The Trust Levels, Trust Determinants, and Spatial Dimensions in Inter-Firm Relationships: A Warehousing Firm’s Perspective in the City of Busan, South Korea


This study analyzes the trust level relationships of the warehousing industry firms in the city of Busan, South Korea in regards to their determinants and spatial dimensions. A firm’s environment, such as reputation and renown, forms the relationship between the firm and other firms. The trust levels between firms were determined by the determinants of the trust: Long-term and repeated interaction, information sharing and reciprocity, and interdependence and asset specificity all had an important effect upon the micro or highest level of trust. Proximity and uncertainty influenced the meso or middle level of trust. The culture and norms of the firms & institutional formality affected the macro or lowest level of trust. It was found that the higher the trust levels, the more the respective spatial dimensions generated by the relationship between firms expanded to the national and international dimensions.

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S. Sung and S. Kang, "The Trust Levels, Trust Determinants, and Spatial Dimensions in Inter-Firm Relationships: A Warehousing Firm’s Perspective in the City of Busan, South Korea," iBusiness, Vol. 4 No. 4, 2012, pp. 371-382. doi: 10.4236/ib.2012.44046.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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