Considering the cost-effectiveness of statins in family practice in Turkey from a payer perspective


The percentage of mortality caused by cardio-vascular events in European Countries and European Union Countries is respectively 49% and 42% of all mortality causes. Our estimates about cardiovascular mortality in Turkey depend on TEKHARF (Hearth Disease and Risk Factors in Turkish Adults) which depended on a 12 year observation. It has been reported that cardio-vascular mortality rates for Turkey in men and women were 0.082% and 0.043% respectively. In Turkey, Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin and Simvastatin are the different alternatives found in the statin market. All stat-ins are reimbursed by insurance companies. The aim of this study is to determine the cost- effectiveness of statins. In conclusion, simvas-tatin and rosuvastatin comprised the optimal two statin alternatives.

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Koçkaya, G. , Wertheimer, A. , Koçkaya, P. and Esen, A. (2009) Considering the cost-effectiveness of statins in family practice in Turkey from a payer perspective. Health, 1, 274-280. doi: 10.4236/health.2009.14044.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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