Performance of interspecific grapevine varieties in north-east Italy


A renewed interest in interspecific varieties has recently emerged, due mainly to producers and consumers more aware of organic farming and impact of phytochemicals in the environment. The assessment of 19 European Vitis hybrids was investigated in an area mostly dedicated to viticulture, the North-EasternItaly. Major agronomic traits, yield, quality characteristics and disease resistance were evaluated during a three-year period (2004 to 2006). Wine sensory analyses were performed and compared with international Vitis vinifera varieties. Even though no genotypes resulted adequate for market release, the results obtained confirm the potential importance of hybrids in an “eco-friendly” viticulture and identify the genotypes interesting for further investigation and breeding: GF 138-3 and GA 48-12 showed good agronomic performance, resistance to more grape diseases and high quality wine.

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Daniela, P. , Federica, G. , Mirella, G. and Diego, T. (2013) Performance of interspecific grapevine varieties in north-east Italy. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 91-101. doi: 10.4236/as.2013.42015.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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