denote the order and size of G by
p(G) = |V(G)| and q(G) = |E(G)|, respectively. We refer to
the regions defined by a plane graph as its fac es. A face
is said to be incident with the vertices and edges in its
boundary. The length of a face is the number of edges
with which it is incident. If a face has length α, we say it
is an α-face . For a plane graph G, let f denote the number
of faces, and fα the number of α-faces. Let d(v) denote the
degree of a vertex v V(G), δ(G) the minimum degree of
G. The neighborhood and the closed neighborhood of a
vertex v V(G) are denoted by N(v) = {u V(G)|uv
E(G)} and N[v] = N(v){v}, respectively. Let G H
denote a disjoint sum of G and H, and nG is a disjoint
sum of n copies of G. G
denotes the complement of G.
For W V(G), let GW denote the subgraph of G in-
duced by W, and W\v the subset of W obtained by re-
moving the vertex v.
A graph G of order n will be called an (H1, H2;
n)-graph if H1 G and H2 G
For the Ramsey number R(K4 e, K6), McNamara
proved that its exact value is 21 (cf. [4] ). In this paper,
we prove that PR(K4 e, K6)=17 and PR(K4 e, Kl) ≥ 3l
+ (l 1) / 42. So, the values of PR (K4 e, Kl) for l
7 are still open.
2. Preliminary Results
Lemma 2.1. If G is a (K4 e, Kl ; n)-P-gra ph, then δ(G)
n PR(K4 e, Kl1).
Proof. Assume that δ(G) < n PR(K4 e, Kl1). Let v
be a vertex of degree δ(G) and H = GV(G) N[v], then
p(H) = n δ(G) – 1 PR(K4 e, Kl1). Since K4 e H,
we have Kl1
. If a (H1, H2; n)-graph is
planar, we call it an (H1, H2; n)-P-graph. The planar
Ramsey number PR(H1, H2) is the smallest integer n such
that there is no (H1, H2; n)-P -graph. The definition of
planar Ramsey number was firstly introduced by Walker
[7]. Steinberg and Tovey [3] studied the case when both
H1 and H2 are complete. For a connected graph H1 of
order at least 5, Gorgol proved that PR (H1, Kl)=4l3 [2].
Bielak and Gorgol [1] determined that PR (K4 e, K3)= 7
and PR(K4 e, K4) = 10. It was shown that PR(K4 e, K5)
= 14 and PR(K4 e, K6 e) = 16 [5, 6].
. The appropriate l1 vertices of H
together with v would yield a Kl in G
, a contradiction. So,
δ(G) n PR(K4 e, Kl1).
Lemma 2.2 and 2.3 were proved in [5].
Lemma 2.2. If G is a planar graph such that K4 e
G, then q(G) 12(p(G) 2) /5.
Lemma 2.3. If G is a (K4e, K4; 9)-P-graph, then 3K3
G or G9-0 G, where G9-0 is shown in Fig ure 2.1.
By an argument similar to the one in the proof of paper
[5], we can prove Lemma 2.4,
Figure 2.1. The graphs G9-0.
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Lemma 2.4. Let G be a (K4 – e, K5; n)-P-gra ph,
a) If n = 12, then 4K3 G, (G9-0 K3) G or
G12-i G for 1 i ≤ 8, where G12-i are shown in Fig-
ure 2.2, and
If n = 13, then G is isomorphic to G13-0 or G13-0 + v3v4,
where G13-0 is shown in Figur e 2.3.
Figure 2.2. The graphs G12-i for 1 i 8.
Figure 2.3. The graphs G13-0.
Lemma 2.5. If G is a (K4 e, K6 ; 17)-graph with δ(G)
= 4, then it is not a planar gr ap h.
Proof. By contradiction, we assume that G is a (K4
e, K6 ; 17)-P-graph with δ(G) = 4. Let v be a vertex of
degree δ(G) and H = GV(G) N[v], then |V(H)| = 12.
Let N(v) = {u1, u2, u3, u4}. Since K4 e G and δ (G) =
4, we have
Claim 1. GN[v] can not lie in any α-face of H for α
5 alone.
Since H is a (K4 e, K5 ; 12)-P-graph, by Lemma
2.4(a), we have (G9-0K3) H, G12-i H (1 i ≤ 8)
or 4K3 H.
Case 1. Suppose that (G9-0K3) H. Let V(G9-0) =
{vi | 1 i ≤ 9} shown in Figure 2.1. By Claim 1, both
N[v] and K3 have to lie in same region of G9-0. By sym-
metr y it is sucient to consider that they lie in region I,
II or III. If they lie in region II, since K4 e G, v6 is
nonad j acent to any vertex of {v2, v3, v7, v8}. It is forced
that d(v6) = 3, a contradiction. If they lie in region I or III,
since K4 e G, v1 has to be adjacent to both a4 and a8
(or a5 and a7). Without loss of generality, let v1v4, v1v8
E(G). Then v2 is nonadjacent to any vertex of {v3, v5, v6,
v8, v9}. Hence d(v2) 3, a contradiction.
Case 2. Suppose that H contains one subgraph of G12-i
for 1 i 6. By Claim 1, H does not contain any sub-
graph of {G12-1, G12-2, G12-3, G12-4}. Hence there remain-
ing two subcases.
Case 2.1. G12-5 H. By Claim 1, GN[v] have to lie
in region I. Since K4 − e G, v3 is nonadjacent to any
vertex of {v7, v9, v11, v12}. Hence d(v3) = 3, a contradic-
Case 2.2. G12-6 H. By Claim 1, GN[v] have to lie
in region I. Since d(v1) ≥ 4 and K4 e G, v1 has to be
adjacent to just one vertex of {v5, v6}, say v5. And v2 is
nonadjacent to any vertex of {v4, v9, v10, v12}. Hence d(v2)
= 3, a contradiction.
Case 3. G12-7 H. By Claim 1, GN[v] have to lie
in region I. Since d(v11) ≥ 4 and K4 e G, v11 has to be
adjacent to just one vertex of {v9, v10}, say v10. Since d(v1)
≥ 4 and K4 e G, v1 has to be adjacent to both v4 and
v9. Let W7 = {v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8}. By Claim 1 and K4
e G, we have GW7 C7.
Since K4 e G, GN(v) is isomorphic to one graph
of {4K1, 2K1K2, 2K2}. If GN(v) is isomorphic to 4K1,
then u1, u2, u3, u4, v1 and v10 would yield a K6 in G
, a
contradiction. Hence GN(v) is isomorphic to 2K1K2
or 2K2. Without loss of generality, let u3u4 E(G). If
there is one vertex of {u1, u2, u3, u4}, say u1 which is ad-
jacent to v4, then since K4 e G, u1 is adjacent neither
to v2 nor to v6. Therefore since d(u1) 4, u1 is adjacent to
at least one vertex of {v3, v5, v7, v8}. In any case, there
exists one vertex of {v2, v6} whose degree is at most 3, a
contradiction. Hence v4 is nonadjacent to any vertex of
{u1, u2, u3, u4}. If u1u2 E(G), then u1, u2, u3, v4, v9 and
Copyright © 2013 S ciRes. AJCM
v11 would yield a K6 in G
, a contradiction. So, we have
u1u2 E(G), that is, GN(v) 2K2.
Since δ(G) = 4, there are at least 8 edges between the
vertices of {u1, u2, u3, u4} and W7\v4. Since K4 e G,
each vertex of W7\v4 is adjacent to at most two vertices of
{u1, u2, u3, u4}. Hence there are just two vertices of
W7\v4 which are adjacent to two vertices of {u1, u2, u3,
u4}. By symmetry there are three cases.
Case 3.1. Suppose that there is one vertex of {v3, v8}
which is adjacent to u1 and u3 (or u2 and u4). Without loss
of generality, let v3u1, v3u3 E(G). Then since d(v5) 4
and K4 e G, v5 has to be adjacent to one vertex of {u2,
u4}, say u2. Thus there is at least one vertex of {u1, u3, u4}
whose degree is at most 3, a contradiction (see G17.1 in
Fig ur e 2.4).
Case 3.2. Suppose that there is one vertex of {v5, v7}
which is adjacent to u1 and u3 (or u2 and u4). Without loss
of generality, let v5u1, v5u3E(G). Then since d(v3) 4
and K4 e G, v3 has to be adjacent to one vertex of {u2,
u4}, say u2. Thus there is at least one vertex of {u1, u3, u4}
whose degree is at most 3, a contradiction(see G17.. 2 in Fig.
2.4) .
Case 3.3. Suppose that both v2 and v6 are adjacent to
two vertices of {u1, u2, u3, u4} respectively, say v2u1,
v2u3 E(G), v6 is adjacent to one vertex of {u1, u2} and
one vertex of {u3, u4}. Then since K4 e G, there is at
least one vertex of {u1, u2, u3, u4} whose degree is at most
3, a contradiction (see G17.3 in Fig ur e 2.4).
Case 4. G12−8 H. By Claim 1, GN[v] have to lie in
region I. Since d(v8) 4 and K4 e G, v8 has to be
adjacent to v9. Since d(v10) 4 and K4 e G, v10 has
to be adjacent to just one vertex of {v1, v4}. Similarly, v11
has to be adjacent to just one vertex of {v1, v5}. Since K4
e G, v1 is adjacent to at most one vertex of {v10, v11}.
By symmetry it is sufficient to consider that v4v10, v1v11
E(G) or v4v10, v5v11 E(G). If v4v10, v1v11 E(G), then the
proof is same as Case 3 (see G17.4 in Fig ure 2.5 ). So it
remains that v4v10, v5v11 E(G).
By Claim 1, we have v4v5 E(G) and v1 is non-
adjacent to any vertex of {v6, v7}. Since K4 e G,
GN(v) is isomorphic to one graph of {4K1, 2K1K2,
2K2}. If GN(v) is isomorphic to 4K1, then u1, u2, u3, u4,
v8 and v10 would yield a K6 in G
Case 4.1. Suppose that GN(v) 2K1K2, say u3u4
E(G). If each vertex of {u1, u2, u3, u4} is adjacent
neither to v4 nor to v5, then u1, u2, u3 (or u4), v4, v5 and v12
would yield a K6 in
, a contr adic t io n . Hence
GN(v) is isomorphic to 2K1K2 or 2K2.
, a contradiction. Hence there is at
least one edge between vertex sets {u1, u2, u3, u4} and {v4,
v5}. Assume that there is at least one edge between
vertex sets {u1, u2} and {v4, v5}, say u1v4 E(G). Then
since d(u1) 4 and K4 e G, u1 has to be adjacent to
one vertices of {v3, v5, v7}. In any case, there exists at
least one vertex of {v1, v6} whose degree is at most 3, a
contradiction. Hence there is no edge between vertex sets
{u1, u2} and {v4, v5}. Then there is at least one edge
between vertex sets {u3, u4} and {v4, v5}, say u3v4
E(G). If u4v5 E(G), then u1, u2, u4, v4, v5 and v12 would
yield a K6 in G
, a contradiction too. Hence we have u4v5
E(G) (see G17.5 in Figur e 2.5). There also exists at
least one vertex of {v1, v6, v7} whose degree is at most 3,
a contradiction.
Case 4.2. Suppose that GN(v) 2K2, say u1u2, u3u4
E(G). Since d(v1) ≥ 4 and K4 e G, v1 has to be
adjacent to one vertex of {u1, u2} and one vertex of {u3,
u4}, say v1u1, v1u3 E(G). Then since K4 e G, v1 is
adjacent neither to u2 nor to u4. If there is no edge
between vertex sets {u2, u4} and {v4, v5}, then u2, u4, v4,
Figure 2.4. The graphs G17.1G17.3.
Figure 2.5. The graphs G17.4G17.6.
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v5, v1 and v12 would yield a K6 in G
, a contradiction.
Hence there is at least one edge between vertex sets {u2,
u4} and {v4, v5}, say u2v4 E(G). Then since d(u2) 4
and K4 e G, u2 has to be adjacent to at least one
vertex of {v3, v5, v7}(see G17.6 in Figure 2.5). In any case,
we have d(v6) = 3, a contradiction.
By an argument similar to the above proof, we can
prove that 4K3 H. However, the proof of 4K3 H is
more complicated than Case 3 or 4, and it is available
from the authors. Hence the assumption does not hold.
3. The Main Resu lts
Lemma 3.1. There is no (K4e,K6;17)-P-graph.
Proof. Assume that there is a (K4 e, K6; 17)-P-graph
G. Let v be a vertex of degree δ(G) and H = G(V(G)
N[v]). Since PR(K4 e, K5) = 14, by Lemma 2.1, it
follows δ(G) 3. By Lemma 2.2, q(G) 12(17−2) /5 =
36 implying δ(G) ≤ 4. By Lemma 2.5, we have δ(G)
4. It is forced that δ(G) = 3, thus p(H) = 13.
Let N(v)={u1, u2, u3}. Since K4e G, we have
|E(G(N(v)))| 1. Without loss of generality, let u1u2, u1u3
E(G). Since d(u1) 3 and K4 e G, N[v] can not lie
in any triangle of H. By Lemma 2.4(b), H is isomorphic
to G13-0 or G13-0+v3v4. If H G13-0, by symmetry it is
sufficient to consider that N[v] lie in region I or II. If H
G13-0 + v3v4, by symmetry it is sufficient to consider that
N[v] lie in region I, II, III or IV (see Figure 2.3). If N[v]
lie in region I, then u1,u2,v3,v5,v10 and v12 would yield a
K6 in G
, a contradiction. If N[v] lie in region II, then u1,
u2, v4, v6, v9 and v11 would yield a K6 in G
, a
contradiction. If N[v] lie in region III or IV, then u1, u2, v2,
v7, v8 and v13 would yield a K6 in G
Proof. Note that G13-0 shown in Figure 2.3 is a (K4 e,
K5; 13)-P-graph. Let G be a graph which is a union of
(l1)/4 copies of G13-0 and (l4×(l1)/41) copies
of a triangle, then K4 e G. Since K5
, a contradiction too.
Theorem 3.2. If l ≥ 3, then PR(K4e, Kl)
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13-0, G
contains independent set of size at most l 1. Hence G is
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By Lemma 3.1 and Theorem 3.2, taking l = 6, we have
Theorem 3.3. PR(K4 e, K6) = 17.
Furthermore, we have the following conjecture,
Conjecture 3.4. If l 3, the n PR(K4e, Kl) =
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