Ameliorating Pedagogical Competencies in Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers


This article reports the efficacy of the Multidimensional Content-Based Mathematics Professional Development Project in ameliorating pedagogical competencies in mathematics for secondary school teachers. The project protocol is an intensive two week all day summer session with six all day Saturday sessions scheduled throughout the following fall semester. Participants were 28 secondary mathematics teachers randomly selected from schools identified as low-performing. Data were analyzed by conducting a repeated measure analysis of variance and apolynomial regression analysis. Resultsindicated a statistically significant 28% improvement in mathematics pedagogical competencies. Implications of this study are discussed.

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Robichaux, R. , Rodrigue, P. and Guarino, A. (2013) Ameliorating Pedagogical Competencies in Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers. Creative Education, 4, 194-195. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.43029.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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