Intelligent Information Management, 2012, 4, 181-187 Published Online September 2012 (
Research and Design of UUV Navigation and Control
Integrative Simulation System Based on Component*
Shengjie Wang, Fengju Kang
Underwater Information and Control State Key Lab, Marine College of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China
Received April 21, 2012; revised May 21, 2012; accepted June 5, 2012
This paper uses the component-based technology and the object oriented simulation technology to analyze the UUV
navigation and control integration simulation system. We divide the system into components based on its structure, and
describe every component using active diagram. By using the component-based technology, the system described here
is easier to extended and be reused. At last, it realizes the whole UUV integrated navigation simulation course using the
system to validate the availability.
Keywords: UUV; Integrative Simulation; Component
1. Introduction
In order to increase the efficiency of the simulation soft-
ware development observably, using object oriented tech-
nology only during the developing process is not enough;
the existent simulation component should be used in si-
mulation program construction. The idea of component
based techno logy is to divide the application of the com-
plex system into some small and simplex components
which can be used in different develop environment. By
using the component technology, the system develop-
ment can be translated into the development and integra-
tion of the components, and along with the accumulate of
the component, the proportion of the development is de-
creasing while the proportion of integration is increasing
in the develop process of software, therefore, the effi-
ciency of the software development is increased greatly
but the cost is decreased.
The component based simulation is a very effective
form of the simulation software reuse, and lots of resear-
chers are worked at the modeling methods of the univer-
sal component in different area, for example, Paredis [1]
proposed a combined simulation method based on com-
ponent. Changjiang Wan [2] put a modeling method of
component prototype based on semantics forward to pre-
digest the unit simulation environment modeling process.
Peng Wang [3] advanced the system construction and the
realize method of the CGF according to simulation com-
ponent, which can create kinds of force model flexibly
and suit different operation platform.
UUV navigation and control system is composed by
inertial navigation part, Doppler speed meter, GPS re-
ceiver, integrated navigation system and control system
etc. For the purpose of reuse the simulation model con-
veniently, the model is encapsulated into component ac-
cording to its function and demand, then, the UUV navi-
gation and control system is constructed to realize the
integrative functio n and provide a digital simulation sup-
porting environment for the research of UUV.
2. System Framework
The main function of the navigation and control integra-
tive simulation system is to simulate the process that
UUV under the function of SINS and take DVL as assis-
tant navigation at the settled depth, then after stated time
of voyage, climbing to certain depth to modify the data
by receiving GPS signal. Figure 1 shows the framework
of the system, which include five parts: UUV dynamics
and kinematics calculation, multi navigation sensor data
simulation, integrated navigation data fusion, control sys-
tem simulation, data-base management.
The UUV dynamics and kinematics module receives
rudder information to accomplish UUV movement calcu-
lation and produce the trail data; the function of the multi
navigation sensor data simulation module is to produce
each navigation sensor’s data and its navigation calcula-
tion; the integrated navigati on data fusion module achieves
the pretreatment of the navigation data, the estimate and
measurement of the public state and the federal filter of
the state information; the control system simulation in-
cludes the transform of navigation parameter, the control
*National key laboratory of underwater information process and control
Foundation (9140C2305 041001).
opyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM
S. J. Wang, F. J. Kang
Doppler velocity
measurement error
simulatio n
Data access
local filter
Time&measur em ent
globlal filter
Time update
state estimation
Simulation data base
Navigationsensor simulation
The rudder an
le instructio
Integrated Navigation
Information Fusion
Control system simulation
local filter
varianc e
sensor Information
fusion UUV Model
parameters Simulation
scenario Simulatio
result n
Figure 1. Integrative simulation system framework.
system setting and the control model calculation; the si-
mulation data-base model composes the data of naviga-
tion sensor parameter, information fusion parameter,
UUV model parameter, simulation scenario information
and the simulation result.
3. The Design of Navigation and Control
Integrative Simulation System Based on
According to its function and construction, the UUV na-
vigation and control integrative simulation system can be
divided into components showed in Figure 2.
IMU Simulator is the simulation component of the in-
ertial measurement unit; DVL Simulator is the simulation
component of Doppler speed meter; GPS Simulator is the
simulation component of the GPS. they encapsulated re-
levant navigation system model. SINS Navigation is the
calculation simulatio n componen t of the s trap -do wn in er-
tial navigation; it can calculate UUV’s navigation infor-
mation such as position, velocity, attitude, based on the
angle velocity and acceleration information supplied by
IMU. Combo Navigation is the integrated navigation si-
mulation component which can realize the information
fusion of all the navigation systems and get the integrated
navigation information. Control System is the component
of the UUV’s control system that in charg e of UUV mo-
vement control based on the integrated navigation infor-
mation provided by integrated navigation component.
Kinetic Model is the kinetics and kinematics simulation
component of UUV, which is used to calculate its move-
ment. The detailed description of the structure and work
flow of the IMU simulation component, SINS calculation
simulation component, DVL simulation component, GPS
simulation component and the integrated navigation si-
mulation component is as follows, along with the compo-
nent active diagram.
3.1. IMU Simulation Component
IMU simulation component can simulate the main error
of inertial navigation system component with diversified
precision, and create the measure data of the inertial de-
vice according to the given UUV trail and the error char-
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S. J. Wang, F. J. Kang 183
acter of the inertial device. IMU simulation component is
structured by four levels: first, component interface level,
including trail information input interface (ITrail), event
information interactive interface (IEvent), gyroscope inf-
ormation output interface (IGyroscope), accelerator in-
formation output interface (IAccelerator), initialization
information interface (IInitialization); second, component
setting level, including the setting of accelerator error pa-
rameter (ParaAcc), gyroscope error parameter (ParaGyro),
device scale parameter (ParaScale) and the time parameter
(ParaTime); the third one is model calculation level that
makes up of math function class (MathFunction), noise
produce class (NoiseClass), frame transform class (Fra-
meClass), IMU sensor error simulation class (IMUSen-
sorErrClass), IMU sensor data create class (IMUSensor-
Class); and the last level is run management level that is
composed by thread function (ThreadFunc), timer function
(TimerFunc)and simulation operation class (SimRunClass).
The IMU simulation component active diagram is
showed in Figure 3.
After the start of the simulation component, the first
thing is to finish the IMU error model parameter setting,
then enter the simulation circle and request time promot-
ing, receive UUV trail information, including position,
velocity, attitude, angle velocity, acceleration, and trans-
form the coordinate for these information; simulate the
gyroscope and accelerometer measure principle to pro-
duce their output information, then, after sending the an-
gle velocity and acceleration information out, enter the
next simulation periods until the simulation finished.
Figure 2. The simulation component diagram of the navigation and control integrative system.
Figure 3. IMU component active diagram.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM
S. J. Wang, F. J. Kang
3.2. SINS Calculation Simulation Component
SINS calculation simulation component can complete the
calculation process of the strap-down inertial navigation
based on the information supplied by gyroscope and ac-
celerometer, it can be divided into four levels: first, com-
ponent interface level, including SINS navigation infor-
mation output interface (ISINSPara), event information
interactive interface (IEvent), gyroscope information input
interface (IGyroscope), accelerator information input int-
erface (IAccelerator), initialization information input
interface (IInitialization), integrated navigation informa-
tion input interface (INavigation); second, component
setting level, including the setting of initial alignment
parameter (ParaInitAligment), initial parameter (ParaInit)
and the time parameter (ParaTime); the third one is
model calculation level that makes up of math function
class (MathFunction), frame transform class (FrameClass),
the SINS navigation calculation class (ISINSClass); and
the last level is run management level that is composed
by thread function (ThreadFunc), timer function (Timer-
Func)and simulation operation class (SimRunClass).
The SINS simulation component active diagram is
showed in Figure 4.
At first, SINS component should be initialized and the
initial mission contains initial position, initial velocity
and the initial alignment of the digital navigation plat-
form; then calculates the attitude transformation matrix
from body reference frame to navigation reference frame
based on the angle velocity measured by gyroscope, ex-
tracts the attitude angle of UUV from the attitude trans-
formation matrix, meanwhile, calculates the velocity of
UUV by using both the attitude transformation matrix
and the information from accelerometer, and the latitude
and longitude of UUV is given by position matrix calcu-
lation; at last, exports the UUV navigation calculation
information by the output interface.
3.3. DVL Simulation Component
DVL simulation component can simulate the working
process of Doppler speed meter according to the UUV
trail information, and produce the Doppler speed meter
information, it contains four levels: first, component in-
terface level, including trail information input interface
(ITrail), event information interactive interface (IEvent),
velocity information output interface (IVelocity), initiali-
zation information interface (IInitialization); second, com-
ponent setting level, including the setting of initial pa-
rameter (ParaInit) and the time parameter (ParaTime);
the third one is model calculation level that makes up of
math function class (MathFunction), frame transform
class (FrameClass), Doppler speed meter simulation class
(DVLClass), Doppler error simulation class (DVLSen-
sorErrClass); and the last level is run management level
that is composed by thread function (ThreadFunc), timer
function (TimerFunc) and simulation operation class
The DVL simulation component active diagram is
showed in Figure 5.
After the start of the simulation component, the first
thing is to finish the DVL error model parameter setting,
then enter the simulation circle and request time promot-
ing, receive UUV trail information and transform the co-
ordinate; simulate the Doppler speed meter work princi-
ple to produce its output information and send the infor-
mation to the integrated navigation simulation compo-
nent, then, enter the next simulation periods until the si-
mulation finished.
3.4. GPS Simulation Component
GPS simulation component can simulate the GPS satel-
lites navigation system and provide the ephemeris data;
itcan simulate the GPS receiver and choose th e satellites,
calculate the error, calculate the user’s position and ve-
locity according to the navigation message. GPS simula-
tion component contains four levels: first, component
interface level, including trail in formation input interface
(ITrail), event information interactive interface (IEvent),
GPS navigation information output interface (IGPSNavi-
Figure 4. SINS calculation component active diagram.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM
S. J. Wang, F. J. Kang 185
gation), initialization information input interface (IInitia-
lization); second, component setting level, including the
setting of initial parameter (ParaInit), system parameter
(ParaSys) and the time parameter (ParaTime); the third
one is model calculation level that makes up of math fun-
ction class (MathFunction), frame transform class (Fra-
meClass), noise produce class (NoiseClass), TLE data
manage class (TLEDataClass), SDGP calculation class
(SDGPClass), constellation simulation class (GPSSys-
temClass), GPS receiver simulation class (GPSReceiv-
erClass); and the last level is run management level that
is composed by thread function (ThreadFunc), timer fun-
ction (TimerFunc) and simulation operation class (Sim-
The GPS simulation component active diagram is
showed in Figure 6.
At the beginning, GPS simulation component receives
the initial information for initial setting, then enters the
simulation circle, receives the trail information to simu-
late GPS constellation, produces the GPS ephemeris after
GPS error simulation, judg es th e visible star and adds the
transmit error of the GPS signal to simulate the GPS re-
ceiver for pseudo-range and pseudo-range rate informa-
tion, after uses GDOP for selecting stars, calculates GPS
position and velocity information, then, sends the GPS
measured data to the integrated navigation simulation
component and enters the next simulation periods until
the simulation finished.
3.5. Integrated Navigation Simulation Component
Integrated navigation simulation component is used to
accomplish the fusion of all the navigation systems and
give the integrated navigation results. It contains four le-
vels: first, component in terface level, including SINS na-
vigation information input interface (ISINSPara), DVL
navigation information input interface (IDVLPara), GPS-
navigation information input interface (IGPSPara), inte-
grated navigation information output interface (INaviga-
tion), event information interactive interface (IEvent),
Figure 5. DVL simulation component active diagram.
Figure 6. GPS simulation component active diagram.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM
S. J. Wang, F. J. Kang
initialization information interface (IInitialization); sec-
ond, component setting level, including the setting of in-
tegrated navigation parameter (ParaInit), system parame-
ter (ParaSys) and the time parameter (ParaTime); the
third one is model calculation level that makes up of math
function class (MathFunction), frame transform class
(FrameClass), SINS/GPS sub-filter class (SINSGPSClass),
SINS/DVL sub-filter class (SINSDVLClass), informa-
tion assignment class (InfoAssignmentClass), federal fil-
ter class (FederalFilterClass); and the last level is run ma-
nagement level that is composed by thread function
(ThreadFunc), timer function (TimerFunc)and simulation
operation class (SimRunClass).
The integrated navigation simulation component active
diagram is showed in Figure 7.
Integrated navigation simulation component enters the
integrated navigation calculation process after parameter
and method setting, receives every navigation system’s
information through input interface according to the out-
put frequency of their navigation parameters, then each
sub-filter carry out calculation, then federal filter com-
pletes fusion calculation of the results from the subfilters
by using given information assignment method, and sends
the information to the control system component and SINS
calculation component.
4. Simulation Result
Initializing the UUV attitude angles as θ = 0˚, ψ = –90˚,
φ = 0˚, and setting the initial position as latitude 20˚0'0'',
longitude 12 0˚0'0'', th e initial velocity as 8 m/s, the initial
depth as 20 m underwater; and the goal position as lati-
tude 20˚0'0'', longitude 120˚30'0'' and depth 60 m under-
water. The modify periods is 12 min and it takes 3 min to
float near the surface for receiving GPS signal. The whole
voyage simulation curve is showed in the Figure 8.
Figure 7. Integrated navigation simulation component active diagram.
Figure 8. UUV move information view.
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This figure can be divided into five parts, the top left
one is the motion trajectory in east and north plane, the
migration of UUV is accumulated after launch, so, after
720 s voyage, it floats to the surface for GPS navigation
modification, we can tell the modification of yaw angle
from the top right curve. The bottom left curve shows
how the depth changed. Firstly, UUV voyages in –60 m,
and then floats upward to –2 m to make GPS correction
at 720 s. After correction, UUV submerges to –60 m and
moves on. The curve in the right-middle shows the
change of elevation angle, and the curve in the right-
bottom shows the change of roll angles. From Figure 3
we can see the voyage simulation curve is similar with
the scenario track.
5. Conclusion
This paper designs and realizes each simulation module
of the UUV navigation and control integratio n simulation
system which was analyzed, and describes the structure
and working process of each module by activity dia-
grams. Through the validation of UUV integrated navi-
gation whole process simulation, the simulation modules
have well expansibility and reusability. And all of them
can be reused in different simulation programs. It is be-
neficial to the development and maintenance of simula-
tion program, and provides technical support of the de-
velopment of the larg e comprehensive simulation system
in the future.
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Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM