The Comparison of Three Major Occupations for User Acceptance of Information Technology: Applying the UTAUT Model
Yu Shan Cheng, Tsai Fang Yu, Chin Feng Huang, Chien Yu, Chin Cheh Yu
DOI: 10.4236/ib.2011.32021   PDF    HTML     8,841 Downloads   16,912 Views   Citations


This study investigated whether the differences of gender, age, and occupation for m-learning showed significance on the utilization of the mobile devices and to figure out if the variation may influence the performance expectancy, effort expectancy and the social influence to the behavioral intention or even to the behavior of usage. When the employees’ behavioral intention was low, the director of managers or HR department can suggest the employees’ colleagues, superior manager or friends to communicate with them to enhance their behavioral intention and to use it. And it suggested that male employees and elder employees should be put more emphasis on the communication to enhance their behavioral intention. UTAUT model with different kinds of businesses for m-learning but the conclusion did not investigate the differences of the adoption of the mobile devices in each industry. Basing on this, this study attempted to investigate whether the difference occupations showed significance on the utilization of the mobile devices.

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Y. Cheng, T. Yu, C. Huang, C. Yu and C. Yu, "The Comparison of Three Major Occupations for User Acceptance of Information Technology: Applying the UTAUT Model," iBusiness, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2011, pp. 147-158. doi: 10.4236/ib.2011.32021.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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