Web-Based Annotation Learning System: Construction and Application


Nowadays many web-based learning materials are presented by hypertext, and the effect of on-line reading has been playing a chief role to the learning outcomes. However, with the information and networking technology changing, reading habits are much more different than before, and hypertext reading has some problems that impede reading efficiency. The research is based on the ground to develop a web-based “annotation learning system”. By using this web-based learning system as a strategy, learner can interact with learning materials and instructors, also make learner to actively explore contents. The result shows that students have high propensity to the system, and most of them feel the system is easy to use. Also, they have positive response that the system can facilitate reading on the hypertext.

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Yueh, H. , Teng, Y. , Lin, W. , Wang, Y. & Hu, C. (2012). Web-Based Annotation Learning System: Construction and Application. Creative Education, 3, 1297-1300. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38189.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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