Comparison of Biopsy Results and Imaging Methods, in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer


Purpose: In this study, we aimed at comparing the sensitivity and selectivity rates of Ultrasonography (USG), Mamography (MG) and Magnetic Resonance (MR), based on the biopsy results of breast mass lesions. Materials and methods: Between January 2009 and December 2010 in Konya Training and Research Hospital the biopsy results and reports of imaging tecniques such as USG, MG and MR, were obtained from the hospital automation. The sensitivity and selectivity of the USG, MG and MR were calculated. Results: The avarage age of the 112 patients included in this study is 49 ± 10 (23 - 71). 27 (24%) of the patients were found to have breast cancer after the histopathologic examination. USG was used with the 95 (94%) of the patients and 17 (18%) of the patients were diagnosed to have cancer. MG was used with the 75 (67%) of the patients and 15 (20%) of the patients were diagnosed to have cancer, and MR was used with the 112 (100%) of the patients and 25 (22%) of the patients were diagnosed to have cancer. In the pathologic diagnosis of cancer, the sensitivity of USG was found 85%, the sensitivity of MG was found 89%, and the sensitivity of MR was found 92%. The selectivity of these tecniques were 58%, 87% and 57% respectively. Conclusion: MR and MG have similar sensitivity rates in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Breast MR is an appropriate imaging tecnique that can be used in suitable indications in addition to USG and MG.

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M. Eryılmaz, Ö. Öner, A. Okuş, Ö. Karahan, S. Bodur, S. Ay and S. Civcik, "Comparison of Biopsy Results and Imaging Methods, in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer," Surgical Science, Vol. 3 No. 9, 2012, pp. 445-451. doi: 10.4236/ss.2012.39088.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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