Applied Mathematics
Vol.5 No.10(2014), Article ID:46191,12 pages DOI:10.4236/am.2014.510132
Diophantine Equations and the Freeness of Möbius Groups
Marin Gutan
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Copyright © 2014 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Received 16 March 2014; revised 16 April 2014; accepted 23 April 2014
Let and
be two fixed non zero integers verifying the condition
. We check solutions in non zero integers
for the following Diophantine equations: (B1)
The equations (B1) and (B2) were considered by R.C. Lyndon and J.L. Ullman in [1] and A.F. Beardon in [2] in connection with the freeness of the Möbius group
generated by two matrices of
They proved that if one of the equations (B1) or (B2) has solutions in non zero integers then the group
is not free. We give algorithms to decide if these equations admit solutions. We obtain an arithmetical criteria on
for which (B1) admits solutions. We show that for all
the equations (B1) and (B2) have only a finite number of solutions.
Keywords:Diophantine Equation, Möbius Groups, Free Group
1. Introduction
Let and
be two positive integers with
be matrices of the group
Denote the group, respectively
the semigroup, generated by the matrices
The following problem has been studied in several papers:
are they free with
as generators?
Recall that in 1991 D. Klarner, J.-C. Birget and W. Satterfield in [3] proved that if then the problem
is not decidable. Moreover in 1999 J. Cassaigne, T. Harju and J. Karhümaki in [4] proved that the same result is true if we suppose that all the matrices
are lower triangular.
The case is open and seems difficult. In [5] and [6] results concerning the freeness of the semigroups and groups generated by two matrices are established. In this paper we are studying this problem restricted to the case of Möbius groups.
Let and
. The Möbius group
is the subgroup of
generated by
The problem of characterization of the set of complex values of or
for which the group
is free, was studied in several papers. Thus in [1] it is proved that if
is transcendental or
is free.
R.C. Lyndon and J.L. Ullman in [1] remarked that is not free if and only if there exists a word
letters are non zero integers so that the product of the powers of matrices
is a lower triangular matrix. The element in the right upper corner of the matrix
is of the form
is a polynomial in
of degree
with coefficients
are polynomials with integers coefficients in the variables
Results concerning the set of algebraic values of or
for which the group
is not free were obtained in [1] [2] [7] -[11] .
Deciding if for the group
is not free seems very difficult. Let us recall some important results in this direction.
The group is not free if
belongs to one of the following sets:
(see [1] [2] [7] [8] [10] [11] ).
In this paper we check if for a given there exists a non trivial word of non zero integers
such that
The main results of our paper concern the freeness of Möbius groups:
We prove that if the length of
is small then the problem is decidable (cases
) (see Theorems 1, 2 and 3).
We give algorithms which solve the problem for
(see Corollary 1 and the proof of Theorem 3). Moreover, we give an arithmetical criteria for this problem when
(see 2 of Theorem 1).
We give a lower bound numerical function
defined from
, increasing and unbounded, such that for each
is a lower triangular matrix then the length of
is bigger than
(see Theorem 4 and Corollary 3).
As proved by A.F. Beardon ([2] ) in these two cases we have to find solutions for the equations (B1) and (B2). In fact in our paper we consider and study two more general equations:
2. Sequences of Polynomials Associated to Matrices
In this section, we study the properties of some sequences of polynomials in a fixed associated to matrices of the group
We consider the free monoid of words on non zero integers with the concatenation operation. We denote by
the empty word of the free monoid
and a non empty word
, where
are non zero integers. Then
is called the length of
and is denoted by
. The reversal of a word
and the opposite of
For every word of
of length
we consider the matrix product
For instance, for non zero integers we have:
We use the notation:
We remark that and
are polynomials in
with coefficients in
We also have
If then
and if
and if
We use the notation to indicate that
is a lower triangular matrix or that
From now on, in order to simplify the notation we write:
For instance, is an abbreviation for the polynomial in
with parameters
defined by:
Using the fact that we have:
The sequences of polynomials in,
verify the following relations:
The relations (4) and (5) follow from the equality
In the following sections, we also use the following two relations:
Using the previous relations we obtain Proposition 1 The sequences and
of polynomials in
verify the following identities:
Proof. From (5) we have
These identities and the equation give the equation (8). The equation (9) can be similarly obtained .
Let us suppose that where
are non zero integers and
If the group
is not free because in this case
(see [1] ).
In the following we consider that. Then
, and
. Indeed, if
then using the fact that
we deduce
which is in contradiction with the fact that
This remark allows us to define a new sequence by
This sequence satisfies the following relation:
Thus we obtain
These relations are similar with formulas for continued fractions. The properties of these sequences will be used in the next sections of our paper.
Let us also consider the sequence defined by:
We remark that if and only if
The following lemma is the key element of Section 5.
Lemma 1 Let be
non zero integers and suppose that
. If
Proof. If we have
Let such that
is not free. We define the following numerical function:
The number
will be called the calibre of the group
Hence if and only if there are non zero integers
such that
. Also we have
if and only if there are non zero integers
such that
3. The Diophantine Equation (B1)
In the next three sections, we consider the following problem, where
Instance: Two non zero integers
Question: Is there a word of length
of non zero integers
such that
, where
So we check solutions in non zero integers for the diophantine equation
The set of for which the Möbius group
is not free coincides with the set of
for which there exists
such that the Equation (11) admits solutions.
In this section, we consider the case and in the next section the case
. The relation
is equivalent to the Equation (B'1) and the relation
is equivalent to the equation (B'2). If
are perfect squares we obtain the equations (B1) and (B2).
We will prove that the problem is decidable. The decidability of the problem
has already been established by A.F. Beardon (Theorem 2, [2] ) for the case when
are perfect squares. Our algorithm is simpler and allows us to give an arithmetical criteria for integers
for which the problem
has solutions (see Theorem 1 below).
First, we prove a result concerning the equation (B'1).
Proposition 2 Let and
be two integers with
. Denote
1. If and
we have
2. The set is finite.
1) Let and for
. Then
As we deduce
. Because
we have
2) results from
Using the previous proposition we can obtain the decidability of the problem.
Theorem 1 Let and
be two integers with
. The following sentences are equivalent:
1. The equation has solutions in non zero integers.
2. There exists a divisor of
such that
Proof. The equivalence between (1) and (2) results from the Proposition 2. It is enough to consider in that proposition. The equivalence between (1) and (3) is obvious.
Remark 1 Let be the set of all divisors of the integer
. If
is like in (2) of the previous Theorem 1 then a solution
to the equation (B'1) can be obtained by taking
• and
• for
where and
Moreover any solution
of the equation (B'1) can be obtained by this method. We can write
as in (3) of the Theorem 1
The results of A.F. Beardon ([2] , theorem 2) concerning the problem for the case when
are perfect squares (or equivalently when
) result immediately from the next corollary.
Corollary 1 Let and
be two non zero integers with
The group
is not free with the calibre
if and only if there exists a divisor
such that
From the previous theorem it also follows:
1) The equation (B'1) has no solution if.
2) in the following cases: a)
; b)
; c)
Below we present another form of the Theorem 1 in which we use the decomposition of as a product of prime numbers.
Theorem 2 Let and
be two integers with
. Let us suppose that the decomposition of
as a product of powers of distinct prime numbers
Then if and only if there exist:
• two disjoint subsets and
• a set of integers with
for every
such that
Proof. Let be a divisor of
We can drop the case
for every
We put
We have for every
The condition
is equivalent to
Corollary 2 Let and
be two non zero integers and
be a prime number. Suppose that
if and only if there exists an integer
such that
Proof. We take in the previous theorem.
Example: Using the previous results and an example from ([7] ) we have and
4. The Beardon Diophantine Equation (B2)
Now we consider the problem. We mention that the equation
has been considered in several papers (see [2] [8] [10] ) for the case when
are perfect squares.
From now on, we suppose that for every
i.e. following Theorem 1,
does not belong to
Hence we can define a function
We remark that
and a)
b) if
Using the relations (8) for the sequence of polynomials we prove that the problem
is decidable.
Theorem 3 Let such that
does not belong to the set
. Then the equation
has a finite number of solutions
Proof. Using the relations (8) we deduce that
Hence Using the function
we have:
We obtain a finite number of possibilities for and
remain to be studied. From the equation
it follows that
Hence there exists such that
Thus there exists a finite number of possibilities for and
If from the inequality
we obtain a) If
has no solution.
b) If then
We also remark that the equation (B'2) is equivalent to the following equation
This enables us to obtain some explicit expressions for the rationals such that equation (B'2) has solutions in
Proposition 3 Let be two non zero integers and
be two divisors of
then the equation (B'2) has solutions in
Proof. Let and
Then (10) is equivalent to
Note that if in equation (B'2) we have then
is exactly given by the above expression.
Using once again (10) we obtain Proposition 4 Let and
be in
then the equation (B'2) has solutions in
Proof. Consider (10) for and
It follows that if we take
then (10) is verified.
In the next proposition we give another method to obtain solutions of Equation (B'2). It is similar to those presented in [8] and [10] .
Proposition 5 Let and
be two integers with
Suppose that there exist
in such that
then the equation (B'2) has solutions in
Proof. Let and
Hence the equation (B'2) has solutions.
We end this section with the following open questions:
1) Find all the solutions of (B2).
2) Find arithmetical characterizations (similar to those given in Theorem 1 for the positive integers and
for which the problem
has solutions.
5. Increasing Unbounded Lower Bound Function for (
In this section, we prove that in order to show that the group is not free for a rational
close to 4, we have to consider longer and longer words in
. Similar remarks (without any proof) have been made by A.F. Beardon in [2] and S.P. Farbman in [7] .
Everywhere in this section, we consider that is a rational number in the open interval
From the Lemma 1, Section 2, if then
For this reason we consider the sequence
of rational functions in the variable
defined by:
For example
We also define the function by the formula:
Thus one has if and only if
if and only if
if and only if
Now we will calculate.
Note that For this reason we find the matrix
, where
. We suppose now that
, so
. As
the matrix
verifies the equation:
Using this relation we find that
Lemma 2 Let,
be such that
. Then for every
we have
Proof. Since we obtain that
. Hence
The previous expression for and Lemma 2 show that
is well defined and
, for every
in the open interval
. So
is a lower bound numerical function for the function
restricted to
Theorem 4 For any and
one has
if and only if there exists
such that
Proof. Let, where
From the definition of the function
this previous equality holds if and only if
, for all
. But
if and only if
Thus we obtain the system of two inequalities and
Finally, if and only if we have
for all
. These inequalities give
Corollary 3 The function is increasing and unbounded.
Example: We consider the sequence, for
• For we have
. So
, hence
. As
, it follows that
• For we have
and since
we have
• For we have
. From [7] we have
1) Is it true that for every and
, the problem
is decidable?
2) Is it true that for every there exists
such that the problem
is decidable?
3) Is it true that for every there exists
, such that the problem
has solutions?
4) Find, for
I thank Elias Tahhan (University S. Bolivar, Caracas) and Jerzy Tomasik (Universite d’Auvergne, ClermontFerrand) for discussion concerning some logical aspects of my paper.
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