Vol.3, No.10, 647-655 (2011)
opyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Nutritional status of children in rural India: a case study
from Tamil Nadu, first in the world to initiate the Mid-Day
Meal scheme
Palanisamy Navaneethan1,2, Thiagarajan Kalaivani1, Chandrasekaran Rajasekaran1*,
Nautiyal Sunil2
1Division of Plant Biotechnology, School of Bio Sciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India;
*Corresponding author: drcrs70@gmail.com
2Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India
Received 5 January 2011; revised 16 February 2011; accepted 20 March 2011.
In India, during the mid-nineties the Union Gov-
ernment had initiated the Mid-Day Meal sche-
mes in schools to promote primary education
on one hand, and to reduce malnutrition on the
other. However, Tamil Nadu had launched this
program several decades before; during the
regime of Mr. Kumarasami Kamraj (1954-1963).
An empirical study was undertaken in the rural
areas of Tamil Nadu, in the south of India, to
understand the nutritional status of the children
between 11 and 18 years old. This group is vul-
nerable, as during this age, individuals undergo
physical and mental changes. We calculated the
Body Mass Index (BMI) of school children to
assess their nutritional status. A total of 806 sc-
hool children took part in this study and the
majority of them were found to be underweight
in the study region. Irrespective of their age gr-
oup and sex, as per the WHO’s international
standards, 83% of the students were underwei-
ght (BMI < 18.5). Only 16% of the students w ere
in the normal range (BMI 18.5 - 24.9), and of the
rest, 0.39% and 0.06% were in the BMI range of
25 - 29.9 (overweight) and 30 - 35.9 (obese), res-
pectively. Based on available data, a regression
analysis was carried out. This regression model
showed that students’ age, sex and father’s
occupation significantly affects their BMI. Fur-
ther analysis showed that BMI w as independent
of the students’ blood group. It was concluded
that malnutrition among school children can be
eliminated by providing additional healthy foods
and by improving the Socio Economic Back-
ground (SE B) of the region.
Keywords: BMI (Body Mass Index); Underweight;
Regression Analysis; Fathers’ Occupation;
SEB (Socio Economic Background)
Humans have been haunted by diseases from time
immemorial. The current trend of food consumption and
urbanization has led to many complications in diagnos-
ing diseases. On one side, there are increased cases of
obesity and on the other, there is malnutrition (under-
weight). This paradox is very common in developing
countries and is found to increase proportionally with
time [1,2]. In India alone there are approximately 60
million children who are underweight [3], and the
prevalence is higher in rural areas compared to urban
areas [4]. The number of malnourished children in India
is among the highest in the world and is twice than that
of the sub-Saharan region [5]. The condition of being
underweight may have resulted from a) low dietary in-
take b) excessive work out c) chronic infections [6].
Even though many methods are available to study the
nutritional status of an individual, anthropometry is con-
sidered as a good tool, especially to study the malnutrition
of individuals [7,8]. Within anthropometry, some studies
suggest the skin fold measures or waist/hip/arm circum-
ferences as an indicator of malnutrition, while others sug-
gest using the Body Mass Index (BMI) [8,9]. For our
study we used BMI as a measure to study the malnour-
ishment in children. We have four reasons for choosing
this method: 1) simple procedure 2) no technical compli-
cations 3) inexpensive 4) can be used to study large popu-
lations. In fact, many researchers favored the application
of BMI in the nutritional assessment of individuals
[10,11]. One can foresee the development of clinical
diseases with the help of BMI [12]. BMI has a direct
relationship with body fat [13] and some researchers
P. Navaneethan et al. / Health 3 (2011) 647-655
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
advocate the use of BMI in determining the fatness in
children and adolescents [14]. Yet in spite of the many
advantages, controversies still exist regarding the authe-
nticity of BMI.
For our study, we have chosen children of 11 - 18
years. During this age, individuals undergo changes both
physically and mentally. In India, this group constitutes
around 21.4% of the total population [15]. This age
group is the intermediate between childhood and adult-
hood. Assessing their nutritional level is of great impor-
tance, as it can reveal the past and future life styles [16].
According to the United Nations sub-committee (1998),
this age group is considered as an optimal period to
study the health and nutritio nal status of individua ls [17].
Studies carried out by various workers revealed a high
prevalence of under-nutrition (BMI < 18.5) among ado-
lescent girls [15,18,19]. Many researchers have strongly
recommended that being underweight should be con-
sisered as a public health issue [20-25]. There is a linear
relationship between being underweight and low bone
mass [26]. Underweight individuals are prone to various
kinds of infections, since they have low immune power,
which ma y ult im a tely l ead t o deat h of t he individual [27].
In 2000, representatives fro m th e UN O me mb er co un-
tries made a resolution to eliminate poverty [28], thereb y
reducing the number of children with malnutrition
(wasting, stunting, and underweight) [29]. Evaluating
the nutritional status of individuals and as a whole
population is not only helpful to the workers of public
health, but also helps researchers from economic and
social sciences to analyze the economic standards of
those individuals [30]. In this endeavor, we have under-
taken empirical research to evaluate the nutritional status
of children living in rural areas of Tamil Nadu.
2.1. Stu dy Area
The study was carried out in 6 different government
and government aided schools in Pernambut block of
Vello re district in Tamil Nadu, India. Figure 1 shows th e
study location. The schools include; Government Adi
Dravidar Welfare higher secondary school- Pernambut
(A), Government Girls high school-Pernambut (B),
Hindu higher secondary school-Karambur (C), Govern-
ment higher secondary school-Vadacheri (D), Govern-
ment Adi Dravidar Welfare high school-T T Mottur (E)
and Government high school-Balur (F). The economic
status of the 6 different locations is given in Tabl e 1. In
the past and present, the mortality rate has been used as a
health indicator by the public health workers [15]. Since
the Pernambut block has the highest mortality rate com-
pared to other parts of Vellore district (including infant
deaths) [31], the study was carried out in this region.
Table 1. General information of the study area*.
Title School A School B School C School D School E School F
Name of the village/town Pernambut Pernambut Karambur Vadacheri T T Mottur Balur
Taluk GudiyathamGudiyathamVaniyambadi Vaniyambadi Gudiyatham Gudiyatham
District Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore
Total population 6932 6932 1716 2333 4102 5235
Male population 3481 3481 870 1149 2077 2644
Female population 3451 3451 846 1184 2025 2591
Literacy rate 56.94 56.94 77.7 74.07 59.49 67.89
Sex ratio 991 991 972 1030 975 980
Farmers 57 57 120 91 230 272
Industrial workers 1466 1466 14 37 95 46
Other workers 703 703 118 290 318 765
Agricultural labourers 443 443 21 100 983 1104
Village area (in hectares) 1088.48 1088.48 207.07 292.89 762.68 706.31
Total agricultural area (i n hectares) 56.34 56.34 175 194 621.70 78.92
*(Source: http://www.census2001.tn.nic.in and District census handbook 1991, Tamil Nadu, retrieved on 10thJuly 2010).
P. Navaneethan et al. / Health 3 (2011) 647-655
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
(Indian and Tamil Nadu political map, Source: www.mapsofindia.com, Accessed on July, 2010; Vellore district map, Source: www.atsui6.dharkness.info, Ac-
cessed on October, 2010)
Figure 1. Location of the study area.
2.2. Stud y Subjects
Around 810 school students (both boys and girls)
from the above mentioned schools of the age group 11 -
18 years participated in the study. As the study was car-
ried out as a part of the National Service Scheme (NSS)
program, permission was granted to us by the respective
headmasters of the schools. A team of 15 stud ents under
one faculty head visited each of the six schools during
the first quarter of 2010.
2.3. Anthropometry and Data Analysis
As previously mentioned, BMI was calculated for all
the students who participated. Moreover, the WHO still
favours the use of BMI in assessing the nutritional status
of children. The following formula was used to calculate
BMI [32].
BMI = (Weight in Kilogram)/(Height in metre)2
The unit for BMI is Kg/m2. Before measurements, we
visited each class and provided the students with infor-
mation about BMI, good food habits and so on. Height
of the students was measured using a metal tape, which
was permanently fixed to a vertical wooden stand. The
students (without footwear) were asked to stand straight
against the tape and the height was noted to the nearest
1cm. The weight machine which is generally available in
the hospitals in India was used to measure the weight of
the children. The weight was measured to the nearest 0.5
Kg. During all these measurements, the students were
wearing their school uniform. The weight of the school
uniform did not interfere with the individual’s weight.
The BMI was calculated using a standard scientific cal-
culator (Casio®, Japan). These data were initially noted
in a registry notebook. Each of the students was pro-
P. Navaneethan et al. / Health 3 (2011) 647-655
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
vided with a health card which contained; 1) the name of
the student, 2) age, 3) height in cm, 4) weight in Kg, 5)
student’s BMI, 6) BMI inference, 7) remarks, and 8)
school seal. In the remarks, based on student’s BMI,
health suggestions were written. Before distributing the
health card, general information regarding each student
was collected. The data were finally entered into Excel
2003 spreadsheets (Microsoft Corporation®, Windows)
for further analysis. For carrying out regression analysis
we used the software “EViews version 5.1” (© 2009
Quantitative Micro Software).
3.1. Students’ Body Mass Index Irrespective
of Age, Sex and Father’s Occupation
The participation percentage of the students was
around 99% (806 out of 810). Irrespective of the age
groups, father’s occupation and sex, as per WHO’s in-
ternational stand ards, out of the 806 students, 83% of the
students were underweight (BMI < 18.5). Only 16% of
the students were in the normal range (BMI 18.5 - 24.9),
the remaining 0.39% and 0.06% were in the BMI range
of 25 - 29.9 (overweight) and 30 - 35.9 (obese) respec-
tively. The overweight and obese population was not that
significant when compared with the underweight popu-
lation. As mentioned earlier, in rural India, there are
more students who are underweight than belonging to
the other BMI categories. For further analysis, we have
classified the students based on their ages for example,
11 - 13, 14 - 16, and 17 - 18 years. Figure 2 shows the
classification of students based on their ages. A recent
study in this direction also showed that BMI varies with
ethnicity [33]. Tables 2 and 3 classify the students based
on international and Asian standards, respectively. Ac-
cording to the Asian standards, 15% of th e stud en ts lie in
the normal range (BMI 18.5 - 22.9), 1% of the students
are overweight (BMI 23 - 27.4) and 0.34% of the stu-
dents are obese (BMI 27.5 - 34.9). The underweight
percentage remains the same to the International stan-
dards, irrespective of the ages of the students.
3.2. Students’ Body Mass Index in Relation
with Age, Sex and Father ’s Occupation
Several studies have shown that BMI is dependent on
many factors (age, education of the parents, occupation
of the father, socio economic status, food habits and so
on) [34-37]. In our study we concentrated on age, sex
and father’s occupation as main factors. We classified
the students based on their father’s occupation. Figure 3
categorizes the students based on their fathers’ occupa-
tion. We found that a majority of the students in the 6
different schools of the study region come from a low
Figure 2. Age g roup distrib ution of stud ents. The students from
six different schools were classified based on their ages. The
majority of the students were between 14 - 16 years. A = Gov-
ernment Adi Dravidar Welfare higher secondary school-Per-
nambut; B = Government Girls high school-Pernambut; C =
Hindu higher secondary school-Karambur; D = Government
higher secondary school-Vadacheri; E = Government Adi Dra-
vidar Welfare high school-T T Mottur; and F = Government
high school-Balur.
Table 2. Classification of students based on their BMI (International standards).
Age Group Range School A (%)School B (%)School C (%)School D (%) S c ho ol E (%) School F (%)
11 - 13 <18.5 DNA 91.18 83.33 DNA 87.5 80
18.5 - 24.9 DNA 5.88 16.67 DNA 12.5 20
25 - 29.9 DNA 2.94 0 DNA 0 0
30 - 35.9 DNA 0 0 DNA 0 0
14 - 16 < 18.5 89.05 73.04 80.70 73.85 88.31 86.11
18.5 - 24.9 10.22 26.09 17.54 26.15 11.69 13.89
25 - 29.9 0.73 0 1.75 0 0 0
30 - 35.9 0 0.87 0 0 0 0
17 - 18 < 18.5 80.77 DNA 72.22 80.95 100 DNA
18.5 - 24.9 19.23 DNA 27.78 19.05 0 DNA
25 - 29.9 0 DNA 0 0 0 DNA
30 - 35.9 0 DNA 0 0 0 DNA
DNA = Data Not Available.
P. Navaneethan et al. / Health 3 (2011) 647-655
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 3. Classification of students based on their BMI (Asian standards).
Age Group Range School A (%)School B (%)School C ( % )School D (%) School E (%) School F (%)
11 - 13 < 18.5 DNA 91.18 83.33 DNA 87.5 80
18.5 - 22.9 DNA 5.88 16. 67 DNA 12.5 20
23 - 27.4 DNA 0 0 DNA 0 0
27.5 - 34.9 DNA 2.94* 0 DNA 0 0
14 - 16 < 18.5 89.05 73.04 80.70 73.85 88.31 86.11
18.5 - 22.9 8.03* 24.35* 17.54 23.08* 11.04* 12.5*
23 - 27.4 2.92* 1.74* 0.88* 3.08* 0.65* 1.39*
27.5 - 34.9 0 0.87 0.88* 0 0 0
17 - 18 < 18.5 80.77 DNA 72.22 80.95 100 DNA
18.5 - 22.9 19.23 DNA 27.78 14.29* 0 DNA
23 - 27.4 0 DNA 0 4.76* 0 DNA
27.5 - 34.9 0 DNA 0 0 0 DNA
DNA = Data Not Available; * = Values that dif fer from International standards.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Classification of students based on age, school and father’ s occupation. (a) Age group 1 1 - 13 years; (b) Age group 14 - 16 years
and (c) Age group 17 - 18 years. In all these cases, it was found that the majority of the students come from low SEB and their fathers’ were
daily wagers. A = Government Adi Dravidar Welfare higher secondary school-Pernambut; B = Government Girls high school-Pernambut;
C = Hindu higher secondary school-Karambur; D = Government higher secondary school-Vadacheri; E = Government Adi Dravidar
Welfare high school-T T Mottur; and F = Govern ment high school -Balur; L = Farmer; S = Shopkeeper; Q = Daily wagers; G = Govern-
ment employees; P = Business (includes making and selling of Beedi) and M = Miscellaneous.
Socio Economic Background (SEB) and their fathers’
were daily wagers. We predicted that this may have af-
fected their BMI and may have also attributed to a higher
number of infant deat hs in the region.
3.3. Regression Analysis and Model
To confirm the relationship of students’ BMI with their
age, sex and father’s occupation we carried out a regres-
sion analysis to develop a model. Father’s occupation
was divided into 3 levels of income; Low, Medium and
High. Based on this, a regression analysis was carried
out. Low income = Daily wagers; Medium income =
Farmers, Shopkeepers, Beedi makers; High income =
Government employees, Business (excludes making and
selling of Beedi) and Miscellaneous. For this analysis,
P. Navaneethan et al. / Health 3 (2011) 647-655
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
we had data for around 799 students. Initially, we com-
pared BMI with age and BMI with father’s occupation
of the students separately. Figure 4 shows the compari-
son of BMI with age and BMI with father’s occupation
of the students separately. These comparisons yielded a
relationship. With this as base, we then developed a re-
gression model. Figure 5 show s the output of regression
analysis. The equation is given below,
BMI = T1* AGE + T2 * JOB –T3 * SEX + C (1)
Where, T1 = 0.3130117077; T2 = 0.3691940514; T3 =
1.153516538; C = 11.88263 747.
Figure 4. Relationship of BMI with age (a)
and with father’s occupation (b). Father’s oc-
cupation was divided into 3 levels of income;
Low, Medium and High. Based on this, a re-
gression analy sis was carri ed out. Low in com e
= Daily wagers; Medium income = Farmers,
Shopkeepers, Beedi makers; High income =
Government employees, Business (excludes
making and selling of Beedi) and Miscella-
We have assigned “0” for female students and “1” for
male students in our analysis for the variable “SEX”.
BMI of students was significantly correlated with their
age, sex and father’s occupation (unadjusted R2 =
0.071663; adjusted R2 = 0.068160). From the regression
analysis output we also found that the residual was ran-
dom. So this implied that the model had a good statisti-
cal basis. Figure 6 shows the residual analysis.
3.4. Students’ Body Mass Index
Independent of Their Blood Group
We also checked whether the blood group of the stu-
dents really affected their BMI. This idea came from a
study, which showed that the diet of an individual can be
designed b ased upon their b lood group (The b lood group
diet spotlight by Juliette Kellow) [38]. The regression
analysis was carried out as mentioned previously with
the inclusion of one more variable: Blood Group. The
output of the analysis showed that BMI was independent
of blood grouped students. Figure 7 show s the output of
regression analysis with inclusion of the variable Blood
Group. The probability of the t-statistic for Blood Group
was 0.7913, which made us infer the independency of
BMI with respect to blood group of students.
3.5. Mean Body Mass Index
We have also analyzed the mean BMI of students on
the basis of age group, as well as on the basis of the
schools. Figure 8 represents the mean BMI based on the
student’s age group. The mean BMI did not touch the
minimum value of the normal BMI range (i.e. BMI 18.5)
in any of the schools. Among these, the highest mean
Figure 5. Output of regression analysis using EViews version
5.1. The output also yielded the following equation: BMI =
0.3130117077 * AGE + 0.3691940514 * JOB – 1.153516538 *
SEX + 11.88263747. R2 = 0.071663. The probability of the
t-statistic was within normal range for all the variables and the
Durbin-Watson stat 2.104001 < 2.6.
P. Navaneethan et al. / Health 3 (2011) 647-655
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 6. Residual analysis of the regression model using
EViews version 5.1. The residual is random, indicating that the
model had a good statistical basis.
Figure 7. Output of regression analysis including the variable
“BLOOD GROUP” using EViews version 5.1. R2 = 0.071745.
The probability of th e t-stat istic was abov e no rm al r ange for th e
variable “BLOOD GROUP” and within normal range for rest of
the variables and the Durbin-Watson stat 2.103831 < 2.6.
BMI was shown by school B (Age group 14 - 16). It
was followed by school A (Age group 17 - 18). These
age groups have no access to the Mid-Day Meals in
schools. This showed us that Mid-Day Meals have no
impact on the health of students and led us to believe
that the food provided was not healthy, or parents were
illiterate about healthier life styles.
This study will help public health planners to assess
the health condition of rural children living in Tamil
Figure 8. Mean BMI based on the student’s age group. The
mean BMI did not touch the minimum value of the normal BMI
range (i.e. BMI 18.5; represented by a black line) in any of the
schools. The highest mean BMI was shown by the school B
(Age group 14 - 16 years). A = Government Adi Dravidar
Welfare higher secondary school-Pernambut; B = Government
Girls high school-Pernambut; C = Hindu higher secondary
school-Karambur; D = Government higher secondary school-
Vadacheri; E = Government Adi Dravidar Welfare high school-
T T Mottur; and F = Government high school-Balur.
Nadu. Nearly 80% of the school children were under-
weight. The underweight children are highly prone to
various kinds of infections, as they have low immune
power. This may be one of the factors that attributed to
the high mortality rate in the region.
The Equation (1) that we derived on regression analy-
sis showed that for a particular age, the BMI of female
students was greater than that of male students. The
same was proved by Sproston et al. [39]. The model also
showed that there are other factors that affect the health
of children. However, much further study needs to be
carried out on the role of parents’ education on children’s
health. This is an important variable that has a signifi-
cant effect on the BMI of students.
The Government of Tamil Nadu started the Mid-Day
Meals Program (MDMP) during the period of Mr. Ku-
marasami Kamaraj, who was the Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu from 1954-63. Apart from this, he has introduced
free school uniforms to weed out caste, creed and class
distinctions among young minds. The agenda of this
program was essentially to increase the literacy rate in
the state. Initially, many people criticized this program,
but later the program gained momentum as it increased
the attendance of children in government schools. From
the 15th August, 1995, the union government of India
started financing the Cooked Mid-Day Meal Program
(CMDM). At present, Mid-Day Meals are given to
school children up to the age of 14 years (till 8th stan-
dard). Our study has shown that, children eating
Mid-Day Meals do not have normal BMI values (both
for Asian and internatio nal standards). Their BMI is less
with respect to those standards, as with the other age
P. Navaneethan et al. / Health 3 (2011) 647-655
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
groups (14 - 16, 17 - 18). In India, ev en after introducing
the Mid-Day Meals scheme more than a decade ago, and
in the state of Tamil Nadu, a few decades ago, the num-
ber of school children who are und erweight is still on th e
rise. Thus, the food given for Mid-Day Meals needs to
be checked thorough ly to maintain its nutrition al quality.
Moreover, Mid-Day Meals alone cannot improve the
health of students. The parents have to be taught about
healthier life styles. There are many parameters that are
Several countries have formulated better policies;
thereby, they have shown improvement in reducing the
number of underweight children. Bhutan, a neighboring
country of India, has halved the number of underweight
children within a span of 10 years [40]. Even though the
Mid-Day Meal Program covered improving the nutri-
tional status of students in its agenda, the same was not
seen in practice. For every health program, there should
be high political commitment in order to make the pro-
gram a grand success [41]. Moreover, the program
should be evenly coordinated in all the villages.
Apart from regular meals, the students should also be
provided seasonal fruits on particular days in a week,
which are available at cheaper prices during that par-
ticular season [42]. A study has shown that women’s
education can improve the nutritional status of children
[43]. Until now, Mid-Day Meals are given to children
only till the age of 14 years. This program should be
exte nded until the ag e of 19 years. The age group o f 10 -
19 years is a crucial period in one’s life. The education
during this period decides the fate of an individual in
India. Our study clearly shows that the children above 14
years are still malnourished in the rural areas. So in
order to improve the ch ildren’s education and health , this
program should further include children until 19 years of
age. Children’s health and education will certainly im-
prove the social and economic environment in the region.
Any innovations, and in this case, Mid-Day Meals, will
benefit the children only if it is exploited to the fullest
extent. Moreover, the food being provided during
Mid-Day Meals should be hygienic [42]. Quality assess-
ment procedures should also be implemented in the
Mid-Day Meals Program. The total calories required per
student should be revised periodically and should be
We thank the VIT University Management and the Institute for So-
cial and Economic Change authorities, for their constant support and
encouragements. We thank the VIT University’s NSS team. The au-
thors would also like to extend their gratitude to Hu Di, student, of The
Central University of Finance and Economics, China for her valuable
suggestions. The authors also thank Cody Nathaniel Jones, Linfield
College, Oregon and Simon Vyse, University of Leicester for their
critical reviews on the paper.
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