Prof. Chuanmiao Chen
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Central South University,China.
College of Mathematics and Statistics
Hunan Normal University,China.
1961 Wuhan University, China
Publications (selected)
C.M. Chen. The Symmetry of Riemann
\xi-function. Advances in Pure Mathematics. 2020,10:8, 464-470.
C.M.Chen, J.Yang. The
singularity-separated method for the singular perturbation problems in
1-D. Inter. J. Numer. Anal. Model. 15(2018):102-110.
X.Q.Wang, C.M.Chen. Matrix
time-extrapolation algorithm for semi-linear partabolic problems. Appl. Math.
Letters. 64 (2017): 162-169.
C.M.Chen, X.Q.Wang, H.L.HU. A high-efficient algorithm for partabolic problems with timw-dependent
coefficients. Adv. Appl.Math.Mech. 9:2 (2017):
J.X.Wang, C.M.Chen, Z.Q.Xie. The
highest superconvergence of averaging discontinuous Galerkin method for
two-point boundary-value problems. J.Sci.Comp.,70(2017):175-191
C.M.Chen, H.L. Hu. Global existence of
real roots and random Newton flow
algorithm for nonlinear system of equations, Science China Math.,
H.L. Hu, C.M. Chen and K.J. Pan. Time-extrapolation
algorithm for linear parabolic problem (The
Eighth National Conference on Finite Elements) J. Comp. Math., 32:2, (2014): 183-194.
H.L.Hu, C.M.Chen, K.J.Pan. Asymptotic
expansions of finite element solutions
for Robin problems in $H^3$ and its application in extrapolation cascadic multigrid method. Science China Math., 57:4(2014):687-698.
C.M.Chen, H.L.Hu. Extrapolation
cascadic multigrid method on piecewise
uniform grid.(Special Issue, Dedicated to Prof. Zongci Shi on the Occasion of
his 80th bathday) Science China,Math. 56:12(2013):2711-2722
C.M.Chen, S.F.Hu. The highest order
superconvergence for bi-k degree rectangular finite elements at nodes --A proof of
"2k-conjecture". Math.Comp.
82:283(2013): 1337-1355.
S.F. Hu, C.M. Chen. Runger-kutta method,finite
element method, and regular algorithms of Hamilyon system. Appl. Math. Mech.,34:6(2013):747-760.
C.M. Chen, Z.C.Shi, H.L. Hu. Extrapolation cascadic multigrid method. (Conference
of China—Russa Comput. Math. 2010. Hongkong) J. Comput. Math., 29 (2011)., pp.
C.M.Chen, Q.Tang and S.F. HU. Finite
Element Method with Superconvergence for Nonlinear Hamiltonian Systems. J.
Comput. Math., 29(2011), pp. 167-184.
C.M.Chen, H.L.Hu, Z.Q.Xie, C.L.Li.
Analysis of extrapolation cascadic multigrid method(EXCMG). Science in China,
Series A. Math., 51:8(2008): 1349-1360.
C. M. Chen, Z. Q. Xie. Analysis of
search-extension method for finding multiple solutions of nonlinear problem.
Science in China, Series A, Math.2008, 51(1): 42-54.
Q.Tang, C.M. Chen. Continuous finite
element methods for Hamiltonian systems. Appl. Math. Mech. (English Ed.) 28
(2007), no. 8, 1071--1080.
C.M. Chen. Introduction of Scientific
Computation,[M], in Chinese. Beijing: Science Press. 2006.
C.M. Chen, Z.Q.Xie. Search-extension
mathod of computing multiple solutions for nonlinear Differential equations.[M],
in Chinese, Beijing: Science Press, 2005
C.M.Chen, Z.Q.Xie. Search-extension
method for finding multiple solution of nonlinear problem. Science in China.
Series A, Math.,. 48:6(2005): 721-734.
Xie Z.Q., Chen C.M., Y. Xu, An
improved Search-Extension Method for computing multiple solutions for
semilinear PDE's. IMA J. Numer. Anal. 25(2005),549-576.
Chen C.M. Orthogonality correction
technique in superconvergence analysis. (Special
Issue, International Conference of Finite Element Superconvergence and
Post-Processing, 2004, Changsha) Intern. J. Numer. Anal. Model. 2005,
Chen C.M., Xie Z.Q. Search-extension
method for multiple solutions of a nonlinear problem. Computers and Mathematics
with Applications. 2004, 47, 327-343.
Chen C.M., Xie Z.Q. Structure of
multiple solutions for nonlinear differential equations. Scince in China. Ser. A Mathematics. 2004, 47.Supp. 172-180.