Isli and Tislit: The First Dual Impact Crater Discovered in Morocco


Isli and Tislit, the Moroccan “Romeo and Juliette” according to a popular legend gave their name to a twin lakes in Imilchil. There we show evidences that these two lakes are impact craters. The proof as follow: 1) the fragments of iron meteorites found on both sides of Isli and Tislit lakes belong to the same parent meteorite and siderite type; 2) the sedimentary formations which are almost tabular in the area of the lakes become tilted with a centripetal sloping all around and towards Isli lake; 3) the circular shape of the Tislit lake is similar to that of the Isli lake; 4) the impact breccias found on the south of the Isli lake contain shocked quartz crystals; 5) the radial fractures of high pressure affect some sedimentary beds. All these observations give evidence of the presence of an impact crater due to the fall of meteorites.

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A. Ibhi, H. Nachit, E. Abia, A. Touchnt and C. Vaccaro, "Isli and Tislit: The First Dual Impact Crater Discovered in Morocco," International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 3 No. 2A, 2013, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.4236/ijaa.2013.32A001.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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