Diets of obese and non-obese children


Aim: To compare diets between obese and non-obese in children. Methods: Thirty-four obese and ten non-obese school children were recruited and their habitual factors of obesity were asked. Intakes of food in the obesity and non-obesity groups were checked using a model nutritional balance chart (MNBC). Results: Average intake ratio of food relative to ideal food intake was significantly higher in the non-obesity group than the obesity group. The relationship between obesity and exercise was significant but not significant for intake ratio of food, times watching TV and playing games. Conclusion: Food intake is not a primary factor of obesity but exercise is a key factor for obesity in school children. Since the effect of diet intervention in obese children was slight, exercise habit would be a more important strategy to reduce obesity than diet in school children.

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Satoh, A. , Fujita, S. , Menzawa, K. , Lee, S. , Miyamoto, M. and Sasaki, H. (2011) Diets of obese and non-obese children. Health, 3, 487-489. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.38080.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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