Social distance toward schizophrenia among parents of adolescents


Social distance toward schizophrenia is a reason for delays in receiving early treatment for the disorder. This study attempted to identify the factors underlying social distance. The participants were 2690 parents of adolescents. Factor analysis using a social distance scale identified two factors: private relationship and social relationship. Regression analysis revealed that gender, age, and participation in welfare activities for people with mental illnesses had independent effects on the factor private relationship (p < 0.05). These results suggest that women aged 40 - 49 years should be targeted for activities that attempt to counteract social distance and that they would benefit from taking part in public welfare activities for individuals with mental illnesses.

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Yoshii, H. , Watanabe, Y. , Kitamura, H. , Ling, Y. and Akazawa, K. (2012) Social distance toward schizophrenia among parents of adolescents. Health, 4, 386-391. doi: 10.4236/health.2012.47061.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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