Maxwell’s Equations as the Basis for Model of Atoms


A century ago the classical physics couldn’t explain many atomic physical phenomena. Now the situation has changed. It’s because within the framework of classical physics with the help of Maxwell’s equations we can derive Schrödinger’s equation, which is the foundation of quantum physics. The equations for energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of the electromagnetic wave in the atom are derived using the model of atom by analogy with the transmission line. The action constant A0 = (μ0/ε0)1/2s02e2 is a key term in the above mentioned equations. Besides the other well-known constants, the only unknown constant in the last expression is a structural constant of the atom s0. We have found that the value of this constant is 8.277 56 and that it shows up as a link between macroscopic and atomic world. After calculating this constant we get the theory of atoms based on Maxwell’s and Lorentz equations only. This theory does not require knowledge of Planck’s constant h, which is replaced with theoretically derived action constant A0, while the replacement for the fine structure constant α-1 is theoretically derived expression 2s02 = 137.036. So, the structural constant s0 replaces both constants h and α. This paper also defines the stationary states of atoms and shows that the maximal atomic number is equal to Zmax = 137. The presented model of the atoms covers three of the four fundamental interactions, namely the electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions.

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Perkovac, M. (2014) Maxwell’s Equations as the Basis for Model of Atoms. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2, 235-251. doi: 10.4236/jamp.2014.25029.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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