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![]() Creative Education 2012. Vol.3, Supplement, 154-157 Published Online December 2012 in SciRes ( DOI:10.4236/ce.2012.37B040 Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 154 Thinking of Personnel Training Mode to Enhance the Employment Competence of Civil Engineering Ping Zhu, Lei Zhang Department of civil engineering, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou, China Email:, Received 2012 In this article, with the goal of improving civil engineering students’ employability and establishing the "five-in-one" application-oriented talents cultivation mode of civil engineering specialty, We do the re- search primarily from professional practice in education, career planning, job skills training, alumni re- sources construction and enterprise feedback, in research at home and abroad on the basis of successful experience and practice, combined with the current civil engineering students in our actual situation, ex- isting advantages into full play and accumulate, and put forward the "five-in-one" new training mode. Keywords: Five-in-one; Civil Engineering; Personnel Training; Mode Introduction Employment is the primary objective in students ' career de- velopment, with the growth in the number of university gra- duates, increasing employment pressures, only by continuously improving the employment competitive ability of the students, their professional orientation in the workplace will be found quickly, and meet the position requirements soon, to make it stand out in a competitive job market, grow as soon as possible. This article by building a "five in one" application-oriented talents cultivation mode of civil engineering specialty, achiev- ing the goal of improving civil engineering students ' employa- bility, freeing students from learning of non-autonomy, aca- demic development of blindness and confusion of career de- velopment. So that our students can clearly orient our career life in the four-year study at the university , according to its own characteristics of selected academic and career paths. It is on the basis of single professional education, breaking original model, establishing the "five-in-one" all-round personnel train- ing mode. Domestic and Foreign Research Stat us In terms of Practical Education Research in domestic and abroad recognized that engineering education should return to the engineering practice. Practice education is the basis for engineering education. We should strengthen project-oriented training and practice-oriented project, also we should implement in practice on the teaching. Therefore, training courses throughout the curriculum play an important role in the system. In foreign universities, civil engineering professional educa- tion target at professional and emphasized the development of application-oriented talents. In the United Kingdom of all the civil engineering colleges and universities, a considerable number of engineering colleges is practicing the "sandwich"- type curricula, that is the first、second、fourth year studying at school, the third school year as engineering practices (as an integral part of the teaching program)[1]. This scheme occupies fewer hours in classes, students have more free time, and it has the characteristics of multiple channels. In Germany Universi- ties of civil engineering, it attaches great importance to talent cultivation of the ability to work independently, in practice links, civil engineering students must come to the actual first line of production practice of 13weeks, training content and requirements are clearly defined. Germany's companies can assume the receiving students practice tasks, as well as recruit- ing new staff study[2]. France training model of higher engi- neering education has similar features with Germany and other European countries: students either learn scientific basis or engineering technology, schools attach importance to work in companies, and keep in touch with companie s [3]. Nowadays, many scholars in China on the teaching reform of engineering practice education project, optimizing, integrating course content, course structure, strengthening the construction of laboratory practice and training, with a view to improving the practical ability of the students. Modular course construc- tion in colleges and universities improve students ' computer skills, such as CAD, Drawing, PKPM software, computer si- mulation test system. In Terms of Career Planning In the teaching curriculum of civil engineering of Hong Kong University of science and technology, the academic and career development course as core curriculum, there are three hours of counseling and study hours. At present, China also attaches great importance to career planning of university edu- cation; career planning has become a new mode of employment guidance. Compared to China, early career planning education abroad has been more mature. Especially in Germany, Singa- pore and other developed countries, they began to focus on employment ability of students from primary school training, and guide students step by step to make their own career plan. In recent years, the employment guidance in University de- partments in the Mainland changed; it began to guide students to make career planning. This kind of education, just introduced into the junior college students. At the same time, human re- ![]() P. ZHU, L. ZHANG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 155 sources service providers began to involve in community col- lege education, well-known entrepreneurs’ access to career training in colleges and universities, through seminars, training, testing, games to help students find their career objectives and their implementation. Students need to have a career plan. A reasonable career planning is the first step towards success. On the first day of entering the university campus, students should combine their personality, interests, expertise, values, and other factors, according to the external environment, establishing his career goals, taking advantage of a variety of favorable factors in the social environment, having a purpose, a planned, strateg- ic way to implement this objective. In the process of imple- menting this objective, according to the changes in the external environment and their interests and hobbies to continuously adjust and eventually obtain a satisfactory result. At present, China's College students in this direction is still relatively weak, for many college students, they don't have a sense of development planning; Many colleges and universities, present a reasonable career planning for college students also has no formal action, successful career planning is the key to ensure the students ' ability to acquire employment factors. Since 2005 United Kingdom Higher Education Quality Assur- ance Agency (QAA) began to record graduate students’ results through the process of file or personal development planning (PDP). Personal development planning's primary goal is to improve an individual's ability to understand what they learn, and how to learn, and to review, plan and be responsible for their own learning, students need to be able to reflect on their achievements and provide proof, and realize that the capabili- ties they developed is through curriculum and extra-curricular activities. Fundamentally, only interested in the students ' per- sonal development plan process, rather than the result of per- sonal development planning, recruitment, personal planning's role is to help job seekers to explain and articulate what they know, what they can do and what they are doing. Developing good moral character, role change can be completed as soon as possible is also important duties and responsibilities of the uni- versity. In Terms of Job Skills Training Affected by traditional "formal" education, there is a wide- spread phenomenon of despising vocational training in colleges. At present, many vocational colleges and universities attached great importance to students ' vocational skills training, mainly carried out with the dual certification requirements, taken of students at school-oriented training so that students with pro- fessional qualifications, obtain the appropriate professional credentials. In recent years, with education plays an important role in the society, institutions have sprung up in all kinds of education and training, training courses cover wide range of subjects ac- cording to market needs. The number of participants in training courses was in a rising trend, in which college students played the main roles. Lacking of vocational education is the weak- nesses of college students. In China the higher education is degree-oriented education, focusing on basic theory and profes- sional teaching, ignoring vocational education particularly practical job skills training. However, out School of vocational training filled this gap. Higher education is different from do- mestic and abroad, they have very sound system of higher vo- cational education. In developed countries such as Britain and the United States, they typically use legislation to promote the stable development of vocational education. In the Development of Alumni Resources Research indicates that in France more than 100 large enter- prises, two-thirds leaders of the industrial enterprises are alum- ni of the school. Higher mining school of Paris has proudly claimed that the school founded 200 years, and they maintained close cooperation with the mining industry of 200 years. Ob- viously, University Alumni is a knowledge-intensive, informa- tion-rich, strong social skills group, the group has a special feeling to their schools, and it has significant resources. As the president of Zhejiang University Pan Yunhe says "Alumni are the most important achievement of the University ", it plays an important role in the development of colleges and universities. Alumni study in the United States and Europe has a long history. The earliest Alumni research appeared in the 1930 in United States, in 1979, pace pointed out that the Alumni lea- dership research mainly focused on helping colleges and uni- versities assess educational outcomes as well as understand the feedback of college students ' employment situation. Today, alumni research has been extended to many new fields. New research on Alumni resources mainly includes the reform of university alumni working way in order to better serve the alumni. Relative to the history of alumni work abroad, our uni- versity alumni is lagging. In the Area of Enterprise Feedback Civil engineering in United Kingdom attaches great impor- tance to ties with the engineering sector and department of en- gineering industry advisory committee. first, the celebrities involved in the teaching of engineering management, involved teaching programs, teaching reform and suggestions made; Second is to invite members of the business community to make lectures at any time, providing the latest information[4]. And they have series of teaching system and community re- sources for protection; making sure that universities and enter- prises can build a win-win. In recent years, as the change of China's economic system and the reform of the education system, University of engi- neering try their best to establish the close relationship with industrial enterprises. But, in General, contacting and coopera- tion between the two sides is not strong enough. Universities are not open to industrial enterprises; enterprises are not really relying on universities. In developed countries such as Britain and the United States, they are running a market-oriented system, taking the road of enterprise at the University. Through the cooperation with in- dustry and enterprise, colleges cultivate students with know- ledge and skills. To Enhance the Employability of Civil Engineering Talents Cultivation Mode of Thinking Civil engineering is a major which require high quality of employment, employment creation, employability development, employment promotion, employment information. In order to improve the quality of these five aspects, the main idea is as follows Figure 1. ![]() P. ZHU, L. ZHANG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 156 Accumulation of Job Quality To do a good job in professional practice education, the first thing is to have a solid theoretical knowledge, and practice education links allow students to use short term, subject re- search, study tours and other forms of social practice to max- imize exposure and understanding of civil engineering enter- prises in the field of present situation, development trend and occupational characteristics. After understanding the industry, we can enable students to strengthen the awareness of profes- sional, so as to raise interest and initiative of professional learning. The basic idea is: the key of enrolment is focusing on profes- sional course; first-year focuses on short term practical educa- tion; second-year focuses on scientific research; third-year fo- cuses on production practices; fourth-year focuses on gradua- tion design (thesis). Graduation design (thesis) is the only step that students can have the chance to discuss with tutors face on face and finish a paper by their own. Professional practice is the important work in four years study, how to grasp the different stages is very helpful to the growth of students. Set of Employment Career planning education for students of any subject is cru- cial, because human personality determines the type of work which he is good at, it helps students finding the right type of work and it is very important to their future development. For the students in civil engineering, requirements are different for different types of practitioners. If students do not fully under- stand the needs of this industry and talent requirements and feel free to make decisions, it is easy to make a wrong decision and make their career path is not very smooth. The basic idea is: taking colleges in Hong Kong as reference, they have “practice of the academic and professional develop- ment” courses in colleges and universities, these courses link to the course of an introduction to the subject, new students in the colleges can gain the knowledge of career life planning. Stu- dents in civil engineering department should choose their spe- cialty in the second-year. After selecting a specialty, students should well plan their career life. Employment Promotion The feedbacks from graduates in recent years, current gra- duates are faced with embarrassed situation, they are worse than people who have master or doctor degrees in doing re- search, and they are not skillful compared with vocational graduates. It is the important problem for colleges and universi- ties to resolve. The basic envisaged is: drawing on the experience of abroad university professional skills training and high vocational col- lege vocational education, on the base of current five member training, perfecting training system, and setting up budgeter training, and guiding students on participate in series training, making reasonable time arrangements. Students can learn ex- pertise while enhanced actual application ability, finally get "passport". Expansion of Employment Information University Alumni is a knowledge-intensive, informa- tion-rich, strong social skills group, the group has a special feeling to their schools, and it has significant resources. As the president of Zhejiang University Pan Yunhe says "Alumni are the most important achievement of the Universi ty ", it plays an important role in the development of colleges and universities. With economic globalization and the deepening of the reform of higher education, how to make the development and use of Alumni resources and play good alumni in college students’ ideological and political work, expanding the school space, promoting the role of educational innovations, and other work is the important task of management work of colleges and uni- versities. Figure 1. Personnel training mode to enhance the employment competence of civil engineering. ![]() P. ZHU, L. ZHANG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 157 The basic idea is: by interviewing students who graduated from1999-2006, building Alumni Resource Library, and doing survey in graduates in civil engineering. This summer has com- pleted the first step, despite we face many difficulties and ob- stacles, but we also got many achievements and obtained much valuable information. If this work continues, we try to perfect the network of Alumni resources; we will have a better Alumni resources system. At the same time, employment opportunities provided by the Alumni will have a great effect. Improving the Quality of Employment Enterprise is an advanced technology platform, and also it is the place of professional resource. If first-hand information obtained from the enterprises on time, it is very important for both teaching and research. And they have series of teaching system and community resources for protection; making sure that universities and enterprises can build a win-win. The basic idea is: using the way foreign colleges and univer- sities do, firstly, inviting the celebrities in Engineering Advi- sory Board to teach engineering management, involved in teaching programs, teaching reform and suggestions made; Secondly, inviting experts in the field of civil engineering have lectures at any time, providing the latest information; thirdly, building enterprise resource information database, recom- mending civil engineering graduates to the enterprise. It can improve the quality of students’ employment. REFERENCES Jiang Yongsheng, Dan Jian. Several Inspirations from the United Kingdom Civil Engineering Education in the Present Situation and Development Trend. Higher Architectural Education, vol. 38 , pp. 74-77, Mar.2001 Zhu Jianmin, Wan Fenghua, Hu Xiamin. Development Trend and En- lightenment of Germany Civil Engineering Education. Higher Arc- hitectural Education, vol.12 , pp. 21-23, Dec..2003. Li Xingye. France training model of higher engineering education and enlightenment. Research on Higher Education,vol.2,pp.98-102, Feb.1998. Li Xianqian, Ji Xuming. United Kingdom civil engineering education and engineering communities, contact. Higher Engineering Educa- tion and Research, vol.3, pp. 6, Mar.1997. |