Comparative Study of the Financial Independence, Self-Confidence and Decision-Making Power, Awareness of the Social Resources and Mental Health in the Women Members of SHG and Non-Member of SHG


The main objective of the present paper was the evaluation of the program of the self help groups in the Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Hamadan and Western Azerbaijan in Iran. The Casual-comparative research method has been used in this research and statistical population was all the women members of SHG and Non-Member of SHG. The statistical samples were included 289 the women members of SHG (137) and Non-Member of SHG (152) due to the size of the population, more than /90 of population has been selected. Three different research instrument have been used which are included Demographic features questionnaire, Questionnaire of the evaluation of the self help groups’ empowerment, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). The reliability of the questionnaire of the evaluation of the self help groups’ empowerment was /80 and General health questionnaire (GHQ-28) was /92. According to the research results, there are significant relationship between the amount of the financial independence, self confidence, the decision making power and the amount of the awareness of women members of SHG and Non-Member of SHG. Also, there were no significant relationship between the amount of cutting dependency to direct financial supports and mental health the women members of SHG and Non-Member of SHG.

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Asghari, F. , Sadeghi, A. & Aslani, K. (2013). Comparative Study of the Financial Independence, Self-Confidence and Decision-Making Power, Awareness of the Social Resources and Mental Health in the Women Members of SHG and Non-Member of SHG. Sociology Mind, 3, 114-117. doi: 10.4236/sm.2013.31017.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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