High Temperature Sintering and Oxidation Behavior in Plasma Sprayed TBCs [Single Splat Studies] Paper 2—
Relevance of Variation in Materials Systems of TBC Components
in BC causes other oxides to form, as also shown by
Tolpygo and Clarke [15,16]. HVOF bond coats have
more free Al retained in the coating and hence they have
a longer way to go before Al depletion occurs.
Fewer instances of chromia formation means fewer
occurrences of thickness imperfections in the TGO layer
and hence reduced splat surface roughening in case of
HVOF and VPS bond coats. This further explains the
observations in Figure 16, Section 3.2.1.
4. Conclusions
In this study, the following effects of thermal exposure
were considered and compared as an outcome of varia-
tions in top coat splat dimensions and bond coat micro-
Microcracks sintering in splats.
TGO growth at interface between top coat and bond
Splat surface roughening.
NiO outgrowth occurring through microcracks in
Effect of intermediate Vacuum HT during thermal
It was seen that in case of top coat, different YSZ
feedstock give different initial splat dimensions in the
as-sprayed splats but the splats show the same high tem-
perature behavior when subjected to similar heat treat-
ments. Intermediate vacuum heat treatment alters the
microcrack sintering behavior observed for Air heat
treatment and also prevents the NiO outgrowth upon
thermal exposure. But these effects are also similar for
both YSZ powders. So, the top coat microstructure with
respect to single splats does not have an influence on
high temperature behavior of the system.
In case of bond coats, however, when different spray-
ing techniques are used, the inherent oxidation levels in
the bond coat microstructures are different and this does
influence the behavior of the system upon high tempera-
ture exposure.
The free Al available in the BC for TGO formation
dictates the occurrence of chromia formation and hence
determines the extent of TGO thickness imperfections
leading to splat surface roughening or spallation.
Absence of Alumina chunks in the HVOF and VPS
bond coat microstructures prevents the described method
of formation of NiO outgrowth through microcracks and
stimulates microcracks sintering which is not observed in
APS bond coats under similar thermal exposure.
5. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Glenn Bancke, AnirudhaVaidya,
John Gutleber and Li Li (CTSR) for preparation of the
specimens and spraying diagnostics.
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