Open Journal of Modern Linguistics
2012. Vol.2, No.1, 34-41
Published Online March 2012 in SciRes (
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
A Preliminary Version of an Internet-Based Picture Naming Test
Anatoliy V. Kharkhurin
Department of International Studies, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Received December 16th, 2011; revised February 15th, 2012; accepted February 22nd, 2012
The study presents a web-based productive vocabulary assessment tool, the internet Picture Naming Test
(iPNT). The iPNT is administered online and takes eight minutes to complete. The iPNT assesses vo-
cabulary knowledge by rating participants’ responses to 120 colored drawings of simple objects. Partici-
pants type the names of the objects and the names are saved as a computer file that can be uploaded into
statistical software for further processing. The test is rated by comparing participants’ responses against a
list of correct labels. High test-retest reliability suggests that iPNT can be considered a reliable measure.
The study evaluates convergent validity of the iPNT by comparing its scores with paper-based and oral
versions of the same test and concurrent validity by comparing its scores with that of receptive Peabody
Picture Vocabulary Test, a language aptitude Cloze test, standard admission Test of English as a Foreign
Language, and DIALANG diagnostic tool. Highly significant correlations between the scores on these
tests and iPNT scores suggest that the latter is a suitable assessment tool for language proficiency. How-
ever, the moderate correlation values ranging from .52 to .68 indicate that the use of this test should be
limited to psychometric research assessing an individual’s productive vocabulary knowledge.
Keywords: Online; Language Proficiency; Picture Naming; Test
The realities of the contemporary world with its vast migra-
tions, massive international cultural, political and economic
interactions encouraged the representatives of different national,
ethnic, religious and social groups to select a common language
that facilitates mutual communication. The contemporary lin-
gua franca, English, became the vehicular language in various
areas of human endeavor, including academic communities.
With the increasing number of international academic commu-
nities requiring English as second language, there is a growing
demand in testing of language skills. Most educational institu-
tions have an English exam as an admission criterion for non-
native speakers (e.g., Test of English as a Foreign Language,
TOEFL; Cambridge English for Speakers of Other Languages
certificates). These tests present a comprehensive assessment of
a variety of linguistic skills (e.g., internet-based TOEFL as-
sesses listening, writing, reading, and speaking skills). The
European Community sponsored an on-line diagnostic lan-
guage assessment system DIALANG1, which is based on the
Common European Framework of Reference (Council of
Europe, 2001). It provides learners with information about their
language proficiency in 14 European languages and informs
them of their Common European Framework level (Chapelle,
2006). This tool assesses the learner’s skills in listening, writing,
reading, structure, and vocabulary.
In addition to educational purposes, testing of linguistic skills
becomes an important issue for empirical research in first and
second language acquisition and bilingualism. A large portion
of studies in these fields either lack control over participants’
language proficiency (see Kharkhurin, 2005, for an overview)
or employ admission tests developed for educational purposes.
However, one apparent problem with using the admission tests
is the duration of the testing, which cannot be suitable for ex-
perimental conditions. For example, the internet-based TOEFL
may take around four hours (ETS, 2008b) and DIALANG may
last for up to two hours. Although, this time frame is feasible in
a class-room setting, it may become a challenge for time con-
strained experimental settings with adults. Therefore, contem-
porary language related empirical research focuses on increas-
ing the number of tests that can be completed within a rela-
tively short time interval. These tests use different techniques
and claim to assess different linguistic skills.
Several techniques have gained a reputation of being a reli-
able language assessment tool and have thus been widely used
in empirical research. The Cloze procedure (Taylor, 1953) asks
participants to complete written text with various gaps. Exten-
sive empirical investigation presents such tests as assessments
of overall native language proficiency (e.g., Dupuis, 1980; Pe-
terson, Peters, & Paradis, 1972). For example, Dupuis found a
Cloze test to be a good predictor of reading comprehension in
monolingual 10th graders. This test was also shown as a reliable
indicator of foreign language proficiency in second language
learners (e.g., Baldauf & Propst, 1979; Oller, 1972, 1973; Oller
& Conrad, 1971). It was found to strongly correlate with the
TOEFL (Darnell, 1968). Another study demonstrated the ability
of a Cloze test to discriminate between English native speakers
who learned German, Japanese, Russian, or Spanish for the first,
second, or third semester, i.e. the scores on the Cloze test cor-
related with the length of foreign language study (Briere,
Clausing, Senko, & Purcell, 1978). Jochems and Montens
(1987) tested second language Dutch learners on a Cloze test
and four tests of language proficiency: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing, conducted by the national workgroup
Centrale Toets Nederlands. They found that the scores on their
Cloze test highly correlated with all four tests of language pro-
ficiency and appeared to form a solid basis for prediction of the
total scores for all these tests taken together.
A second widely used test, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary
Test (PPVT) of receptive vocabulary, asks participants to indi-
cate which of the four shown pictures corresponds to a name
spoken by the experimenter. Clinicians and researchers rely on
the test to accurately assess children’s and adults’ single word
lexical knowledge. According to the user’s manual of the fourth
edition of the test (Dunn & Dunn, 2007), PPVT scores corre-
lated with the scores of the second edition of the Expressive
Vocabulary Test (Williams, 2007; mean r = .82 across age
groups), the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language
(Carrow-Woolfolk, 1999; adjusted r ranging from .41 to .79 for
various test activities and age groups), the fourth edition of a
more comprehensive Clinical Evaluation of Language Funda-
mentals (Semel, Wiig, & Secord, 2003; adjusted r ranging
from .67 to .75 for various test activities and age groups), and
the Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation
(Williams, 2001; mean r = .63 across various test levels).
A third commonly used test of productive vocabulary, the
Boston Naming Test (BNT, Kaplan, Goodglass, & Weintraub,
1983) is generally used by clinicians to assess word retrieval
performance of brain-damaged patients. The test consists of 60
outline drawings of objects and animals presented in the order
of word frequency and grade of difficulty. Participants are
asked to name the pictures arranged in a booklet. This test was
recognized as a reliable tool to identify naming deficits and
impaired word-retrieval capacities in a variety of cerebral pa-
thologies in an adult and a childhood population (see Mariën,
Mampaey, Vervaet, Saerens, & De Deyn, 1998, for a summary).
It has been translated into several languages and administered
to healthy populations from a variety of age and gender groups
with different educational backgrounds in various geographic
regions (see Patricacou, Psallida, Pring, & Dipper, 2007, for a
In contrast to TOEFL and DIALANG, the Cloze test, PPVT,
and BNT require considerably less administration time. How-
ever, they still need to be administered and rated by an experi-
menter. The purpose of the present study is to present a new
measure that provides a fully automatic, rater independent, and
reliable measure of language proficiency that can be adminis-
tered in any location in a relatively short time interval. The test
employs a technique similar to the BNT; that is, participants are
presented with drawings of objects and asked to name these
objects. There are four major differences of the proposed pic-
ture naming test (PNT) and the original BNT. First, it is admin-
istered on the web and therefore can be accessed worldwide.
Second, the responses are to be provided in a written form (not
orally as in the BNT), which eliminates the need for the ex-
perimenter to be present. Third, it is timed and therefore it en-
sures equal testing time for all participants. This condition ap-
pears to be crucial when the test is administered in an uncon-
trolled manner. Fourth, the written responses are recorded in a
computer file that can be automatically uploaded to statistical
software for further analysis.
An obvious limitation of this test, as well as many other lan-
guage proficiency tests used in psycholinguistic research, is its
inability to assess all four major language skills: speaking,
writing, listening, and reading (cf. Padilla & Ruiz, 1973).
However, the limited testing scope is compensated for by a
short testing time. A high predictive power of these tests may
also reconcile the researchers with this limitation. Indeed,
Kharkhurin (2005) found in a pilot study that paper-based writ-
ten PNTs in English and Russian highly correlated with the
Cloze procedure in these respective languages (r = .77, p < .01
for English; and r = .83, p < .01 for Russian). Another study
found this test to strongly correlate with participants’ self-rating
of language skills in English and Russian and their self-as-
sessment of the degree of Russian-English bilingualism (Khark-
hurin, 2008). To ensure the concurrent validity of the PNT in
the present study, participants’ performance on this test was
compared with a battery of other measures including an as-
sessment tool (TOEFL), a diagnostic tool (DIALANG), a com-
mon test of language proficiency (a Cloze procedure), and a
widely used test in psycholinguistic research (the PPVT). To
ensure convergent validity of this test, in addition to the inter-
net-based version (iPNT), the PNT was presented to the same
individuals in paper-based written and oral forms.
The objective of the present study was to present the meth-
odology of the web-based productive vocabulary test with three
crucial characteristics: 1) iPNT is internet-based; 2) iPNT is
timed; 3) iPNT automatically produces a statistical software
compatible output file with an individual’s responses. Experi-
ment 1 of the study aimed to provide evidence for convergent
validity of the iPNT by comparing performance on this test
with that on other versions of the PNT, and concurrent validity
of the iPNT by correlating performance on this test with that on
TOEFL, DIALANG, a Cloze test, and the PPVT. Experiment 2
evaluated test-retest reliability of the iPNT by administering the
test to the same group of participants twice.
Experiment 1
The participants were 87 American University of Sharjah
(United Arab Emirates) students (29 male and 58 female; aged
between 17 and 34, M = 20.10, SD = 2.19) who were recruited
from the General Psychology subject pool. Although, they var-
ied in their countries of origins (representing Middle East, Asia,
Africa, North America, and Europe) and therefore in the distri-
bution of their native languages, all of them were fluent in Eng-
lish due to the fact that English is the language of instruction at
the University.
Instruments and Procedure
Upon completion of an online biographical questionnaire and
submitting a copy of the TOEFL, participants were given a
battery of language proficiency tests that were distributed be-
tween two sessions. One session included Cloze procedure,
DIALANG online testing, and internet- and paper-based ver-
sions of PNT. One of the PNT versions was presented at the
beginning and the other at the end of the session to minimize
the priming effect. The other session included the PPVT and an
oral version of the PNT. The presentation order of the tests in
both sessions was counterbalanced across participants.
Biographical Questio n naire
An online multilingual and multicultural experience ques-
tionnaire2 was administered to determine participants’ linguistic
and cultural background. They received a questionnaire that
among other issues, obtained data on each participant’s place of
origin, languages they speak, their assessment of linguistic
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 35
skills in each of these languages, and age of acquisition of these
Picture Naming Test
This test was initially designed by Kharkhurin (2005) as a
test of productive vocabulary, which assesses language profi-
ciency as the accuracy of participants’ responses to pictures of
simple objects, a technique similar to the BNT and the one used
by Lemmon and Goggin (1989). The test stimuli are 120 pic-
tures of simple objects (Appendix A) randomly selected from
those scaled by Rossion and Pourtois (2004), an improved ver-
sion of Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980). The procedure re-
quires participants to produce a name of the object presented in
the picture, which they would normally use in everyday life.
Three versions of the PNT were used in the present study. In
the oral version, each picture was presented separately on the
computer screen using Microsoft PowerPoint’s full screen
mode. Participants were asked to label an object in the picture
by saying its name out loud. There was no time restriction for
this test, but participants were encouraged to respond as fast as
possible. Responses were recorded using Microsoft Sound Re-
corder version 5.1 software and played back during rating. In
the paper-based version, the pictures were arranged on four
pages. Participants wrote down their responses in a booklet
with numbered lines corresponding to the pictures. Each par-
ticipant was given two minutes to label as many as possible of
the 30 pictures on each page. In the internet-based version3, the
pictures are presented using LimeSurvey version 1.72 environ-
ment. They are arranged in four groups each of which appears
on a separate webpage; each picture is accompanied by a 50
character space provided for an answer. The presentation order
of the pictures within each group is randomized. Participants
are given two minutes to label as many as possible of the 30
pictures on each page. The timer in the top left corner of the
page indicates the elapsed time. After the time is elapsed, an
“out of time” message appears on the screen and next page is
loaded automatically.
The scoring procedure was the same for all three versions.
Each response was scored either 1 or 0, so that the maximum
number of points for picture naming was 120. A list of appro-
priate labels was generated for each picture. A list of primary
labels was adopted from Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980).
The average name agreement coefficient4 for these labels
was .50 with 94.79% of participants giving the primary label,
which according to Snodgrass and Vanderwart, suggests high
name agreement for these labels. The word frequency for the
primary list ranged from 1 to 431 (M = 35.01, SD = 70.40) per
million according to Kučera and Francis (1967) and from .12 to
483.06 (M = 33.26, SD = 68.44) per million according to Brys-
baert and New (2009). A list of secondary labels was formed
based on the synonyms for the primary lables obtained by
Snodgrass and Vanderwart. The word frequency for both pri-
mary and secondary lists ranged from .12 to 509.37 (M = 35.75,
SD = 76.60) per milion acording to Brysbaert and New. If the
participants’ response matched the corresponding item on the
list, they scored 1 point; otherwise, 0 points. Two sets of rating
strategies were used: the primary rating gave a point only if the
label from a primary list was used; the secondary rating gave a
point if the label from either primary or secondary list was used;
the strict rating gave a point if the produced label was spelled
correctly; the lenient rating disregarded the spelling errors.
Therefore, the paper- and internet-based PNTs received four
scores: primary strict, primary lenient, secondary strict, and
secondary lenient, and oral PNT received two scores: primary
and secondary.
Cloze Procedure
The materials for the Cloze procedure were adopted from the
practice tests for Cambridge English for Speakers of Other
Languages certificates, an examination for people who use
everyday written and spoken English at an upper-intermediate
level for work or study purposes. Participants were asked to
complete text with various linguistic gaps. In the rational selec-
tion procedure (Jongsma, 1980), the words of different lexical
categories were deleted from the text fragments and substituted
by blank spaces; participants had to insert the missing words.
Two versions of the Cloze procedure were employed: a multi-
ple-choice and an open-end acceptable response tasks. In the
multiple-choice Cloze task, participants were asked to select
one out of four words that best fits the blank space. In the open-
end acceptable response Cloze task, they were asked to provide
a word that best fits the blank space. Two texts with 15 blank
spaces were supplied for each version of the test. Each partici-
pant received two texts, one of each version, preceded by a
written instruction that explained the procedure and provided an
example. The texts were presented to participants in a counter-
balanced order to prevent any task version or fatigue effect.
Participants had 10 minutes to complete both texts. They were
given 1 point if their answer matched the one in the Cambridge
English for Speakers of Other Languages certificates’ answer
key and 0 otherwise, which resulted in a maximum score for the
Cloze procedure equating 30.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test IV, Form A
This is a standardized test of receptive vocabulary (Dunn &
Dunn, 2007). The task is to indicate one out of four pictures
shown on the test plate, which corresponds to the name given
by the experimenter. The plates are arranged in order of in-
creasing difficulty and grouped in 19 sets of 12 trials each. A
raw score is calculated using basal and ceiling sets determined
by the scoring procedure. The basal set is the easiest one in
which a participant makes one error or less; the ceiling set is the
one in which a participant makes eight errors or more. Testing
continues until the ceiling set is determined. The raw score is
calculated as a difference between a number of all possible
correct responses (computed as a ceiling set number multiplied
by 12) and a number of errors made by a participant during
testing. The raw score is converted to a standard score by the
recommended procedure, which takes age-related norms into
4Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980) defined a name agreement coefficient as
a distribution of names given to a picture across participants. A picture that
obtained the same name from every participant had a name agreement coef-
ficient equal to .00 (perfect name agreement). A picture that obtained ex-
actly two different names with equal frequency had a name agreement coef-
ficient equal to 1.00. Increasing name agreement value indicated decreasing
name agreement.
Test of English as a Foreign Language
The standard TOEFL certificate comes in three versions:
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
internet-based, computer-based, and paper-based. The reliabil-
ity estimates for the test range from .74 to .85 for different
skills and .94 for the total score (ETS, 2008a). Zhang (2008)
compared the test scores of 12,385 examinees who have taken
two internet-based TOEFLs within a period of one month. The
correlations of their scores on the two test forms were .77 for
listening and writing sections, .78 for reading, .84 for speaking,
and .91 for the total test score.
The American University of Sharjah admission procedure
requires all students to obtain a minimum of 71 for internet-
based, 197 for computer-based, or 530 for paper-based TOEFL.
This requirement ensured that all participants had their TOEFL
certificate, and therefore they were asked to submit it before the
beginning of the testing. The obtained scores from different
certificate versions were converted into computer-based scores
using TOEFL score comparison conversion tables (ETS, 2005).
The computer-based scores for listening, reading, writing, and
total were used in the further analyses. It is important to note
however that different participants have taken the TOEFL ex-
amination at different times before the current testing (ranging
from 1 to 7 years, M = 3.07, SD = 1.09), and therefore their
scores cannon be considered an accurate measure of their lan-
guage proficiency at the time of testing.
The English version of DIALANG was used in the present
study. This testing system consists of a number of activities
assessing the linguistic skills in five domains on three levels of
difficulty (see Alderson & Huhta, 2005, for detailed descrip-
tion). In the beginning, participants are asked to do a Vocabu-
lary Size Placement Test (VSPT), which is used to estimate the
vocabulary size and to determine the level of subsequent testing.
In the VSPT, participants have to decide whether the letter
string presented is a word or a non-word (e.g., “to study” is a
word, “to futt” is a non-word). The test uses 75 verbs (50 words
and 25 non-words) presented in a random order, and the VSPT
score range is 1 - 1000. After the placement test, participants
are presented with five modules assessing linguistic skills in
listening, writing, reading, structure, and vocabulary, which
they can take in the order of their preference. The first three
modules are preceded by a self-assessment questionnaire, in
which participants are asked to make judgments about their
abilities in the selected language skill by validating 18 state-
ments per skill (e.g., for listening: “I can catch the main points
in broadcasts on familiar topics and topics of personal interest
when the language is relatively slow and clear.”). The self-
assessment is also used to determine the level of subsequent
testing. After completion of both the VSPT and the self-as-
sessment, the system combines the two results to decide which
level of linguistic skill testing to administer. In the listening
module, participants hear a short vocal presentation and receive
questions based on this presentation. In the writing module,
participants are asked to fill in the gaps in the text. In the read-
ing module, they are asked to read a short text and answer
questions based on this material. In the structure module, par-
ticipants’ knowledge of grammar is probed. Finally, the vo-
cabulary module assesses participants’ understanding of the
words. The test items come in four different formats: multiple
choice, drop-down menus, text entry and short-answer ques-
tions. All self-assessment and testing modules are scored ac-
cording to six levels of the Common European Framework of
Reference scale (Council of Europe, 2001) listed in the order of
increased proficiency: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the valid-
ity of the internet-based PNT. Therefore, participants’ iPNT
scores were compared with the paper-based and oral versions of
the PNT as well as with the scores on the standardized meas-
ures of language proficiency: TOEFL, PPVT, Cloze, and DIA-
Picture Naming Test
The mean scores for all three versions of the PNT are pre-
sented in Table 1 and the correlations between these scores are
shown in Table 2. All four testing strategies applied to each of
three testing modes obtained nearly perfectly correlated scores.
The correlations between different PNT versions were also
significantly high. These results suggest that various testing
modes and the rating strategies assess the vocabulary knowl-
edge similarly. This finding provides a justification for em-
ploying the internet-based PNT version that can be rated using
the primary list of labels and strict spelling. The primary strict
iPNT scores are used in the further analyses.
Note however that all three versions differ in the magnitude
of obtained scores. Oral PNT rated with the primary list of la-
bels obtained significantly higher scores than its internet- and
paper-based counterparts rated with the lenient condition5 (t =
4.73, p < .001 and t = 2.81, p < .01, respectively); the latter two
scores were not significantly different. When the secondary list
of labels was allowed, the oral PNT obtained the highest scores
followed by paper-based (t = –2.68, p < .01) and internet-based
PNTs (t = –7.39 and t = –3.77, respectively, both ps < .001).
Participants were also found to obtain significantly higher
scores on the paper-based PNT rated with the primary list of
labels using the strict condition than on the iPNT rated with the
same strategy (ΔM = 6.00, t = 4.66, p < .001).
Table 3 presents correlations for the computer-based TOEFL
scores for listening, reading, writing, and total. The multiple
regression analysis revealed that listening and reading scores
Table 1.
Mean scores and standard deviations (SD) for internet-based, paper-
based, and oral PNTs obtained by applying four rating strategies: pri-
mary strict, secondary strict, primary lenient and secondary lenient.
PNT version/Rating strategy Mean SD
Internet-based/Primary strict 72.05 17.33
Internet-based/Secondary strict 83.39 14.39
Internet-based/rimary lenient 74.82 17.82
Internet-based/Secondary lenient 86.06 14.89
Paper-based/Primary strict 78.05 17.29
Paper-based/Secondary strict 85.54 16.07
Paper-based/Primary lenient 83.30 18.40
Paper-based secondary lenient 91.72 17.71
Oral primary 89.18 9.18
Oral secondary 95.66 8.66
5Strict condition in rating of the internet- and paper-based PNTs cannot be
compared with the oral PNT, because the latter involves no spelling.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 37
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
Table 2.
Pearson correlations between internet-based, paper-based, and oral PNTs scores obtained by applying four rating strategies: primary strict, secondary
strict, primary lenient and secondary lenient.
Internet-based Paper-based Oral
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Internet-based primary strict .96 1.00 .96 .76 .71 .76 .69 .62 .60
2. Internet-based secondary strict .95 .99 .68 .66 .67 .63 .61 .58
3. Internet-based primary lenient .96 .76 .72 .77 .70 .63 .61
4. Internet-based secondary lenient .67 .66 .67 .64 .61 .58
5. Paper-based primary strict .97 .99 .96 .68 .68
6. Paper-based secondary strict .96 .99 .66 .67
7. Paper-based primary lenient .97 .67 .68
8. Paper-based secondary lenient .65 .66
9. Oral primary .98
10. Oral secondary
All ps < .001
were significant predictors of the total score (F(3, 83) = 57.44,
p < .001, adjusted-R2 = .67; b = 6.39, SE = .63, ß = .69, t =
10.18, p < .001 for listening; and b = 1.26, SE = .343, ß = .25, t
= 3.66, p < .001 for reading).
The DIALANG six proficiency levels were ranked 1 through
6 with a greater rank representing higher proficiency level. First,
it was found that the correlations between the self-assessment
and testing scores in all three modules for which the self-as-
sessment was administered were highly significant (ρ = .32, p
< .01, for listening; ρ = .43, p < .001, for writing; and ρ = .27, p
< .05, for reading). The correlations between the VSPT and all
testing scores were also highly significant (see Table 4).
Proficiency Tests Comparison
The iPNT, PPVT, Cloze test, total TOEFL, and DIALANG
placement scores significantly correlated with each other (see
Table 5). The iPNT was also found to significantly correlate
with DIALANG scores for listening (ρ = .53, p < .001), writing
Table 3.
Pearson correlations between TOEFL scores.
2 3 4
1. Listening .36** .18 .79***
2. Reading .27* .51***
3. Writing .23*
4. Total
*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.
Table 4.
Spearman correlations between DIALANG VSPT and testing scores.
2 3 4 5 6
1. VSPT .47 .45 .42 .44 .55
2. Listening .57 .63 .52 .48
3. Writing .61 .60 .53
4. Reading .55 .49
5. Structure .62
6. Vocabulary
All ps < .001.
(ρ = .55, p < .001), reading (ρ = .57, p < .001), structure (ρ
= .48, p < .001), and vocabulary (ρ = .57, p < .001) modules. In
addition, it correlated significantly with TOEFL scores for lis-
tening (r = .54, p < .001) and reading (r = .31, p < .01) modules.
The respective TOEFL and DIALANG scores for listening (ρ
= .57, p < .001), writing (ρ = .54, p < .001), and reading (ρ
= .41, p < .001) also significantly correlated with each other.
Experiment 2
A different group of participants from the same subject pool
was recruited for this experiment. The participants were 130
students (45 male and 85 female; aged between 17 and 26, M =
19.94, SD = 1.82). They were administered the iPNT twice with
a 35 days lag between the sessions. The responses were rated
using the primary list of labels and strict spelling (see above). A
highly significant correlation (r = .83, p < .001) between the
iPNT scores on the first and the second sessions suggests a high
test-retest reliability of the assessment tool.
The study presents a new psychometric tool assessing lan-
guage proficiency with respect to an individual’s productive
vocabulary. The iPNT is an internet-based test that assesses
vocabulary knowledge by rating participants’ responses to 120
colored drawings of simple objects. Participants are given eight
minutes to type the names of the objects, which consequently
are compared against a list of correct labels.
To employ an automatic rating of the iPNT, only those re-
sponses that perfectly match corresponding items from a list of
correct responses were scored a point. To ensure convergent
Table 5.
Pearson correlations between various language proficiency tests.
2 3 4 5
1. iPNT .60 .53 .68 .52
2. PPVT .44 .57 .43
3. Cloze .60 .47
4. TOEFL total .45
All ps < .001.
validity of this scoring, four rating strategies were applied to
participants’ responses: primary strict, primary lenient, secon-
dary strict and secondary lenient. The findings that all four
rating strategies provided highly correlated results justify the
iPNT rating based on the primary list of labels and strict spell-
ing. According to this rating schema, only those responses that
perfectly match correct labels should score a point. Therefore, a
simple algorithm implemented in a computer can process the
responses and automatically provide a language proficiency
Three versions of the PNT—internet-based, paper-based, and
oral—were administered to participants. Although, all three
versions obtained significantly different scores, they were
found to correlate with each other highly. These findings elimi-
nate potential bias that may have occurred due to change in
media used to administer the test. The iPNT can be safely used
to control for language proficiency in a sample assessed with
the same version of the test. However, it is not recommended to
use different PNT versions in the same sample.
To test the concurrent validity of the productive vocabulary
iPNT as a test of language proficiency, it was compared with
the tests assessing different linguistic skills: receptive vocabu-
lary PPVT, overall language proficiency Cloze test, admission
TOEFL, and diagnostic system DIALANG. Although correla-
tions between the iPNT and other tests were highly significant,
the correlation values ranging from .52 to .68 indicate that this
test provides a partial assessment of the linguistic abilities
measured by other tests in this study. This limitation is common
to most abbreviated language proficiency tests, which is com-
pensated by their efficient administration. Note that the purpose
of the iPNT is to assess an individual’s productive vocabulary
knowledge. Therefore, it can be only used in research that taps
into this specific linguistic ability. For example, Kharkhurin
(2011) used paper-based PNT to assess bilinguals’ vocabulary
knowledge and relate it to their performance on the tests of
selective attention, creativity, and fluid intelligence. Greater
vocabulary knowledge was hypothesized to facilitate certain
cognitive mechanisms underlying performance on these tests.
In this framework, productive vocabulary test was an appropri-
ate measure of bilinguals’ language proficiency.
Another potential limitation of this test stems from its pro-
cedure. The participants have to type their responses within a
limited time interval, which presents a potential disadvantage
for poor typists. The sample of the present study comprised of
college students with presumably extensive typing experience,
but even in this sample the scores on the paper version were
higher than on the internet version when participants’ responses
were rated using the primary list of labels with strict spelling.
Future studies should look into this issue by establishing age
and education related norms, which reflect participants’ typing
In conclusion, the current preliminary version of the iPNT
presents a new reliable tool that offers a number of advantages
to the empirical investigation that involves language profi-
ciency assessment. This test can be administered online in a
relatively short period of time (eight minutes) without involve-
ment of any additional resources. The data file with partici-
pants’ responses can be uploaded into statistical software for
further processing. In a new version of this test6, the iPNT score
is calculated within the testing environment and test users are
provided with an outcome immediately upon completion of the
test. Another important advantage of this test is its suitability
for any language. The iPNT can be used in any language pro-
viding a list of correct labels in that language. The current ver-
sion of the test includes an interface option to upload a list of
labels in a given language. The administrating convenience and
online accessibility of the test encourages future studies to pro-
vide the norms for this test by collecting data in a broad range
of linguistic and cultural groups.
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Appendix A. Picture Naming Test stimuli
[I] rolling pin 23
[I] zebra
[I] pen 24
[I] basket
[I] umbrella 25
[I] cake
[I] nose 26
[I] truck
[I] doorknob 27
[I] blouse
[II] Shirt
[II] jacket
[I] box 28
[I] dress
[I] bicycle 29
[I] key
[I] rabbit 30
[I] nail
[I] refrigerator 31
[I] butterfly
[I] duck 32
[I] mouse
[I] leaf 33
[I] kangaroo
[I] coat 34
[I] mountain
[I] frog 35
[I] mushroom
[I] doll
[II] baby
[II] little girl
[I] hanger
[I] screwdriver 37
[I] lamp
[I] kettle
[II] tea kettle
[II] teapot
[I] cigar
[I] cap 39
[I] balloon
[I] pants 40
[I] baby carriage
[II] carriage
[I] brush 41
[I] chair
[I] sweater 42
[I] eye
[I] pineapple
[I] snake
[I] dresser
[II] bureau
[II] chest
[II] chest of drawers
[I] pear 68
[I] clown
[I] bell 69
[I] watermelon
[I] hat 70
[I] anchor
[I] grapes 71
[I] rooster
[II] chicken
[I] fork 72
[I] wine glass
[II] glass
[II] goblet
[I] helicopter 73
[I] chicken
[II] hen
[I] light bulb 74
[I] pipe
[I] ruler 75
[I] frying pan
[II] pan
52 [I] seal 76
[I] windmill
53 [I] car
[I] Lincoln 77
[I] corn
54 [I] wrench
55 [I] rhinoceros
[I] moon
[II] quarte
r moon
nt moon [II] cresce
[II] half moon
56 [I] donkey 79
[I] saltshaker
57 [I] hammer 80
[I] arrow
58 [I] horse 81
[I] turtle
59 [I] whistle 82
[I] harp
60 [I] sandwich 83
[I] stool
[I] sock 84
[I] church
[I] rocking chair 85
[I] nut
63 [I] hand 86
[I] motorcycle
[I] strawberry 87
[I] flower
65 [I] clothespin 88
[I] traffic lig
[II] stop light
66 [I] paintbrush
[II] brush 89
[I] goat
67 [I] flag 90
[I] cup
91 [I] camel 106
[I] spoon
92 [I] train 107
[I] television
[II] tv
[II] television se
93 [I] ant 108
[I] pencil
94 [I] dog 109
[I] wheel
95 [I] toothbrush 110
[I] iron
96 [I] swan 111
[I] apple
97 [I] saw 112
[I] scissors
[I] violin 113
[I] canon
[I] spool of thread
[II] thread
[II] spool
[I] shirt
100 [I] baseball bat
[II] bat 115
[I] caterpillar
101 [I] star 116
[I] owl
[I] cigarette 117
[I] bus
[I] pitcher 118
[I] beetle
104 [I] envelope 119
[I] axe
105 [I] drum 120
[I] light switch
[I] indicates the words from the primary list and [II] the words from the secondary
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