Journal of Service Science and Management, 2011, 4, 215-221
doi:10.4236/jssm.2011.42025 Published Online June 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech
Cooperation Patterns and University Resources
Li Li1, Zhengning Feng 1, Xuezhu Gao 1
1Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China.
Received November 15th, 2010; revised January 20th, 2011; accepted February 27th, 2011.
This paper studies the relationship between cooperation patterns and resources of university in international science and
technology cooperation and exchanges based on correspondence analysis method, makes assessment and judgment
about pattern selection of international science and technology cooperation between universities in terms of human re-
sources, technology level, financial resources, analyzes the gains or losses of international science and technology co-
operation in primary patterns and advanced patterns, explores the existing prob lems and trends of internatio nal science
and technology coo perati on between universit ies , and put f o rw ard corresp on di ng countermeasures and s ug gest i ons.
Keywords: International Science and Tech nology Cooperation, Correspondence Analysis Method, Cooperation Pattern
1. Introduction
With global trends of the cooperation of economic and
technological, international science and technology coop-
eration and effective usage of global scientific and tech-
nological resources are the important ways to promote
national or regional scientific and technological develop-
ment, to enhance the national or regional industrial com-
petitiveness, and to promote economic growth. Universi-
ties, as the main participant in international science and
technology cooperation, and the main provider of human
resources and technological resources for international
science and technology cooperation, occupy an irreplace-
able important role; international science and technology
cooperation between universities is a key factor in the
new round of global scientific resources restructuring and
technological cross-border transferring. Analyzing Chi-
na’s universities resource conditions of international sci-
ence and technology cooperation, cooperation models,
status and trends and strengthening international science
and technology cooperation and exchanges among uni-
versities are of great significance to cultivate creative
talents, to enhance scientific and technological innovation
capability and to build an open system of independent
innovation system.
2. Literature Review and Research
In recent years, scholars in this area launched a series of
related studies, Finholt and Olson (1997) proposed an
organizational pattern for scientific cooperation estab-
lished by a virtual network organization model [1]. Basu
and Aggarwal (2001) studied the influence of interna-
tional science and technology cooperation on an aca-
demic institution (university), and the publishing of in-
ternational joint papers achievement is beneficial for an
academic institution to improve its own performance [2].
Smeby and Trondal (2005) researched some of the link-
ages between the trends of universities in international
science and technology cooperation and some factors,
such as globalization, policy conditions and geography,
on the basic of statistics and questionnaire survey about
five kinds of patterns of international cooperation and
exchanges in three periods of three universities of Nor-
way [3]. Beaver (2001) reviewed some previous and cur-
rent studies on scientific cooperation, proposed new di-
rection for future research, and studied the motives and
characteristics of cooperation [4]. Papon (2004) studied
the role that basic scientific and technical cooperation
organizations play in Europe scientific and technical co-
operation [5]. Fuqua et al. (2004) studied the interdisci-
plinary scientific cooperation [6]. Yamashita and Okubo
(2006) carried out case studies and analyzed the status of
international science and technology cooperation [7].
Roderik Ponds2009) conducted a research on the limits
to internationalization of scientific research collaboration
[8]. Li et al. (2001) proposed the necessity for universi-
Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech Cooperation Patterns and University Resources
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
ties to carry out international science and technology
cooperation [9]. Feng et al. (2002) studied the law appli-
cation mechanism for carrying out international science
and technology cooperation in universities [10]. Zhang
(2003) studied the international science and technology
cooperation of Research University, also used the coop-
eration pattern adopted by Zhejiang University Interna-
tional science and technology cooperation as example,
expounded the conditions, characteristics for establishing
cooperation pattern and role it plays in promoting school
development [11]. Li et al. (2005) studied the science
and technology cooperation between or among the
east-west universities and discussed the cooperation pat-
terns and development ideas [12]. Hu (2006) studied
Tsinghua University’s international science and technol-
ogy cooperation, summed up experiences and put for-
ward some policies and suggestions [13]. Wu (2007)
studied the universities international science and tech-
nology cooperation in a global context [14]. Zhang (2009)
studied China’s university international science and
technology cooperation patterns and characteristics [15].
This paper studies the universities international science
and technology cooperation from two dimensions, the
resource conditions and cooperation pattern of universi-
ties international science and technology cooperation,
reveals the relationship and general law of resource con-
ditions and cooperation pattern in carrying out interna-
tional science and technology cooperation in universities
and provides references for promoting the further devel-
opment of cooperation and exchange of international
science and technology in China’s universities.
3. Research Method
Correspondence analysis method is a multiple dependent
variables statistical analysis techniques, which reveals
the connections among variables through interactive
summary table consisting of qualitative variables. This
method can not only describe the links between variables
through the distribution maps of variable type, but also
reveal the differences in of one variable and correspon-
dence relationship in various categories of different type
of variable.
We assume for the question studied that: resource
conditions (human resources, science and technology
level, financial resources) of a college of science and
technology cooperation, to a large extent, determine the
level at which it carries out international science and
technology cooperation and the stage, which can be re-
flected in the different cooperation models chosen by
universities. That is, there exists a kind of corresponding
relationship, mutual influence and constraints, between
the resource conditions and cooperation model of univer-
sities international science and technology cooperation.
For the research of the relationship, the main content is
to study that: what kind of cooperation pattern a univer-
sity with a certain level of resource condition will tend to
choose? Since the data we obtained are largely qualita-
tive variable data, a quantitative analysis of the variable
data is inevitable. Generally, analyzing qualitative vari-
ables needs to take non-linear statistical methods, but the
research variable, “model” needs to be divided into many
categories, while the non-linear statistical methods can
not be visually revealed the contact between the variables,
so this paper conducted research by adopting correspon-
dence analysis method.
4. Variable Establishment and Data
The variables established in this paper are to describe the
two dimensions, which are the resource and cooperation
patterns of university international science and technol-
ogy cooperation.
4.1. Establishment of International Sci-Tech
Cooperation Resource Variable
Information, technology, talent and capital are the four
essential elements for international scientific and tech-
nological cooperation. These four elements flow between
cooperative participants every time international scien-
tific and technological cooperation happens, and the
flowing direction is up to the degree in which the par-
ticipants own them. That is, just because of these four
elements are differently owned by cooperative partici-
pants, the cooperation make sense. As the element, in-
formation, is difficult to be a be described by a quantita-
tive data, so here we just use the these three variables,
technology, human resources and financial resources to
describe the resource conditions of international science
and technology cooperation in various universities.
4.2. Establishment of International Sci-Tech
Cooperation Pattern Variable
As respect to the universities international science and
technology cooperation pattern, we can get different
types of results, as classification method and point of
view changes. According to Professor Zhang Ju of sci-
ence and technology department of Zhejiang university,
universities international science and technology coop-
eration is divided into: the inter-governmental coopera-
tion; the nongovernmental organizations; the cooperation
projects obtained through the way of application-oriented
cooperation and free application and sponsored by the
international foundations or non-governmental organiza-
tions; the joint laboratory, research and development
center established by the cooperating parties [11]. While
some scholars according to different cooperation parties
Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech Cooperation Patterns and University Resources
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
build universities international scientific and technologi-
cal cooperation into: inter-school science and technology
cooperation, science and technology cooperation be-
tween universities and enterprises, science and technol-
ogy cooperation involving includes government and uni-
versities. Here we classified and summarized the univer-
sities international science and technology cooperation
only in terms of international science and technology
cooperation content and form, for those cooperation
models that rarely appeared is out of our consideration.
Through a large number of data collection and careful
study and choice, ultimately, this paper totally got 11
kinds of international science and technology coopera-
tion patterns commonly used in universities: international
academic conferences, cooperative research, joint devel-
opment, joint institution, joint training, scholar visits and
exchanges, information exchange, visit and investigation,
joint laboratory, sharing of network resources and
government cooperation programs.
The following Table 1 describes the definitions and
characteristics of these 11 types of universities of inter-
national science and technology cooperation pattern; in
this paper we use M represent the pattern, and H, S, C
represent human resource, technological level and finan-
cial resources respectively.
4.3. The Collection of Variable Data
Data are from the China’s 15 universities with strong
comprehensive strength, the choice of these samples
takes the validity, the unbiasedness and the sufficiency of
the data obtained into consideration. First of all, these 15
universities have strong research and technological abil-
ity, a better scientific talent pool and hardware founda-
tion, and the launching of a broad and active interna-
tional science and technology cooperation and exchanges;
Secondly, in order to avoid deviation in research results
caused by the different types of school, the 15 universi-
ties we selected are all belong to the comprehensive col-
leges or the polytechnic colleges. In addition, the choice
of 15 universities give full consideration to the geo-
graphical distribution factor, in geography, the distribu-
tion of these samples are over the country, from the most
southern to the most northern, from the east coast to the
west inland. Finally, in order to achieve the objective of
the study, there is also an obvious gap layer, in terms of
scientific and technological resource conditions, between
these samples. According to the national comprehensive
Table 1. International science and technology cooperation patterns between universities.
Cooperation patterns Characteristics
1 International academic
A kind of conference exchange widely used in international science and technology exchange, in order to
expand achievements influence, facilitate spread of new ideas and establish international cooperation.
2 Cooperative research
For the same research project, cooperative parties conduct the research in cooperation or division under the
unified planning and organization.
3 Joint development
On the basis of certain scientific research achievement, cooperative parties co-develop the product with a
market target or the project with an engineering objective.
4 Joint institution
Cooperative parties put the human resources, capital and equipment together, and open exchange center and
research centre jointly, for the aim of researching cooperatively.
5 Scholars visits and
Experts invited from abroad or send overseas will give a series of academic exchange activities, such as
lectures, seminar and consultation.
6 Joint training
Jointly open school or training and provide to students the opportunity to study in another school by in-
ter-school exchange.
7 Information exchange
Through the methods of character, sound and image, computer network and entity to exchange technology
and experience, communicate scientific thoughts and spread scientific technologies.
8 Visit and investigation The objective-oriented investigations conducted by scientific and technological personnel, in order to under-
stand the sci-tech profile, the academic level of some field or an advanced technology
9 Joint laboratory
Laboratories established by joint investment of cooperative parties, government, universities or other institu-
tions, which are managed jointly and where co-research is conducted.
10 Sharing of network
Spontaneously or driven by the Government, to establish cooperation alliance and network of cooperation
inter-school or between school and multinational corporation, in order to carry out exchanges and coopera-
11 Government cooperation
Through the relevant inter-governmental sci-tech cooperation agreements, plans, projects, with a certain
funding, organize and regulate the conduction of foreign science and technology cooperation.
Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech Cooperation Patterns and University Resources
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
strength rank of universities in 2008, the 15 universities
rank as follows, from high to low, in respect to compre-
hensive strength, that is: Tsinghua University, Zhejiang
University, Fudan University, Huazhong Science and
technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Chongqing
University, Beijing Polytechnic University, Northeastern
University, Shanghai University, Jinan University,
Southwest Jiaotong University, Jiangsu University,
Yunnan University, Chengdu University of Technology,
Heilongjiang University.
The data of the variable, international science and
technology cooperation pattern (M) comes from the ten-
dency of science and technology cooperation model se-
lection, when the various universities carry out interna-
tional technological cooperation activities. The acquisi-
tion of this data is a qualitative conclusion gained
through the analysis and judgment of the Statistical
Yearbooks, which contain all the Statistical Yearbooks
since the beginning of the science and technology coop-
eration in various universities. The conclusion shows that
some universities tend to choose certain science and
technology cooperation model (Table 2 with ). To this
qualitative judgment, we follow the following three
points: firstly, there is focused description of a particular
cooperation pattern in an university’s statistical informa-
tion over the resent years; secondly, for a university there
should be a standard about the number of launching a
particular cooperation pattern every year. thirdly, there is
an increasing trend in carrying a particular cooperation
model for a college over the recent years. Based on the
above method, after sufficiently information inquiry and
researching, we made the qualitative judgment.
Variable, human resources (H), data is defined by the
available number of graduate and doctoral students in
various universities, we use the number of postgraduate
and doctoral students in Tsinghua University (ranked first
over comprehensive strength) as a benchmark (set to unit
1); for other universities, using the number of people to
divide the number of Tsinghua University, then they will
receive the final data. Variable, technology level (S), data
is defined by the number of patents obtained in 2007 by
various universities. And the number of patents in
Tsinghua University is used as a benchmark (set to unit 1).
The number of patents in other universities divides that of
Tinghua’s, the result coming out is the final data for each
other universities. Variable, financial resources (C), data
is presented by the research funds of various universities
in 2007. We also adopt research funds of Tsinghua
University as a benchmark (set to unit 1), other univer-
sity’s research funding divides that of Tsinghua Univer-
sity’s, then research funding, data obtained as a the final
data. On this basis, the human resources (H), technology
levels (S), financial resources (C) were divided into three
levels representing different levels of science and tech-
nology cooperation resource conditions. The human re-
source is divided into 0 - 0.4, 0.4 - 0.7, above 0.7, three
levels; technology level is divided into 0 - 0.1, 0.1 - 0.4,
above 0.4, three levels; also the financial resources into
Table 2. Relationship on resources and patterns in university international sci-tech cooperation.
Factors Patterns
level (S)
resource(C) 123 456 7 8 9 1011
Tsinghua University 1 1 1 √ √√
Zhejiang University 0.93 1.3 0.53 √ √√
√ √
Fudan University 0.68 0.41 0.37 √√ √√√
Huazhong University of Science
and technology 1.03 0.16 0.32
√√ √√
Harbin Institute of Technology 0.94 0.43 0.40
√√ √√
Chongqing University 0.91 0.17 0.21 √ √ √ √
Beijing Polytechnic University 0.41 0.06 0.23 √ √√
Northeastern University 0.53 0.10 0.11 √ √
Shanghai University 0.46 0.24 0.18 √√ √
Jinan University 0.34 0.06 0.13 √ √
Southwest Jiaotong University 0.45 0.08 0.11 √ √
Jiangsu University 0.34 0.10 0.09
Yunnan University 0.41 0.06 0.06 √ √
Chengdu University of
Technology 0.15 0.04 0.05
Heilongjiang University 0.12 0.03 0.06
Note: 1 - International academic conference, 2 - Cooperative research, 3 - Joint development, 4 - Joint institution, 5 - Scholar visit, 6 - Joint training, 7-
Information exchange, 8 - Visit and investigation, 9 - Joint laboratory , 10 - Sharing of network resources,11 - Government cooperation program.
Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech Cooperation Patterns and University Resources
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
0 - 0.2, 0.2 - 0.4, 0.4 - 1, three tiers. So that we have lay-
ered the resource conditions of the various universities
international technological cooperation and exchange,
then with integration international technological coop-
eration model selection of the various universities, we
can undergo an empirical corresponding analysis.
5. Empirical Analysis
According to the above data acquiring methods, we apply
correspondence analysis to the empirical analysis of re-
source conditions and pattern selection of international
science and technology cooperation of university. Ex-
traction of raw data: the number of post-graduate and
doctoral students in various universities, the research
funds in 2007 and the number of patents obtained in
2007, as well as a large number of university science and
technology cooperation statistics and information and the
scientific judgment for the tend of cooperation model
selection in various universities, according to the above
approach to cope with data obtained, we got the follow-
ing related data about international science and technol-
ogy cooperation in universities (Table 2).
We made the multiple correspondence analysis on the
data obtained, using SPSS statistical analysis software. In
Figure 1, Dimension 1 and Dimension 2 respectively
represent the abscissa and the vertical axis of this chart to
explain the two latitudes. That is we can observe it
through two directions, to draw a conclusion. Correspon-
dence Analysis Method through the Model Summary
(Table 3) shows that for these two kinds of latitude,
which latitude we need to better explain the relevance of
analysis. From the Inertia column in Table 3, can be seen
that the interpretation of the two latitude coefficients are
0.773 and 0.413. Thus we can see that abscissa Dimen-
sion 1 can better explain the model, so we mainly select
Dimension 1 as the main direction for the interpretation of
the chart.
Take the abscissa Dimension 1 as the main reference
direction to analyze the points with comparatively strong
relevance (Figure 1).
On the direction of Dimension 1, technology level of
0.4 or above, capital resource in the 0.4 - 1, human re-
sources of 0.7 or above, which are relatively close with
the cooperation pattern of intergovernmental programs,
sharing of network resources, joint laboratories, coopera-
tive research and joint development. We can easily find
out universities with plenty of science and technology
cooperation resources tend to select such cooperation
patterns with deep cooperation degree, intimate relation-
ship and greater outputs.
On the direction of Dimension 1, technology level is in
0.1 - 0.4, human resources in 0.4 - 0.7, and capital re-
source in 0.2 - 0.4, which are relatively close to the co-
operation pattern of cooperative research, joint develop-
ment, joint training, academic conferences, visit and in-
vestigation. We can see that universities with high tech-
nology level, a good talent pool and a certain kind of
research funds are fond of not only the patterns with
strong academic exchanges, such as academic conference,
visit and investigation, but also such cooperation patterns
of more practical as cooperative research, join develop-
Technology level in 0 - 0.1, human resources in 0 - 0.4,
financial resources in 0 - 0.2, universities in such level
are more incline to the choice of visit and investigation,
academic conference, scholar visits and exchanges, in-
formation exchange. We can see that universities with
relatively limited resources conditions in science and
technology cooperation would tend to choose the pattern
with stronger academic exchanges cooperation.
6. Conclusions and Discussion
We can find out from Table 2 that there are 5 type pat-
terns in 11 which are extensively used. They are interna-
tional academic conference, cooperative research, joint
development, scholar visit and exchange, joint training.
If we divide China’s current cooperation pattern into two
categories: one is primary cooperation pattern (interna-
tional academic conference, scholar visit and exchange,
information exchange, visit and investigation, joint
training), the other one is advanced cooperation pattern
(cooperative research, joint development, joint institution,
joint laboratory, sharing of network resources, govern-
ment cooperation program). In fact, both the primary
pattern and advanced pattern have their advantages and
Table 3. Model summary.
Variance Accounted For
Cranach’s Alpha Total Inertia Variance %
1 0.902 3.093 0.773 77.3
2 0.527 1.653 0.413 41.3
Total 4.746 1.187
Mean 0.771 2.373 0.593 59.3
Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech Cooperation Patterns and University Resources
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
Figure 1. Variables multiple correpondence analysis map.
disadvantages, high-level cooperation patterns of coop-
eration require higher necessary conditions, more invest-
ment, high risks, comparatively speaking it also keep pace
with further improvement in research ability, better per-
formance. As to the primary pattern, despite of its
un-significant performance, it has a relatively lower re-
quirement on resource conditions; meanwhile the primary
pattern will produce some implicit cooperation of per-
formance (personnel training, knowledge sharing, etc.). In
terms of the current status of scientific and technological
resources, many universities still tend to choose the pri-
mary patterns of cooperation.
According to the research of cooperation pattern and
resource conditions in universities, we sum up some
questions existing in universities science and technology
First of all, with respect to cooperation pattern, the
cooperation pattern by which China’s universities carry
out international science and technology cooperation is
still in a primitive phrase. The primary cooperation pat-
terns, such as academic conferences and personnel in-
formation exchange are still occupying a larger propor-
tion. The proportion of high-level science and technology
cooperation patterns is still relatively small. Only a few
universities with strong comprehensive strength are ac-
tively carrying out high-level cooperation pattern. Sec-
ondly, the resources for the cooperation and exchange in
science and technology in China’s universities are insuf-
ficient. In terms of funds for carrying out science and
technology cooperation and exchange, many universities
do not invest enough special funds, what’ more, in many
universities the funds or the matching funds are not even
set. With respect to human resources, the shortage of
high-quality personnel and team, causing the gap in
building research team compared to the international
advanced level. Besides scientific research personnel, the
specialized professional management personnel and
high-quality service team for universities international
cooperation and exchange in science and technology are
still widely needed. As for the technology level, there is
still a long way to go for us to catch up with west devel-
oped countries. Also there is no specified management
system for universities’ carrying out science and tech-
nology cooperation. Without identified self-positioning,
disable to have a good plan of the selection of coopera-
tion pattern.
Considering the way of cooperation, universities co-
operation pattern in science and technology will undergo
the paradigm shift from the primary cooperation pattern
to the high-level ones, and eventually showing a pattern
with high science and technology cooperation-oriented
pattern of cooperation. From the view of resource condi-
tions, scientific research level and high-quality core staff,
research team will take a gradually significant role
co-operation in science and technology. Universities in-
ternational science and technology cooperation will be-
come increasingly tend to be specialized.
Based on the above analysis, we proposed the follow-
ing policy recommendations:
Firstly, to actively promote science and technology
cooperation in the form of cooperation model from pri-
mary to senior cooperation paradigms shift.
Secondly, through the study of the paper that we can
fully understand the choice of cooperation pattern and
resource conditions are closely related. When carrying
out a specific science and technology cooperation project,
universities should analyze and assess their own limited
resources, be aware of their comparative advantages in
resources, and then determined according to the objec-
tives of cooperation is expected to select a suitable pat-
tern of science and technology cooperation to achieve
optimal allocation of resources.
Thirdly, resources are the first conditions of doing sci-
ence and technology cooperation and exchange activities,
so for a good science and technology cooperation and
exchange, resources are the necessity. With the respect to
input of funds, universities should set up funding for in-
vestment in science and technology cooperation, the es-
tablishment of specialized funds, but also to broaden the
sources of funding to seek external funding support, and
to cooperate with enterprises in aspects of science and
technology R&D and take full advantage of enterprise
financial resources. In terms of team-building in scien-
tific research, we should combine both the self-training
and attracting foreign talent, and take some effective
measures to retain talent for the excellent research team
to provide a good research environment. And to establish
a professional management services team to serve for
Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech Cooperation Patterns and University Resources
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
universities science and technology cooperation services.
International science and technology cooperation is in
many aspects related to domestic and foreign policy,
customs, laws, regulations, etc.
Fourth, to establish a good management system and
develop effective management regulation are the guaran-
tee for carrying out international science and technology
cooperation methodically, and optimizing the allocation
of resources. Universities, require the establishment of an
international science and technology cooperation and
exchanges for specialized management, configuration
management professionals to provide quality and effi-
cient services: fast and efficient approval of projects of
cooperation and effective coordination of optimum allo-
cation of resources, to provide the necessary support ser-
vices (such as looking for good partners to effectively
integrate resources, to establish channels of communica-
tion between the cooperating parties, search and collec-
tion of data and information, etc.), do a good job of pub-
lic information services and establish appropriate incen-
tive mechanism and performance evaluation mechanism.
7. Acknowledgements
Research works in this paper are financially supported by
the Soft Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No.
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