Entrepreneurial Intentions and Its Influencing Factors: A Survey of the University Students in Xi’an China


Based on a survey of 2,010 senior university students from nine universities in Xi’an, China, this paper analyzes the student’s entrepreneurial intention level and its influencing factors. The results show that the perceived subjective norm of university students has significantly positive influence on their entrepreneurial attitude and the entrepreneurial self-efficacy while all these factors influence their entrepreneurial intentions significantly. This paper also examines the influence of other factors such as individual/psychological factors, family background factors and social environment factors, and further discusses its policy implications.

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Peng, Z. , Lu, G. & Kang, H. (2012). Entrepreneurial Intentions and Its Influencing Factors: A Survey of the University Students in Xi’an China. Creative Education, 3, 95-100. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38B021.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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