Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2013, 4, 25-29
doi:10.4236/jsip.2013.43B005 Published Online August 2013 ( 25
Semi-Rigid Registration of 3D Points
Baowei Lin, Kouhei Sakai, Toru Tamaki, Bisser Raytchev, Kazufumi Kaneda, Koji Ichii
Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan.
Received April, 2013.
In this paper, we proposed a method for semi-rigid changed 3D point clouds registration. We first segment the point
clouds into individual segments and then the alignment energy costs of each segment are calculated. The rough initial
transformation is estimated by minimizing the energy cost using integer programming. The final registration results are
obtained by rigid alignments of separated corresponded segments. Experimental result with simulated point clouds
demonstrate that the concept of semi-rigid registration works well.
Keywords: Semi-Rigid Registration; Segmentation; Integer Programming; Rigid Alignment; Energy Minimization
1. Introduction
In this paper, we propose a method for semi-rigid regis-
tration. Rigid and non-rigid 3D registration methods have
been widely studied for many useful applications such as
3D shape reconstruction and visualization [1,4,5,7],
medical image analysis [9], robot navigation [19,21] and
augmented reality [25]. Registration of 3D data is the
process to align two sets of 3D points, which are called
point clouds. This process is useful in many situations,
for example, for stitching them tog ether to obtain a larg er
point cloud which covers wider area, or for merging
them to fill holes or cracks and obtain complete 3D mod-
els of objects or scenes.
Rigid registration is the process to align two 3D point
clouds of a rigid object or a static scene: the target is as-
sumed to be static and there is no change. Hence rigid
registration methods find exactly the same overlapping
part by estimating a rigid transformation between them.
This is reasonable in cases that targets are stones, houses
or furniture [15]. In contrast, non-rigid registration
methods deal with non-rigid objects: the target shape is
changed and hence the transformation is no longer rigid.
Typical target objects of non-rigid registration include
human organs [26], skin [2,27], and clothes [3].
However, there is another situation, we call it semi-
rigid, which more frequently happens in real situations:
the target scene has several rigid objects that have moved
or changed position and orientation. Consider an office,
for example, where desks and chairs exist. These are
rigid objects but might be moved after the 3D scene has
been captured as a point cloud. In this case, rigid meth-
ods would not work well because the scene has been
changed, and also, non-rigid methods could not capture
the differences as expected because the scene is made of
rigid objects. It is very important to deal with these kinds
of scene changes for navigating robots in the environ-
ments [6] or for surveillance of outdoor scenes for pre-
venting collapse in case of disaster [8].
In this paper, we propose a semi-rigid registration
method to align two 3D point clouds of the same scene,
which contains rigid objects, and some of them are not in
the same position or orientation. Our approach first di-
vides a point cloud into many rigid segments. Then cor-
respondences between segments of two point clouds are
calculated based on energy minimization by using integer
programming. These correspondences provide an initial
rigid transformation between two point clouds as a whole.
Then transformations between each corresponding seg-
ments are estimated separately.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Related
work on registration is reviewed in section 2. In section 3,
we will introduce the proposed method. Experimental
results are given in section 4.
2. Related Work
Rigid registration generally computes correspondences
and then finds the transformation pose. Besl et al. [12]
proposed a method called Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
which is the most widely used method to align two 3D
point clouds. ICP iterates two steps: in each iteration,
closest points are selected, and a rigid transformation
between them is estimated. This estimation is usually
called the orthogonal Procrustes problem [13].
An alternative for registration is to use non-rigid
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Semi-Rigid Registration of 3D Points
Figure 1. Segmentation result for small blocks. (Top) Some
images used for 3D reconstruction. (Bottom) Segments of
the point cloud visualized in different colors. Note that the
ground plane is excluded.
methods. Sclaroff et al. [14] proposed a method to com-
pute the correspondences in 2D images or 3D point
clouds by using modal analysis. However, it requires
complete shapes and a discretization suitable for finite
element analysis. Also, some researches [10,11,15,16,17]
focused on deformation model to determine deformation
assumptions of a 3D shape. Obviously, deformation is
suitable when our research target is semi-rigidly changed
3. Proposed Semi-Rigid Registration Method
In this section, we describe the details of the proposed
method. Since our main focus is to establish correspon-
dences between 3D segments, we first introduce the
segmentation and pose estimation steps briefly.
3.1. Segmentation
The first step is to segment a point cloud into many rigid
segments. To this end, we use the distances between the
neighboring 3D poin ts as well as the angle of the normal
vectors of those points in order to cluster the points into
different clusters (or rigid segments). Also we detect and
segment the ground plane [18] in order to decide whether
the segment is an object which is potentially able to be
removed. Figure 1 shows a typical result of our simple
dataset of some small blocks. In this case, the blocks are
well separated and each segment can be seen as a rigid
object in the scene.
3.2. Segments Correspondence
The next step is to establish correspondences between the
3D segments of the two point clouds. Our method is
based on minimizing energies which represent the
similarity between 3D segments. In addition to energies
between two 3D segments, we define energies between
two pairs of 3D segments too: if correspondences are
correct, a pair of 3D segments in one point cloud is
similar to another pair in the other point cloud. In the
following sections, we explain the proposed energy
method in the same manner as introduced by [23].
3.3. Formulation
Suppose that we have two point clouds
andQ. The
point cloudis segmented into segments as
where 1, 2,,
and cloud {QQ}
1, 2,,.N
We express each correspondence be-
tween the segments as[1,2,, M][1,2,, N]
We use a binary valued vector {0 ,1}
x to repre-
sent correspondences of all of the segments. Each corre-
spondence is denoted by, an index of an entry
in the vector . We say a correspondenceais ac-
tive if x
In order to make sure that each segment only has one
(or no) corresp on de nce, we use the following constraints:
(i,j),1,2, ,
aj N
Then we define an energy function
Ex to repre-
sent the relations between the individual segments which
will be introduced in the next section. In our energy
function, we define the energy terms.
3.4. Energies
The first term 1 is the similarity in terms of 3D key-
point correspondences; in other words, how many of the
3D keypoints in
have corresponding points in Q
A 3D keypoint is a representative poin t in a 3D segment,
and it has a descriptor which can be used to find its cor-
responding point [8]. If P
and Q
are similar to
each other, many 3D keypoints in P
have corre-
sponding points in Q
. Let C
be the number of
correspondences between P
and Q
. Then the total
number of correspondences of 3D keypoints in P
. The value
becomes larger when P
and Q
actually correspond to each other. Therefore,
we use the reciprocal of the ratio as energy:
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Semi-Rigid Registration of 3D Points 27
 
xx. (2)
The second term2uses similarity between the de-
scriptors of the corresponding 3D keypoints. While the
first term finds how many keypoints are corresponding
, this term evaluates whether the de-
scriptors of those corresponding points are really similar
to each other. We use the sum of distances between the
corresponding descriptors as follows:
, (3)
where 1is the distances between the descriptors of 3D
keypoints of
The third term3uses the rigid registration error be-
tween each pair of 3D segments. If the correspondences
are correct, a pair of 3D segments must have its corre-
sponding pair. In other words, two 3D segments 1
and 2
in correspond to the segments 1
in We evaluate this pair of correspondences
by using the residual error after rigid registration. Al-
though we have assumed that the scene is semi-rigid,
nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that a pair of
segments is rigid. We defineas follows:
(1,1) ,
,;, ab
 
x (4)
where is the rigid registration error from ICP.
The last term4
Eimposes a penalty when there are no
correspondences. If only the three energy terms above
are used, a trivial solution will be obtained: all elements
in are zero and the energy becomes 0. This is obviously
not the case we want to estimate. Therefore, to avoid this
case, we add the following term:
x, (5)
is a penalty constant. If manya
are zero, i.e.
many segments do not find their corresponding segment,
this term becomes larger and hence such a solution will
be less important.
By combining Equations (2)-(5), we get the finial en-
ergy functio n.
  
. 6)
This energy can be written as follow:
min( )aa abab
aR abR
ExE xx
x, (7)
subject to the constraints in Eq. (1) where variables
are binaries. This optimization problem is called a 0 -
1 integer programming [24]. We used a dual decomposi-
tion approach [23] to solve this integer programming
Once the solutionis obtained, we can find an initial
rigid transformation between two point cloudsandQ.
Of course we have assumed that the scene is semi-rigid,
so this rigid transformation is not the final solution.
3.5. Rigid Registration for Each Segment
The final step performs rigid registration between
corresponding 3D segments. After the initial rigid
registration between the two point clouds, the
corresponding 3D segments are now close to each other
like in the example shown in Figure 3. In this step, each
3D segmentP
in the first point cloudis registered to
its counterpartQP
in the other point cloudHere, the
correspondence .Q
is active (a) in the
solution obtained by solving the 0-1 integer
programming explained above.
4. Experimental Results
We demonstrate by simulation that the concept of the
proposed method effectively works on 3D point clouds.
The dataset was generated from artificial small blocks.
After the generation of one point cloud, one block was
moved, and then another point cloud was reconstructed.
Two point clouds with 15,804 and 25,178 points are
shown in Figure 2 which are computed by 3D recon-
struction with the Bundler [20] followed by Patch-based
Multi-view Stereo [22]. The rough initial transformation
calculated based on the correspondences in section 3.2 is
shown in Figure 3. The semi-rigid registration result
shown in Figure 4 shows that the proposed method can
estimate accurate transformation for each block. In con-
trast, the result when using ICP directly sho wn in Figure
5 was not successful. The energies between the two point
clouds are show n in Figure 6. The energy of our method
is much smaller than that of ICP, which clearly shows
that the proposed semi-rigid registration outperforms the
rigid ICP.
Figure 2. Experiment point clouds. Red block is moved
between two point clouds.
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Semi-Rigid Registration of 3D Points
Figure 3. Rough initial alignment of two point clouds.
Figure 4. Semi-registration result.
Figure 5. Failure example when using ICP.
Figure 6. Energies between two point clouds over 200
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have proposed a method for registration
of semi-rigid scenes of 3D point clouds. Experimental
results show that our method works well for 3D point
cloud datasets. In the future work, we will reduce the
computation time due to the repetition of energy terms.
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