Case Report: An Unusual Osseous Lesion
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJPathology
7.3% (6 of 82) of sacral/coccygeal resections performed
for chordoma [11]. Recently, Kikuchi et al. reported two
cases of pulmonary tumor with notochordal differentia-
tion, suggestive of benign notochordal cell tumor of ex-
traosseous origin [14]. These two cases suggest a new
explanation for the histogenesis of extra-axial chordomas,
indeed BNCTs may be a precursor lesion of not only
convention al axial chordo ma but also of extra-axial ch or-
doma [14]. It is therefore important to consider the pos-
sible evolution of BNCT into chordomas.
5. Conclusion
The intraosseous benign notochordal cell tumor (BNCT)
is a benign lesion from notochordal origin. Important
histopathological observations, such as absence of cyto-
nuclear atypia, mitosis or myxoid background, may help
to distinguish BNCTs from the malignant chordoma. In
addition, the clinical presentation and radiological imag-
ing are important contributors to the correct diagnosis.
To distinguish BNCTs from chordoma is important for
treatment decisions and in predicting outcome, as the
indolent nature of BNCTs only requires surveillance and
has a good prognosis. Malignant transformation to chor-
domas is an undecided possibility.
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