Optimal Sample Preservation and Analysis of Cr(VI) in Drinking Water Samples by High Resolution Ion
Chromatography Followed by Post Column Reaction and UV/Vis Detection
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JASMI
water samples as it contains free chlorine which can
serve as a strong oxidizer. Buffer D containg 1.25 mM
Na2CO3, 1.25 mM NaHCO3, and 0.15 g/L (NH4)2SO4
added in the solid form of field samples is recommended.
This preserving chemical is also compatible with the
subsequent analytical method (USEPA method EPA
218.6) [11,14] using IC with post column reaction. Addi-
tional results for the evaluating the effects of various
oxidizers, reducers, organic material potentially impor-
tant in drinking water, and pH effect on sample preserva-
tion will be reported in a forthcoming paper.
6. Acknowledgements
Authors would like to acknowledge the following indi-
viduals for their valuable contribution to this study, in-
cluding Dr. Steve Wendelken (USEPA-ODW), Mr.
David Neliegh (USEPA R6), Dr. Katinka Ruth (Metrohm
AG) [15] and Dr. Hari Narayanan (Metrohm USA) [16].
Dr. Carl Zhang acknowledges the Welch Foundation for
partial sponsorship of this work.
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