S. J. Wang, F. J. Kang
3.2. SINS Calculation Simulation Component
SINS calculation simulation component can complete the
calculation process of the strap-down inertial navigation
based on the information supplied by gyroscope and ac-
celerometer, it can be divided into four levels: first, com-
ponent interface level, including SINS navigation infor-
mation output interface (ISINSPara), event information
interactive interface (IEvent), gyroscope information input
interface (IGyroscope), accelerator information input int-
erface (IAccelerator), initialization information input
interface (IInitialization), integrated navigation informa-
tion input interface (INavigation); second, component
setting level, including the setting of initial alignment
parameter (ParaInitAligment), initial parameter (ParaInit)
and the time parameter (ParaTime); the third one is
model calculation level that makes up of math function
class (MathFunction), frame transform class (FrameClass),
the SINS navigation calculation class (ISINSClass); and
the last level is run management level that is composed
by thread function (ThreadFunc), timer function (Timer-
Func)and simulation operation class (SimRunClass).
The SINS simulation component active diagram is
showed in Figure 4.
At first, SINS component should be initialized and the
initial mission contains initial position, initial velocity
and the initial alignment of the digital navigation plat-
form; then calculates the attitude transformation matrix
from body reference frame to navigation reference frame
based on the angle velocity measured by gyroscope, ex-
tracts the attitude angle of UUV from the attitude trans-
formation matrix, meanwhile, calculates the velocity of
UUV by using both the attitude transformation matrix
and the information from accelerometer, and the latitude
and longitude of UUV is given by position matrix calcu-
lation; at last, exports the UUV navigation calculation
information by the output interface.
3.3. DVL Simulation Component
DVL simulation component can simulate the working
process of Doppler speed meter according to the UUV
trail information, and produce the Doppler speed meter
information, it contains four levels: first, component in-
terface level, including trail information input interface
(ITrail), event information interactive interface (IEvent),
velocity information output interface (IVelocity), initiali-
zation information interface (IInitialization); second, com-
ponent setting level, including the setting of initial pa-
rameter (ParaInit) and the time parameter (ParaTime);
the third one is model calculation level that makes up of
math function class (MathFunction), frame transform
class (FrameClass), Doppler speed meter simulation class
(DVLClass), Doppler error simulation class (DVLSen-
sorErrClass); and the last level is run management level
that is composed by thread function (ThreadFunc), timer
function (TimerFunc) and simulation operation class
The DVL simulation component active diagram is
showed in Figure 5.
After the start of the simulation component, the first
thing is to finish the DVL error model parameter setting,
then enter the simulation circle and request time promot-
ing, receive UUV trail information and transform the co-
ordinate; simulate the Doppler speed meter work princi-
ple to produce its output information and send the infor-
mation to the integrated navigation simulation compo-
nent, then, enter the next simulation periods until the si-
mulation finished.
3.4. GPS Simulation Component
GPS simulation component can simulate the GPS satel-
lites navigation system and provide the ephemeris data;
itcan simulate the GPS receiver and choose th e satellites,
calculate the error, calculate the user’s position and ve-
locity according to the navigation message. GPS simula-
tion component contains four levels: first, component
interface level, including trail in formation input interface
(ITrail), event information interactive interface (IEvent),
GPS navigation information output interface (IGPSNavi-
Figure 4. SINS calculation component active diagram.
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