Applied Mathematics
Vol.4 No.8A(2013), Article ID:35185,8 pages DOI:10.4236/am.2013.48A016
The Catastrophe Map of a Two Period Production Model with Uncertainty
1Department of Statistics, University College London, London, UK
2Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex, East Sussex, UK
Copyright © 2013 Pascal Stiefenhofer. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received June 5, 2013; revised July 5, 2013; accepted July 12, 2013
Keywords: Differential Topologyl; General Equilibrium; Uncertainty; Production
This paper shows existence and efficiency of equilibria of a two period production model with uncertainty as a consequence of the catastrophe map being smooth and proper. Its inverse mapping defines a finite covering implying finiteness of equilibria. Beyond the extraction of local equilibrium information of the model, the catastrophe map renders itself well for a global study of the equilibrium set. It is shown that the equilibrium set has the structure of a smooth submanifold of the Euclidean space which is diffeomorphic to the sphere implying connectedness, simple connectedness, and contractibility.
1. Introduction
This paper considers a two period production model with uncertainty. The time structure and associated uncertainty is described by a finite number of uncertain states of the world. It is assumed that all firms are owned by the consumers according to an exogenously determined ownership structure. This economic scenario describes the private ownership model discussed in Debreu [1] where the objective of each firm is to maximize profits. The seminal paper of this model without uncertainty dates back to the path breaking paper by Arrow and Debreu [2].
In this paper, we show that many economically interesting equilibrium properties of the two period production model with uncertainty can be derived from the catastrophe map. For that purpose we follow the mathematical approach discussed in Balasko [3] and in Dierker [4].
More specifically, we describe the set of solutions of all two period production economies and explore its structure. It is shown that this set is a smooth submanifold of the Euclidean space which is diffeomorphic to the sphere. A study of some of the properties of the catastrophe map enables us to characterize the set of economies into sets with various properties, such as economies with singular equilibria, economies with multiple equilibria, and economies with catastrophes, where equilibrium behavior is more difficult to study. Most of these properties have been studied in the context of exchange economies [5] or simple production economies [6-10] or Balasko (Preprint 2011) for example1. This paper generalizes the economic scenario by adding more structure to the model of the firm and thus moving towards a more realistic model where time and uncertainty is present.
The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 1 is an introduction. Section 2 introduces the economic scenario and states a definition of economic equilibrium. Section 3 explores the topological structure of the equilibrium set of all two period production economies with uncertainty. The next section states equilibrium properties of the model such as existence, efficiency and finiteness of equilibria. The final section is a conclusion.
2. The Long Run Private Ownership Production Model with Uncertainty
We describe the two period private ownership production model introduced in Debreu ([1], chapter 7). Uncertainty is defined by a finite set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive states of nature denoted by
, where
is the certain event in time period one and
are the uncertain events in time period two. In total there are
states of nature. There are
producers, and
physical goods. For all consumers
, a consumption bundle is a collection of vectors
where consumption in a particular state
is a vector
. Associated with physical commodities is a set of normalized pricesdenoted
Consumers are further endowed with a fraction of the profits of each firm.
represents the exogenously determined ownership structure of the private ownership production economy. It satisfies for each
, 0 ≤ θij ≤ 1, and
. Denote the set of ownership structures
Consumers are endowed with a collection of vectors of initial resources denoted by
, where initial endowments in a particular state
is a vector
. Consumer
is further characterized by a smooth Marschallian demand function
, where
is defined for price vector
and wealth level
, [11], where
for all
Producers are characterized by production sets and their smooth supply functions. The main property of the long run production model is that all activities of the firm are variable. An activity is a collection of vectors
, where an activity in state
is a vector of inputs
, and
is the associated vector of outputs in state
. Let
denote the smooth supply function of firm
, where
is defined on the set of normalized prices. Standard assumptions of smooth production economies introduced in [1] hold for each production set
. In particular
is convex,
, and
has a strictly positive Gaussian curvature for every
. These assumptions imply that supply functions are smooth.
Each consumer chooses a utility maximizing consumption bundle
at fixed
satisfying his budget constraints. Each producer
chooses profit maximizing net activities
at competitive prices
. Let
be the market excess demand function in state . Then, market clearance requires demand to equal supply in each market and uncertain state of the world. Hence
An equilibrium is a price vector which satisfies this equation for a fixed distribution of initial resources and exogenously given ownership structure. An equilibrium pair is an equilibrium price vector
with associated
. An equilibrium allocation is an allocation
associated with an equilibrium price
. The model of the consumer is to solve a constraint optimization problem. This requires a consumer to maximize utility subject to a sequence of
budget constraints. Hence, each consumer
where is the consumer’s smooth2 utility function. The production adjusted consumer budget set is defined by
The model of the producer is to maximize profits. Each producer solves a constraint optimization profit maximization problem. Hence, each
where the state dependent production set for all
satisfies the assumptions of Debreu [1].
Definition 1. An equilibrium of the two period private ownership production model with uncertainty is a price vector
at fixed pair
if for utility maximizing consumers
and profit maximizing producers
An equilibrium allocation is a pair associated with an equilibrium price vector
for fixed parameters
. Let denote the mathematical operation defined by a state by state inner product. There are
equilibrium equations less
equations satisfying Walras’ law
, hence we have a system of l(S + 1) − (S + 1) linearly independent equations. This amounts to the number of unknowns, given the number of normalized prices of
A study of the qualitative equilibrium structure of the two period private ownership production model with uncertainty amounts to a study of the structure of the solution set of the equilibrium Equation (2).
3. Equilibrium Structure of the Model
Let denote the set of equilibrium solutions of the two period production model with uncertainty
. This set consists of pairs
satisfying the equilibrium equations
for all
. Formally, we have
For the proof of the next theorem we need the following result.
Lemma 1 (Properness of a mapping). Suppose M(s) is a compact space and is a Hausdorff space for every
. Then every continuous map
for all
is proper.
Proof. We need to show that for every compact set the inverse image
is compact for every
1) Let us show that the direct image of any closed subset
is closed in
for all
. To show this let
, for all
, where
belongs to the set
. From the convergence property of the sequence
we see that the set
is compact. From that it follows that
is compact for every
2) Let us show that inverse image is compact. We take
such that
. Clearly, the sequence
belongs to the compact set defined by the inverse image
. Therefore, there exists a subsequence
for all
such that
([12], p. 41), where
. Since
is the limit of a subsequence of elements belonging to
, we have
. By continuity of the mapping
we have
This proves that for every
. ■
Theorem 1. The set of model
is a closed subset of the Euclidean space defined by
Proof. Note that continuity of the mapping
for all is sufficient to show closedness of the set
of model
is the preimage of the vector
by the smooth mapping
for all which is closed by Lemma 1. Continuity of the equilibrium equation is satisfied by the assumptions of differentiability of demand and supply mappings [1,11]. ■
Theorem 2. The set of model
is a smooth manifold of dimension
Proof. We consider the mapping defined by the smooth mapping
By the regular value theorem (Guillemin and Pollack [13], p. 21) is the preimage of
. We need to prove that this mapping does not contain critical points. This follows by showing that the linear tangent map
is onto. The onto property follows directly from the rank property of the Jacobian matrix chosen for any arbitrary individual
and state of nature
. By the chain rule, we obtain
By simple algebraic manipulations we obtain the new matrices
Finally, we obtain
from which we extract the information required. Rank is equal to
in every state
. By the regular value theorem ([13], p. 21)
is a smooth manifold. This manifold is parameterized by smooth coordinate functions
. From the regular value theorem it also follows that its dimension is equal to the dimension of
, hence
. ■
The following theorem illustrates a further economically interesting global property of the equilibrium manifold. It says that by construction of a diffeomorphism restricted to the equilibrium manifold
is diffeomorphic to the sphere in
implying that the equilibrium manifold is arc-connected, simply connected, and contractible. These properties are particularly useful in applied work such as economic policy equilibrium analysis. For example, economic policy is often concerned with finding a path between a current point on
and a desired point on
. The following theorem proves that such a path always exists. In order to prove this result, we use a theorem given in (Hirsch [14], pp. 15-16).
Theorem 3. The smooth equilibrium manifold of model
is diffeomorphic to
Proof. The aim of the proof is to define two smooth mappings between smooth manifolds such that we can apply the theorem given in (Hirsch [14], pp. 15-16). Hence, let
be smooth mappings defined by
Then, let
denote smooth mappings defined by
Observe that the coordinates for the good of the
consumers in
are defined
Also observe that the coordinates for the consumer of the
goods in
are defined by
The application of the theorem in ([14]) requires to show that and that
. The first part of the proof requires to calculate two inclusions, 1)
and 2)
. We start by showing the second part first. Now, to show that 1)
, take any consumption bundle
, and compute the inner product of (4) with
, and apply Walras’ law to obtain
From that a reformulation of (4) readily follows in terms of the production equilibrium equation
hence. Next, we need to show that 2)
. Take any arbitrary
. It is then trivial to do the computations proving following equality
from which it readily follows that. Clearly we have constructed the two smooth relations such that
where is the identity map defined on
. We have shown that the smooth mapping f restricted to the equilibrium manifold
defines a diffeomorphism between
and the sphere of dimension
. ■
4. Existence, Efficiency, and Finiteness of Equilibria
We now show that equilibria in the two period production model with uncertainty always exist. The strategy of the proof is to show that the catastrophe mapping is smooth and proper. Existence of equilibria of this production model with uncertainty follows immediately from the smoothness proposition (1) and the properness proposition (2) below. The result of properness of
provides a deep insight into the definition of economics itself. It implies that economic resources are scarce. The diffeomorphism
for all
between the spaces
suggests that the vector
tends to infinity in norm if prices tend to zero. It tends to zero if prices tend to infinity.
Axiom 4 (Bounded and strictly convex preferences). 1) The set of consumptions bundles indifferent or preferred to consumption bundle for all
is bounded from below for every
for all
. The preordering
is then said to be bounded from below; 2) The set of consumptions bundles indifferent or preferred to consumption bundle
for all
is strictly convex for every
for all
. The preordering
is then said to be strictly convex.
Theorem 5. Equilibria of the two period production model with uncertainty always exist.
Definition 2. The catastrophe map is defined by the
. It is the restriction of the projection
of the set of equilibria
into the space of economies
Proposition 1 (Smoothness). of model
is smooth.
Proof. From Theorem (3) we know that of model
is a smooth submanifold of
which is diffeomorphic to the sphere of dimension
. It follows from the definition of a smooth submanifold ([15], p. 174) that its natural embedding
is smooth. It is clear that the projection mapping
is itself smooth. It then follows that
the restriction of the natural projection to
as the composition of two smooth mappings
is therefore smooth. ■
Proposition 2 (Properness). of model
is proper.
Proof. The strategy of the proof is to define the economic scenario such that lemma (1) can be applied to the model. Hence, we need to show that for all
the inverse image
, where
is a compact set in the space of initial resources,
, is compact.
We show that individual consumer demand is bounded below in every uncertain state of the world. To show this, consider any and define the projection of initial resource into the
coordinate and state
defined by
Pick an arbitrary for
. Let
be an element in a compact set
. Note that
is compact by the projection
of a compact set
on the
coordinate space. Compactness of
implies for every
1) Now, for every and
need to show that
is bounded from below. It then follows from standard assumptions of consumer theory that for all
for all.
By non satiation we also have
which by monotonicity of implies that
Clearly, there exists some for every
for all
by boundedness (Axiom 4) of indifference mappings from below for every.
2) We now show that for every,
is also bounded from above. Consider the equilibrium price vector
for any
. Then for all pairs
we have
Clearly, , is bounded above by some
, since for
is bounded from above for every
. Hence, we have established the upper and lower bounds for every consumer
given by
for every.
3) We now apply Lemma 1. For any arbitrary consumer, we have established the compact set
. Let
be a compact set defined by the preimage of the diffeomorphism
([11]) projected onto
. Hence, we observe that
is a subset of the compact set
. Lemma (1) requires to show that
is closed in
Now, by continuity of,
, it follows that
is closed in
, which by Theorem (1) is a closed subset of
. Closedness of
follows from closedness of
. ■
Lemma 2 (Individual demand: Diffeomorphism of) For every
the individual demand mapping
is a diffeomorphism for all
Proof. The strategy of the proof is to show that is smooth, bijective, and that
is also smooth.
The problem of the consumer is to solve the constraint optimization given by
We can use the Lagrangean method to solve this problem. Hence the solution of this problem satisfies the first order conditions of the optmimzation problem and is given by for all
. Hence the pair
, where
is the Lagrangian multiplier is a solution of the Lagrangian problem. Hence, to show smoothness of
requires to show that
is a smooth function of
. This is a consequence of the implicit function theorem applied to the solutions of the Lagrangian. Hence, we calculate the bordered Hessian matrix,
for all
. Thus,
and the inverse of at
exists since
We now show that is also smooth. Let
defined by
By assumptions of Debreu [11] all ingredients of this formula are smooth. Also the inner product of smooth functions is smooth. Hence we conclude that is also smooth.
We now show that and
are inverse mappings for all
. Hence 1) We calculate the individual composite mapping
for all
and show that
. This condition is satisfied since
As required, we have established
2) We calculate the individual composite mapping for all
and show that
. This condition is satisfied since by definition of
we have
As required, we have established
. We have proved the bijection property of the individual demand function4. ■
This proves existence of equilibria.
Definition 3. A feasible allocation
associate with equilibrium price vector
and economy
is Pareto efficient for all
if there is no other feasible allocation
such that for all
with at least one strict inequality.
Theorem 6 (Pareto efficiency of model). Every economy
of the model
is Pareto efficient for all
Proof. We proceed by contradiction. We show that if at equilibrium price the economy
, where
is an allocation of consumption and production which is not efficient, then it must be that firms do not maximize profits. This contradicts the assumption that all firms maximize profits (Debreu, [1] Chapter 5) and implies that not all economies are Pareto efficient.
We have for all
Hence we obtain the equilibrium equation given by
We can now establish a contradiction.
Now, let be an equilibrium price vector for any arbitrary
an associated feasible equilibrium allocation which is not Pareto efficient. Since
is feasible we have
Since by assumption is not Pareto efficient, there exists a feasible allocation
associated with with
such that
with at least one strict inequality. This implies that
with at least one strict inequality. Aggregating consumption bundles we obtain together with the inner product the strict inequality
Substituting Equation (5) into strict inequality (6) and using the feasible allocation we obtain
But this strict inequality says that for some that
for feasible
. Hence a violation that firms maximize profits. Clearly, since
for at least one
is a Pareto inefficient economy. ■
Theorem 7. of model
is a finite covering for every
, for all
Proof. Let consist of a single element of
for all
. Consider the tangent map of elements of
not contained in the set of singular points,
. Then as a non singular point in
there exists a bijective map
which by the inverse function theorem implies that
is locally a diffeomorphism. By the inverse function theorem there exists an open set
and an open set
such that the restriction of the natural projection to
is a diffeomorphism for all
. It follows from the one-to-one property of this map that
. Since
is open in
it follows from the definition of open sets of
as intersections with
of open sets of
that the subset
is open in
. The union of all open subsets
define an open covering
. Compactness of the set
follows from compactness of the preimage of a compact set
by the proper mapping
. It follows from compactness of
that the open covering has a finite subcovering defined by the unique element of
. The union of a finite number of elements defines the set
which is therefore a finite set. This proves finiteness of the number of equilibria. ■
5. Conclusion
This paper discusses local and global equilibrium properties of a production economy with a two period time structure and uncertainty. Adding uncertainty to the production model is a further step towards realism. It is shown that the equilibrium set of all production economies with uncertainty has the structure of a smooth submanifold of the Euclidean space which is diffeomorphic to a sphere. Beyond that, the paper shows that equilibria always exist, and that they are efficient and finite.
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1Discussion paper: The natural projection approach to smooth production economies, 2011.
2“Smoothness” follows from the assumptions stated in [11]. It essentially means that all functions are differentiable at any order required.
3−i is standard notation used in economic theory. It is equivalent to saying such that
, hence
4We have assumed that supply functions are smooth. Hence