Formative Evaluation of the Nursing Program at a University in the South of Brazil: Technological Tool to the Approach of the Unified Health System


Background: The educational evaluation focused on the critical training, creative and reflective is wanted on the need for competent nursing professionals, acting effectively to the present challenges in the context in which the Health System performs in Brazil. Aims: Identify how the formative assessment process is expressed in the syllabus of Nursing Federal University of Santa Catarina and in what features it is configured as a tool of educational technology that promotes the approach with the Unified Health System. Method: Qualitative research, exploratory and descriptive in documentary base. Data were collected from May to December 2012 and analyzed descriptively, from the perspective of the proposed evaluation on the National Curriculum Guidelines/ Nursing. Results: There were 23 types of evaluation on 33 teaching plans. The category that emerged was: “Expression of competence evaluation on plans of teaching on nursing course”, which presents the different types of evaluation related to three dimensions: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Conclusion: Perceives a movement of structural changes in some disciplines, making the evaluation exit of the traditional matrix to a constructive matrix, characterized as a technological tool that enhances professional development focused on the Health System.

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Prado, M. , Testoni, A. , Kempfer, S. , Ferraz, F. , Lopes, C. and Bernardi, M. (2014) Formative Evaluation of the Nursing Program at a University in the South of Brazil: Technological Tool to the Approach of the Unified Health System. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 1-6. doi: 10.4236/jss.2014.22001.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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