Vol.2, No.6, 338-340 (2013) Case Reports in Clinical Medicine
A case of Bruton’s disease presenting with recurrent
Fatih Akin1*, Saltuk Bugra Boke1, Ece Selma Solak1, Cengizhan Kılıcaslan1, Sukru Arslan2
1Department of Pediatrics, Konya Education and Research Hospital, Konya, Turkey;
*Corresponding Author: drfatihakin@gmail.com
2Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Konya Ed ucation and Research Hospital, Ko nya, Turkey
Received 9 July 2013; revised 3 August 2013; accepted 10 August 2013
Copyright © 2013 Fatih Akin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
X-linked agammaglobulinemia also known as
Bruton’s disease, is a humoral immunodeficien-
cy disease characterized by recurrent bacterial
infections due to lo w levels or absence of serum
immunoglobulins. It has been shown to be caus-
ed by mutations in the gene encoding Bruton
tyrosine kinase. Although bacterial infections
typically begins 6 - 9 months after birth when
maternal IgG is reduced below the protective
level, the diagnosis is established before 5 years
of age. Here we report a case with Bruton’s
disease and recurrent pneumonia that is typical
of the late diagnosed disease. This report sug-
gests the importance of evaluating patients w ith
recurrent infections for immunodeficiency dis-
Keywords: X-Linked Agammaglobulin emia;
Recurrent Pneumonia; Immunodeficie ncy
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) also called as a
Bruton’s disease, is a humoral immunodeficiency disease
described by Bruton in 1952 [1]. It is characterized by
recurrent bacterial infections due to low levels or ab-
sence of serum immunoglobulins. It has been shown to
be caused by mutations in the gene encoding Bruton’s
tyrosine kinase (Btk). The incidence of XLA is reported
to be around 1/200,000 male births [2].
The onset of recurrent bacterial infections typically
begins 6 - 9 months after birth when maternal IgG is re-
duced below the protective level. Although th e diagnosis
of immunodeficiency is established before the age of 5
years, with a careful clinical awareness the diagnosis can
be made in the first year of the life [1].
Pneumonia is inflammation of the parenchyma of the
lungs. It is fairly common especially in d eveloping coun-
tries and is a substantial cause of childhood morbidity
and mortality. Recurrent pneumonia is usually defined as
two or more episodes of pneumonia in a year, or 3 epi-
sodes in any time period [3,4].
Here we report a case with Bruton’s disease and re-
current pneumonia that is typical of the late diagnosed
disease. This report suggests the importance of evaluat-
ing patients with recurrent infections for immunodefi-
ciency diseases.
A seven-year-old boy was referred with fever, cough-
ing and fatigue. He had received ampisillin-sulbactam
and clarythromycine with the diagnosis of pneumonia
and acute otitis media for three days at a lo cal hospital. It
was learned that he had previously been hospitalised for
pneumonia for five times, had bilateral otitis media
which was treatment-resistant for the last two years and
had been suffering from upper air way infection 8 - 10
times per year. The first hospitalization for pneumonia
was at the age of 15-month-old. He was the first child of
non-consanguineous parents and had a healthy three-
year-old brother and ten-month-old sister. He was born
3200 gr at term with normal delivery. There was no fam-
ily history of immundeficiencies.
On physical examination, weekness and pallor was
remarkable. His weight was under the 3rd percentile. The
body temperature was 36.8˚C. He had a blood pressure
of 100/60 mmHg and pulse rate of 98/min. Bilateral pu-
rulent otorrhea was observed on ear examination. Bilat-
eral diminished breath sounds with rales were detected
by auscultation of the lungs. There were no palpable
lymph nodes and tonsillar tissue was hypoplasic.
Laboratory tests were as follows: white blood cells,
3850/mL (neutrophils 88% and lymphocytes 12%); he-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.sc irp.or g/journal/crcm/
F. Akin et al. / Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2 (201 3) 338-340 339
moglobulin, 8 g/dL; platelets, 357 × 103/mL; sedimenta-
tion rate, 98 mm/s; CRP, 115 mg/L, serum immunog-
lobulin (Ig)G, IgA and IgM levels, 145 (normal range:
340 - 1200), 26 (30 - 230), and 29 (40 - 200) mg/dL,
respectively. Markedly reduced levels of B cells (CD 19+
cells) in the peripheral circulation (0.06%) were observed
by flow cytometric analysis. Biochemical and urine ana l y-
sis were within normal levels. Antibodies against viral
pathogens including cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex
virus, rubella, toxoplasma, parvovirus B19 and hepatitis
A, B, C viruses were negative. The results of the cu ltures
of blood, sputum, throat and urine were also negative.
His chest radiography and computed tomography find-
ings revealed bilateral infiltrations, consolidations and a
small amount of left pleural effusion (Figure 1). Sweat
testing and mutation analysis were negative for cystic
fibrosis. Echocardiographic examination for congenital
heart diseases was normal.
After admission to the hospital cefoperazone/sulbac-
tame and teicoplanin were started in travenously. The his-
tory of recurrent pneumonias requiring hospitalization
and recurrent otitis media, h ypogammaglobu lin emia with
the deficiency of CD19 B cells, absence of palpable lymph
nodes and hypoplasic tonsils suggested that our patient
had XLA. On the third day of the hospitalization intra-
venous immunoglobulin (IVIG) 2 gr/kg was given in two
days. On the fourteenth day of admission the patient was
totally recovered and discharged with a treatment sched-
ule of monthly gammaglobulin injections in dosages of
0.4 gr/kg.
Almost 60% of patients with XLA are diagnosed when
they develop a severe infection. The most common in-
fections seen in XLA patients include recurrent pneu-
monia, empyema, sinusitis, recurrent otitis, sepsis, re-
current meningitis or septic arthritis [1,5,6]. Although
bacterial infections typically begins 6 - 9 months after
birth when maternal IgG is reduced below the protective
level, the diagnosis of XLA is established before 5 years
of age [1]. Present case is a late diagnosed one at the ag e
of seven years old.
Recurrent pneumonia is defined as two or more epi-
Figure 1. Chest radiography and computed tomography show-
ing bilateral infiltrations and consolidations.
sodes of pneumonia in a year, or 3 or more ever [3,4].
Patients with re current pneumonia sho uld be evaluated for
underlying diseases including asthma, congenital heart
disease, gastroesophageal reflux, foreign body aspiration,
structural anomalies, cystic fibrosis and immunodefi-
ciency. Owayed et al. and Lodha et al. reported that 10%
and 15.7% of the patients with recurrent pneumonia had
an underlying disease of immunodeficiency, respectively
[3,4]. A study conducted in Turkey demonstrated that
10% of 71 cases with recurrent pneumonia had immu-
nodeficiency [7]. Chun et al. reported that 68.4% and
31.4% of 19 patients with XLA had pneumonia and acute
otitis media leading to hospitalization [5]. Our case also
had a history of recurrent pneumonia and treatment-re-
sistant otitis media suggesting the necessity of evaluating
patients with recurrent infections for immunodeficiency
XLA is a rare genetic disorder in which the develop-
ment of B cells is arrested during differentiation. The
gene responsible for this order was identified in 1993 as
Btk [8]. Althoug h ear ly diagnosis h as be en made possible
by genetic analysis o f th e Btk, id en tifyin g mutatio n is no t
absolutely necessary for the diagnosis [5]. Wang et al.
reported that Btk gene mutation was not identified from
4 of the 16 patients with XLA [8]. The history of recur-
rent pneumonias requiring hospitalization and recurrent
otitis media, hypogammaglobulinemia with the defi-
ciency of CD19 B cells, absence of palpable lymph no des
and hypoplasic tonsils suggested the diagnosis of XLA in
our patient.
In conclusion, pneumonia is one of the most common
reasons for referral to pediatric physicians. Our case em-
phasises that patients with recurrent pneumonia should be
evaluated carefully for immunodeficiency diseases, be-
cause delay in diagnosis and treatment can result in se-
vere illness or death.
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