Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2011, 4, 646-651
doi:10.4236/jsea.2011.411076 Published Online November 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
A Suggested Theoretical Framework for Software
Project Success
Haroon Tarawneh
Computer Information System, Albalqa Applied University, Salt, Jordan.
Received September 24th, 2011; revised October 28th, 2011; accepted November 8th, 2011.
Current literature on software project management indicates that the majority of software projects either are consid-
ered a failu re or cha llenged. These projects are characterized by exceeding budget, exceeding time, and failing to meet
customer expectations. The fact that most projects fail highlights the need for research regarding the factors that lead
to software project success or failure. This paper presents a theoretical framework for software project success. Based
on deep analysis of current literature on software success factors, a theoretical framework is formulating. The sug-
gested framework shows factors that have to be carefully considered in order to achieve software project success. The
factors included in the framework are dividing into four categories: organizational factors, technical factors, people
factors, and culture factors. The suggested framework is new in the sense that it includes many factors that are not
founding together in any of the previous similar frameworks.
Keywords: Software Projects, Succ ess Factors, Technical Factors, People Factor s, Culture Factors, Organizational
1. Introduction
According to Jones [1], many organizations indicated
that a number of their software projects failed; and be-
tween one and two thirds of software projects exceed
their budget and time. Further, Gibbs [2], argued that ab-
out half of the expensive software projects at the end will
be considered out of control and cancelled.
In a survey of 280,000 application projects in large,
medium and small cross industry companies, the Standi-
sh group showed th at about 23% of projects were cancel-
led before completion and 49% exceeded their budgets
and time scales and had fewer features and functions than
originally specified [3]. Another survey by Taylor [4]
showed that out of 1027 software projects studied, only
130 projects (1 3% ) we re s uccessful.
The Standish group [3] distinguished three types of
systems: successful, challenged and impaired. A success-
ful system means that “the system is completed on time
and on budget, with all feature and functions as initially
specified”, a challenged system means, “a system com-
pleted and operational but over-budget, over the time es-
timate, and offers fewer features and function than origi-
nally specified”. An impaired system means “a system
that is cancelled at some point during the development
A project is usually deemed as successful if meets re-
quirements is delivered on time and delivered within bu-
dget [4]. Therefore software risk management is an ap-
proach that attempts to formalise risk oriented correlates
of development success into a readily applicable set of
principles and practise [5]. Furthermore Ropponen and
Lyytinen [6] and can increase software success. More-
over the implementation of software projects is a compl-
ex task involving the successful alignment of both the
technical and social system within an organization [6].
Furthermore after decades of research, systems develop-
ment and implementation projects remain notoriously ha-
rd to mange and many continue to end in failure [7].
The main objective of this research is to investigate the
factors that affects on software project successes/ failure
of software projects in Jordanian firms.
2. Related Work
This section provides an overview on related work on
software projects success/failure factors. The classifica-
tion provided below is based on deep analysis of the lit-
erature and the authors’ opinions. The software project
success/failure factors are divided into four categories:
A Suggested Theoretical Framework for Software Project Success647
2.1. Organizational Factors
The success of a software project is often related to orga-
nizational factors [8]. Organizational factors are divided
into four factors: the presence of formal methodology,
clear business objective, executive support and minimi-
zed project scope.
2.2. Technical Factors
The success of a software project is often related to tech-
nical factors [8]. Technical factors are divided into three
factors: the presence of standard software infrastructure,
understanding requirements and managing requirements
changes and reliable estimates.
2.3. People Factors
The success of a software project is often related to peo-
ple factors [8]. People factors are divided into two factors:
user involvement and the presence of an experienced
project manager.
2.4. Culture Factor
Denison [7] mentioned that the culture factor is a critical
success factor in software project. None of these authors
included this factor in their framework or models.
3. Research Problem
Many researchers have become interested in researching
the factors that affect on software projects success/failure.
Executive support affects the process and progress of
project and lack of it put the project at bad situation, [9-
11]. If project lack user involvement it fail even if it de-
veloped on time and budget, project fails if it does not
meet user needs or expectation, professionals of project
concern and care on this part, that lead to fail to achieve
project objectives [12]. Past literatures showed that expe-
rienced software project manager can identify risk on pro-
ject and lack of senior manger commitment seen as most
critical risk on project [6,11]) Boehm and Ross [13]
pointed out that the present of two different team in soft-
ware development with two different objective, one deal
with user requirement and another deal with technical
challenges this lead to misunderstanding of objectives for
the project.
For any project time is enemy for it, since scope im-
pact time, if we minimize it we can impact it within time
so the chance to success is increase [6]. In contrast to re-
quirements which are in changeable state, infrastructure
needs stability. Standish group found that about 70% of
application code is infrastructure and by using standard
infrastructure, the application team concentrate on busi-
ness rule rather than technology standard infrastructure
can shortcut applications integration that many develop-
mental team fail to application it. When we create base
level of requirement to our proj ect and then develop tho-
se features we can reduce the requirement changes, help
user and sponsors to see the result faster, and add bene-
fits for project managers to prepare and link the need and
criteria for the next phase of our project [14,12]. The use
of good formal methodology provides realistic pictures
about the project and some step may be reusable so ten-
dency to reinvent the wheel minimized and stability of
project increased, also formal methodology give manger
the ability to estimate the real time so th e risk is reduced
[14]. In order to develop project you need to make good
and realistic estimation which is hard planning and
through it you purchase the requirement and component
of projects, mangers must use their collective knowledge
and experience to get good estimate that reflect the real
effort needed. Budget and cost estimation is a crucial
factor in software projects success/failure [15,16]. These
factors include small mile-stones, proper planning, com-
petent staff and ownership and communication skills
4. Content Analysis
Based on deep analysis of the above literature, the fol-
lowing are our findings:
1) Executive Support is an important success factor for
software projects.
2) Clear Business Objective is an important success
factor for software projects.
3) Formal Methodology is an important success factor
for software projects.
4) Minimizing project Scope is an important success
factor for software projects.
5) Standard software Infrastructure is an important
success factor for software projects.
6) Understanding Requirements and Managing Requi-
rements Changes are important success factors for soft-
ware projects.
7) Reliable Estimates is an important success factor for
software projects.
8) User Involvement is an important success factor for
software projects.
9) Experienced Project Manager is an important suc-
cess factor for software projects.
10) Culture is an important success factor for software
projects as follow:
A. Culture influences the behavior of all individuals
within an organization, including how decisions are ma-
de, who makes them, how rewards are given, who is pro-
moted, how people are treated, and how the organiza-
tion responds to its environment.
B. To change the culture of an organization, people
need to be aware of what drives the thinking, feeling, and
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
A Suggested Theoretical Framework for Software Project Success
behavior of the organization.
C. Culture provides stability and predictability as it
gives direction for behavior, ideas, and how to respond in
various situations.
D. Information Technology manager must not only ma-
nage operations, finances, and implementation for soft-
ware project but also the culture.
E. A positive relationship was found between the cul-
ture factors and other factors that affect software project
5. Research Methodologies
An empirical study as a combination of questionnaire
survey and interview was applied in this research. Only
20 managers were interviewed because the others excu-
sed because of they were busy or in travelling.
6. Research Model
Research model in Figure 1 is built based on the combi-
nation of several past literatures. Based on these litera-
tures the research has formed the following hypothesis:
1-There are positive relationships between (standard re-
quirements, user involvement, executive support, clear
business objective, minimized scope, reliable estimation,
formal methodology, standard infrastructure, manager ex-
perience and other factors) factors And software project
7. Samples
The most of the sample are males (n = 166) which con-
sist (76.9%) of the sample where the females portion
consists (23.1%) of the sample. For education variable,
bachelor degree took the high portion (72.7%) whereas
high certificates portion was (27.3%). For experience
variable, the high portion went to (11-15 years) which
consisted (18.5%); the lowest portion went to (5 years
and less), (14.4%).
Figure 1. Research Model.
8. Reliability Test
Constancy factor was calculated according to (Cronbach’s
Alpha) for internal correspondence of total formulate and
for each variable with all dimensions. The questionnaire
was distributed to (25) subjects outside of the sample, the
results as shown in Table 1.
The table shows that constancy factors are high and
valid for statistical analysis and scientific research.
9. Results on Factors that Contributed to
Software Projects Success/Failure and the
Frequency of Occurrences
Based on the research model Figure 1, and the results that
we have got from the surveys, we summarize all factors
that affect on software projects success/failure according
to severity degree and frequency degree.
The results show that means of influential factors in
success of software engineering projects (scope, execu-
tive support, clear object, manager experience, culture,
reliable estimation, standard requirement, user involve-
ment, formal methodology, and firm infrastructure) came
at high degree and the total mean of influential factors in
success of software engineering projects in terms of its
severity (3.63), SD (0.54); Standard requirements dimen-
sion ranked first degree with mean reached(3.96) fol-
lowed by user involvement (3.89), executive support at
third degree (3.67), clear objective at fourth degree (3.64),
while the dimension of other factors ranked tenth rank
with mean (3.42) at middle degree.
Table 1. Value of internal correspondence for each variable
(independent and depende nt) with all dimensions.
Variable and dimensions Constancy factor
All independent variables 0.91
Standard requirement 0.86
User involveme nt 0.85
Executive support 0.88
Clear objectives 0.90
Scope 0.84
Reliable estimation 0.81
Formal methodology 0.86
Firm infrastructure 0.83
Manager experience 0.85
Other factors 0.78
Dependent variable 0. 85
Total( variables, dimensions and items) 0.89
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
A Suggested Theoretical Framework for Software Project Success649
Also the results show that means of influential factors
in success of software engineering projects ( scope, exe-
cutive support, clear object, manager experience, culture,
reliable estimation, standard requirement, user involve-
ment, formal methodology, and firm infrastructure) came
at high degree and the total mean of influential factors in
success of software engineering projects in terms of its
frequency (3.56), SD (0.57); culture dimension ranked
first degree with mean reached(3.87) followed by stan-
dard requirement (3.81), user involvement at third degree
(3.59), executive support at fourth degree (3.58), while
the dimension of manager experience ranked tenth rank
with mean (3.34) at middle degree.
10. Result Discussions
10.1. Standard Requirement Factor
This factor came at first rank in terms of severity degree
and frequency. From the researcher's view, weakness of
workers in collecting requirements and disability to use
the right methods in collection process is from the rea-
sons that lead to make these requirements unclear. Each
project has its privacy in requirements collection process
by the user and analyzing these requirements; also if the-
se requirements don’t identify accurately, this may cause
failure to the project; documentation mechanism consid-
ered as an important requiremen t that is through revising
available documents in Jordanian institutions there was
no documentation mechanism for requirements in order
to revise it with systems users when finishing these sys-
tems at the end. User's misunderstanding of needed re-
quirements is one of the reasons that lead to imperfection
of requirements and changing them during working on
the system. Identifying project framework , clarifying and
defining objective, and users involvement play an im-
portant role in defining the project requirements.
10.2. User Involvement Factor
This factor ranked the second rank in terms of severity
and frequency degree to assure the interest in continua-
tion of teamwork members when they doing their works
perfectly without any imperfection may affect negatively
quantities and qualitative outcomes. For the importance
of the big role that user involvement plays in success of
software engineering projects, this dimension is very
important to clarifying work objectives and making bal-
ance among teamwork members when they sharing their
roles and enable them to know unclear things in the in sti-
tution, so, involving the user within teamwork helps in
resolving some of vagueness in specific items of the
work which is to be achieved by software engineering
team in the institution. User involvement process mini-
mizing resistance change for new system that is the user
who intended to be involved within teamwork should
have a positive role to protect the project and tries to
convince the others with the importance of the project for
the institution in all; also this user should have a role in
communication flexibility process between system deve-
lopment team and system users because he/she is the
only one who can explain the teamwork and his /her co-
workers views.
10.3. Executive Support Factor
In terms of severity and frequency degree in success of
software engineering projects, this dimension ranked the
third rank. Executive administration will minimize diffi-
culties that facing system development team. Support
will be provided to the project if the expected benefits
are big and if the project can be applied in more than one
location in the institutio n. Software engineering manager
should have the ability to attract execu tive administration
in order to provision support and distributing the avail-
able resources to the project’s phases.
10.4. Clear Business Objective Factor
In terms of severity and frequency degree in success of
software engineering projects, this dimension ranked the
fourth rank. If the objective is clear, this will facilitates
teamwork task and identifying the project requirement
early as well as that will play an important role in defin-
ing the scope framework; here, the software engineering
manager and his teamwork have to define the real object-
tives that are put by the administration, also ho lding suc-
cessive meeting with administration in order to clarifying
the required objectives to facilitate controlling the work’s
phases. By doing this, the project manager is able to re-
vise the plan that is put to achieve the required objective
and enable hi m to know th e inadequacy in the plan which
helps in avoiding failure of the project.
10.5. Minimized Scope Factor
This factor came at fifth rank in terms of severity and
frequency. If the size of work has been minimized and
divides into phases, this will contributes to success of the
software engineering projects. Project’s size affects the
required time to accomplish the project and the estimated
budget of the project. Furthermore, minimizing the pro-
ject size will affect the formal methodology of the pro-
10.6. Reliable Estimation Factor
This factor came at sixth rank in terms of severity and
frequency. Reliable estimation is very important to suc-
cess of software engineering, but in Jordanian environ-
ment there is a lack of trained people who are ab le to use
the estimation tools, instead of that they depend on esti-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
A Suggested Theoretical Framework for Software Project Success
mations and experiences of the project manager in put-
ting the estimated cost of the costs and time as well as
expected benefits that could be gained from project; this
may involve risk because each project has its special en-
vironment, so changing factor in requirements may make
the project exceed the estimated budget and minimized
scope that this factor affect the reliable estimation. Fina-
lly, the technological development and the short age of
this technology make the project to exceed the estimated
10.7. Formal Methodology Factor
This dimension came at seventh rank in terms of severity
and frequency. If there is a formal methodology of the
software engineering projects and is used in all phases of
the project, this well lead to success of the project and
helps the manager to contro l the project. A clear template
should be used during all talks that take place between
teamwork and the user and between the manager and
teamwork; this communication helps the manager to re-
vise this template to iden tify the mistake, change and any
delay in the project in order to avoid them to protect the
project from failure.
10.8. Standard Software Infrastructure Factor
This factor came at eighth rank in terms of severity and
frequency. Existing this dimension will help in success of
the project. The results indicated that the good infrastru-
cture is available in Jordanian environment which may
help in developing software engineering projects through
the policies that are put by governmental and private in-
stitutions in Jordan, but the changeable technology and
the short period of technology affect the institutions to
follow up these developments especially hardware. From
the researcher's view, the institutions that have culture
supports computerization, they will seek to provide the
right infrastructure for software engineering projects and
be able to follow up the digital ag e that we live in.
10.9. Manager Experience Factor
This factor took the ninth rank and at middle degree ac-
cording to the scale that was used by the s tudy, th is indi-
cates that the sample indiv iduals have the ability to work
and solving problems within teamwork spirit. Although,
manager experience has an important role in success of
engineering software, the results indicated that there
were significant differences at subjects' perceptions to-
wards the effective factors in success of software engi-
neering projects that attributed to experience variable; the
differences were in favorers to subjects whose experience
more than 21 years.
10.10. Other Factors
This study showed that ineffective communication was
one of the main factors for project failure. Unrealistic
planning for software project lead to project failure.
study done by Addison and Keil et al. concern on the
realistic planning and good communication skill to soft-
ware project success.
11. Theoretical Framework for Software
Project Success
Based on deep analysis of the literature and our findings ,
we suggest the following theoretical framework for soft-
ware project success (see Figure 2). We believe that
Software project management is a lengthy undertaking
involving a set of complex activities that take a lot of
time and cost. The success in such an undertaking depen-
ds on good and reliable estimation. Based on the above
analysis, we classify software project success factors into
four categories: organizational factors which are the pre-
sence of formal methodology, clear business objective,
executive support and project scope, technical factors
that are standard software infrastructure, understanding
requirements and managing requirements changes and
reliable estimates, people factors that are user involve-
ment and experienced project manager, and the cultural
factors which involve organizational culture. Also in the
analysis, a relationship was found between the organiza-
tional factor s, people fact ors, technical factors.
12. Conclusions
The research attempts to understand the factors that affect
OrganizationalFactor s
Te ch nic al Factors
Standard Software
Understanding Requirements
and Management
uirements chan
Projec t Mang e r
 CultureFactors
Organizational Cultu r
Estim a tes
Softwa re Project Su cce ss
UserSatisfa cti on
Figure 2. The suggested framework.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
A Suggested Theoretical Framework for Software Project Success
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
software projects success. Furthermore, this paper at-
tempts to understand the cultural influences on software
projects and the interaction between the culture factor
and other factors that affect software project success. In
addition, this paper provides the interested audience, ei-
ther in private or academic sectors, with a short descrip-
tion of those factors that result in software project suc-
cess/failure. Finally in this paper, a theoretical frame-
work is suggested.
The deep analysis of the literature showed that project
success is dependent on many factors including executive
support, clear objectives, presence of a formal method-
ology, minimization of project scope, use of a standard
software infrastructure, understanding and managing re-
quirements, making reliable estimates, user involvement,
presence of experienced project manager, and last not
least, taking cultural aspects into consideration. The work
presented above resu lted in the formation of a theoretical
framework for software project success. This framework
is novel in the sense that it includ es many factors that are
not found together in any other framework. The frame-
work stresses the importance of cultural factors in project
success. The factors included in the framework are vali-
dated through content analysis of the literature. The sug-
gested framework is currently being calibrated by using
it to evaluate many ongoing and completed software pro-
jects. The results will be presented in a forthcoming pa-
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