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proposed vis-à-vis the original (Primal) Bernstein’s poly-
nomial operator in each example case of n-value.
Essentially, the empirical study is a simulation one
wherein we would assume that approximated function,
namely “
x”, is known to us.
We have confined to illustrations of relative gain in
efficiency by Iterative Improvement for the following
four illustrative-functions:
exp; ln2; sin2,and 10
fx xxx.
To illustrate the POTENTIAL of improvement with
our proposed Dual-Fusion Operator
we have TWO numerical values of quantities ~ two per-
centage relative errors (PREs) corresponding to original
(Primal) Bernstein’s Operator
xn: Say;
xn verses that of the proposed Dual-
Fusion Operator i.e.;
xn. We cal-
culated Percentage Relative Gains (PRGs) in using our
“Dual-Fusion” variant of Bernstein Polynomial in place
of Original “Primal” variant of Bernstein Polynomial
n. These quantities are defined:
0.33 0.33
abs. PFB ; d d
xnf xxfxx
;1fx n00.
0.33 0.33
abs. PDFBV ; d d
xnf xxfxx
; 100fxn.
fx n
xn fxn
PREs for Original-Primal/Variant Primal-Dual Bern-
stein polynomial respectively for each of example # of
approximation Knots/Intervals.
PRGs by using Proposed Dual-Fusion Polynomials
with the n intervals in
0,1 2 over using the Original
Primal-Bernstein Polynomial for approximation of func-
tion, “
x” are tabulated in APPENDIX in Tables 1-
5. Conclusions
For all the FOUR illustrative functions, namely
exp9; ln2; sin2,and 10
fxx xx, the PRGs
are above 99.9% for 3, 6,and9n
. It is very signifi-
cant to note that the PRGs are (almost) 100% for 6n
for all example-functions, i.e. for only SEVEN “Knots”!
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