Creative Education
2012. Vol.3, No.3, 328-333
Published Online June 2012 in SciRes (
Copyright © 2012 SciRe s .
The Moderating Effects of Item Order Arranged by
Difficulty on the Relationship between Test
Anxiety and Test Performance*
Huilin Chen
College of International Education, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, C hina
Email: chlm ai lbo
Received March 15th, 2012; revised April 10th, 2012; accepted April 29th, 2012
Taking cultural knowledge tests as the case study, this research carries out a series of empirical investiga-
tions to verify the moderating effects of item order arranged by difficulty on the relationship between test
anxiety and test performance. Groups classified according to test anxiety take tests with two major types
of item order: item order arranged according to item bank calibrated item difficulty and item order ad-
justed according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty. The means of those test results are
compared between groups to see whether the differences are significant. The investigations obtain the
following findings: the higher the test taker’s level of test anxiety, the higher significance of the modera-
ting effects and vice versa; item order adjusted according to individual examinee’s perceived item diffi-
culty may have a more significant moderating effect than item order arranged according to item bank
calibrated item difficulty has.
Keywords: Test Anxiety; Item Order; Item Bank Calibrated Item Difficulty; Individual Examinee’s
Perceived Item Difficulty
Test anxiety is an important research topic in the fields of
educational and psychological measurement. Previous resear-
ches focused on the overall effect of test anxiety on test per-
formance (Kunnan, 1995; Gao, 2008) and paid little attention to
the moderating effects of third-party variables on the relation-
ship between test anxiety and test performance. This research
aims at exploring the moderating effects of item order arranged
by difficulty on the relationship between test anxiety and test
Test Anxiety, Item Order and Test Performance
Test anxiety is defined as the anxiety subjectively relating to
taking tests and exams, including anxiety related to the threat of
failing an exam and the associated negative consequences such
as psychological hyperarousal, negative thought patterns, a
desire to escape from or avoid evaluative situations, inadequate
performance on a test or other evaluation and difficulty in fo-
cusing on the task at hand, regardless of whether the fears were
realistic (Sarason, 1984: p. 930; Pekrun et al., 2004: p. 290; Hop-
ko, Hunt, & Armento, 2005: pp. 389-408). Although the relation-
ship between test anxiety and test performance is the focus of
previous researches, no consensus has been reached. Many hold
that the Yerkes-Dodson law can be applied to test anxiety and
believe in that the relationship can be described in an inverted
U shape curve. According to the Yerkesd-Dodson law, moder-
ate level of anxiety can lead to optimal performance of certain
tasks; nevertheless, performance can deteriorate when anxiety
is too high or low. However, others hold that the relationship
can be regarded as monotonically negative or even linear. That
is, as test anxiety increases, performance is expected to de-
crease (Rocklin & Thompson, 1985; Bodas & Ollendick, 2005).
The relationship between item order and test performance is
also an interest topic in previous studies, but consensus has not
been reached either. There is a prevalent notion that the pres-
ence of test anxiety will be most disruptive when a test is ini-
tially perceived as highly difficult, and least disruptive when a
test is initially perceived as relatively ea sy. Studies by Coving-
ton and Omelich (1987) and Carlson and Ostrosky (1992) pro-
vided data in support of this “initial success” notion. Language
testing theorist Bachman (1990) also holds that the easy-to-hard
item order may help examinees achieve better. However, the
overall pattern of research findings is mixed, with other studies
failing to support the effect of item arrangement on test anxiety
(Gohmann & Spector, 1989). There have been few studies pro-
viding solid empirical evidence showing differential effects of
item arrangement on the anxiety of high-versus low-test-an-
xious examinees. Munz and Jacobs (1971) made research on
the categories of item order arranged by difficulty. He pointed
out that although hard-to-easy item order may encourage ex-
aminees to make better achievements, easy-to-hard item order
may not help to enhance the confidence level of examinees. He
further put forward that item order arranged according to the
examinee’s perceived item difficulty may have an effect on test
According to the literature review, it can be found that those
studies did not take into consideration the collective effects of
test anxiety and item order on test performance, and neglected
the fact that there exists relationship between item order and
*This paper is a partial fulfillment of the project “Language and Test Anxi-
ety” (211YYCHL01) sponsored by Shanghai International Studies Univer-
sity, Shanghai, China.
test anxiety at the same time when item order or test anxiety is
exerting influence on test performance. Therefore, this research
proposes a hypothesis that item order moderates the strength of
the relationship between test anxiety and test performance. As
the moderator variable, item order can differentially influence
the strength and/or direction of the relationship between test
anxiety (independent variable) and test performance (dependent
variable). The relationship among item order, test anxiety, and
test performance can be demonstrated in Figure 1.
Research Design
In order to improve previous researches and gain more spe-
cific findings, this research carries out two investigations: In-
vestigation I aims at exploring the moderating effects of the
item order arranged by item bank calibrated item difficulty on
the relationship between test anxiety and test performance and
Investigation II aims at exploring the moderating effects of the
item order adjusted according to individual examinee’s per-
ceived item difficulty on the relationship between test anxiety
and test performance. Item bank calibrated item difficulty is
calculated according to the percentage of answering a particular
test item correctly among all examinees in pretesting. Individ-
ual examinee’s perceived item difficulty refers to the difficulty
of a particular item perceived by a particular examinee in a real
test situation.
This research adopts the multiple choice items on Cultural
Knowledge about English-Speaking Countries as the testing
material. Those items are used in a one-semester course intro-
ducing English-speaking countries to Chinese college students
majoring in English language. The item bank is composed of
300 multiple choice items which belong to 35 topical areas
which can be further divided into 60 knowledge points with
each covering 5 items. The subjects of this research are 250
English major students who have been enrolled in the course
about English-speaking countries separately in three semesters
(Semester I, Semester II and Semester III), with a distribution
of 100, 72, and 78 for each semester.
The two investigations adopt the empirical approach and get
the findings by applying t-test to compare the difference of
means among different groups of subjects. The threshold level
of significance for t-test is set at .05. The major instruments
employed in the two major researches include the computerized
testing system Fast Test Pro 2 (Weiss, 2008), the data analysis
software SPSS and Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) (Spielberger,
1980). In order to avoid the probable difference in test validity
between pencil-and-paper tests and computerized tests (Chen,
2009), and to ensure the test items are presented strictly accord-
ing to a certain order, all the tests involved in this research (q ues-
tionnaires excluded) are administered through computerized tests.
The computerized tests involved in this research can be classified
into two categories: one is conventional computerized tests which
administer items in fixed orders and are applied to Investigation
I; the other is computerized adaptive tests which adjust the item
order according to the performance of a specific examinee. A
computerized adaptive test operates in a way that if the examinee
answers an item correctly, the next item presented to him/her
will be more difficult, and vice versa. Therefore, computerized
adaptive tests can be regarded as tests which can adjust the item
order according to individual examinee’s perceived item diffi-
culty and can be applied to Investigation II.
Test anxitety Test pe rfor mance
Item order
Figure 1.
Moderation relationship among item order, test anxiety and test per-
Before launching the research, the difficulty of each item in
the item bank should be calibrated and the knowledge factors
within the item bank should be detected. The 100 Semester I
subjects are required to take all the 300 items in the item bank
in a conventional computerized test which presents the items
strictly in a random order. Based on the outcome of the test, the
facility value and the IRT Rasch Model difficulty of the 300
items can be obtained. Both the facility value and the IRT
Rasch Model difficulty belong to item bank calibrated item
difficulty, and can be input into item characteristics in comput-
erized testing systems.
The outcome obtained from the item bank pretesting men-
tioned above can also be applied to the factor analysis of the
300 items. Exploratory factor analysis is adopted and 3 signifi-
cant factors are retrieved1. The distribution of the 35 topical
knowledge areas among the 3 factors is shown below.
According to Table 1, factor 1 contains 21 topical knowle-
dge areas and 160 items which are more than the other two
factors do. The factor analysis of the 300 items in the bank aims
to determine the unidimensionality of tests which is an impor-
tant assumption of computerized adaptive tests and item re-
sponse theory. According to item response theory, only when
the items of a computerized adaptive test are unidimensional
can we assume the different groups of items administered to
different examinees to be a series of randomly chosen parallel
tests (Green et al., 1984: p. 356).
Investigation I
The 72 Semester II subjects are required to complete the
20-item Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) designed by Spielberger.
The subjects whose scores of test anxiety comprise the top third
of all the scores are defined as the students with high level of
test anxiety and are classified as Group A; the subjects whose
scores of test anxiety comprise the middle third of all the scores
are defined as the students with moderate level of test anxiety
and are classified as Group B; the subjects whose scores of test
anxiety comprise the bottom third of all the scores are defined
as the students with low level of test anxiety and are classified
as Group C. All the 72 subjects are then required to take a test
which contained 60 items each of which is the one with moder-
ate item bank calibrated item difficulty among the 5 items cov-
ered by each knowledge point in the item bank. The test is car-
ried out in a fixed random item order through conventional
computerized test.
According to the test results, Group A is further divided into
two subgroups with no significant mean difference, they are A1
and A2 (t-test p = .702 > .05), Group B is also further divided
into two subgroups with no significant mean difference, they
are B1 and B2 (t-test p = .713 > .05), and Group C is further
1In this article, significant factors are the ones under which items from more
than one chapters gain the maximum loading.
Copyright © 2012 SciRe s . 329
Table 1.
Factor loadings of topical knowledge areas.
Factor Topical know ledge areas Factor loading Items
The UK land .447
The UK people .434
The UK history .344
The UK government .496
The UK sports .781
Australia history .649
Australia g o vernment .630
Australia economy .419
Australia society & culture.383
The US land .633
The US climate .563
The US histor y .482
The US government .709
The US economy .382
The US literature .454
The US music .602
The US education .558
The US festi v al .673
Canada land .478
Canada histor y .374
Canada gov ernment .542
The UK ec onomy .784
The UK literature .198
The UK performing arts .614
The UK education .602
The UK media .472
Australia land .750
Australia peo ple .579
The US people .4 61
Canada people .417
Canada economy .544
The UK climate .421
The UK festival .338
Canada society .541
Canada festival .618
divided into two subgroups with no significant mean difference,
they are C1 and C2 (t-test p = .677 > .05). Each pair of sub-
groups represents subjects with similar academic ability at a
certain level of test anxiety.
Next, the six subgroups are required to take tests containing
the remaining 240 items in the item bank. Tests are adminis-
tered through conventional computerized test in different ways
to different subgroups. The 240 items administered to sub-
groups A1, B1 and C1 are arranged in a easy-to-hard order
according to item bank calibrated item difficulty, while the
same 240 items administered to subgroups A2, B2 and C2 are
arranged in a hard-to-easy order according to item bank cali-
brated item difficulty. According to the results of the tests, the
moderating effects of the item order arranged by item bank
calibrated item difficulty on the relationship between test anxi-
ety and test performance can be discovered. Table 2 shows the
mean differences and the level of significance for t-test between
subgroups of the same pair.
As for Group A1 and Group A2, the results reflect that the
mean score of Group A1 which take an easy-to-hard test and
that of Group A2 which take a hard-to-easy test are signifi-
cantly different (t-test p = .014 < .05). Since Group A1 and
Group A2 are the subgroups with high level of test anxiety, it
can be concluded that the item order based on item bank cali-
brated item difficulty may have a significant effect on the rela-
tionship between test anxiety and test performance as far as
examinees with high test anxiety are concerned. As for Group
B1 and Group B2, the results reflect that the mean score of
Group B1 which take an easy-to-hard test and that of Group B2
which take a hard-to-easy test are significantly different (t-test
p = .039 < .05). Since Group B1 and Group B2 are the sub-
groups with moderate level of test anxiety, it can be concluded
that the item order based on item bank calibrated item difficulty
may have a significant effect on the relationship between test
anxiety and test performance as far as examinees with moderate
test anxiety are concerned. As for Group C1 and Group C2, the
results reflect that the mean score of Group C1 which take an
easy-to-hard test and that of Group C2 which take a hard-to-
easy test are not significantly different (t-test p = .12 > .05).
Since Group C1 and Group C2 are the subgroups with low level
of test anxiety, it can be concluded that the item or der base d on
item bank calibrated item difficulty may not have a significant
effect on the relationship between test anxiety and test per-
formance as far as examinees with low test anxiety are con-
Investigation II
The methods applied in Investigation II are similar to those
of Investigation I except that Investigation II also involves fac-
tor analysis and co mputerized ada ptive tests.
The 78 Semester III subjects are required to complete Test
Anxiety Inventory (TAI). The subjects whose scores of test
anxiety comprise the top third of all the scores are defined as
Table 2.
Mean differences and p-values observed in Investigation I.
A1-A2 B1-B2 C1-C2
Mean difference 21.25 14.583 8.75
t-test p value .014 .039 .12
Copyright © 2012 SciRe s.
the students with high level of test anxiety and are classified as
Group D; the subjects whose scores of test anxiety comprise the
middle third of all the scores are defined as the students with
moderate level of test anxiety and are classified as Group E; the
subjects whose scores of test anxiety comprise the bottom third
of all the scores are defined as the students with low level of
test anxiety and are classified as Group F. All the 78 subjects
are then required to take the 60-item test with moderate diffi-
culty which has been taken by Semester II subjects in investi-
gation I. The test is carried out in a fixed random item order
through conventional computerized test. Since computerized
adaptive tests which will be administered later require unidi-
mensionality, the results of 32 items which represent the mod-
erately difficult items belonging to factor 1 among the 60 items
are picked out and analyzed.
According to the test results of the 32 items, Group D is fur-
ther divided into two subgroups with no significant mean dif-
ference, they are D1 and D2 (t-test p = .649 > .05), Group E is
also further divided into two subgroups with no significant
mean difference, they are E1 and E2 (t-test p = .641 > .05), and
Group F is further divided into two subgroups with no signifi-
cant mean difference, they are F1 and F2 (t-test p = .589 > .05).
Each pair of subgroups represents subjects with similar aca-
demic ability at a certain level of test anxiety.
Next, the six subgroups are required to take tests containing
the remaining 128 items concerning factor 1 in the item bank.
The 128 items are administered to subgroups D1, E1 and F1
through a computerized adaptive test which can adjust the item
order according to individual examinee’s perceived item diffi-
culty, while the same 128 items are administered to subgroups
D2, E2 and F2 through a conventional computerized test in
which the items are arranged in a hard-to-easy order according
to item bank calibrated item difficulty. According to the results
of the tests, the moderating effects of the item order adjusted
according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty on
the relationship between test anxiety and test performance can
be discovered. Table 3 shows the mean differences and the
level of significance for t-test between subgroups of the same
As for Group D1 and Group D2, the results reflect that the
mean score of Group D1 which take a computerized adaptive
test and that of Group D2 which take a hard-to-easy test are
significantly different (t-test p = .009 < .05). Since Group D1
and Group D2 are the subgroups with high level of test anxiety,
it can be concluded that the item order adjusted according to
individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty may have a
significant effect on the relationship between test anxiety and
test performance as far as examinees with high test anxiety are
concerned. As for Group E1 and Group E2, the results reflect
that the mean score of Group E1 which take a computerized
adaptive test and that of Group E2 which take a hard-to-easy
test are significantly different (t-test p = .024 < .05). Since
Group E1 and Group E2 are the subgroups with moderate level
Table 3.
Mean differences and p-values observed in Investigation II .
D1-D2 E1-E2 F1-F2
Mean difference 12.1538 9.4615 9.30769
t-test p value .009 .024 .043
of test anxiety, it can be concluded that the item order adjusted
according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty
may have a significant effect on the relationship between test
anxiety and test performance as far as examinees with moderate
test anxiety are concerned. As for Group F1 and Group F2, the
re s ults reflect that the mean score of Group F1 whi ch take a com-
puterized adaptive test and that of Group F2 which take a hard-
to-easy test are also significantly different (t-test p = .43 < .05).
Since Group F1 and Group F2 are the subgroups with low level
of test anxiety, it can be concluded that the item order adjusted
according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty
may also have a significant effect on the relationship between
test anxiety and test performance as far as examinees with low
test anxiety are concerned.
According to the results of the 60-item tests with moderate
difficulty administered to Semester II subjects and Semester III
subjects in investigation I and investigation II respectively, it
can be discovered that there is no significant difference be-
tween Semester II subjects and Semester III subjects in aca-
demic achievement (t-test p = .603 > .05). Therefore, Semester
II subjects and Semester III subjects can be regarded as two
sample populations with similar academic ability and the out-
comes from Investigation I and Investigation II can be analyzed
in a combined way. Figure 2 shows how the outcomes from the
two investigations are related with each other.
From the above diagram, some global findings about the
moderating effects of item order arranged by difficulty on the
relationship between test anxiety and test performance can be
obtained by comparing the outcomes of the two investigations.
Firstly, it can be found that both lines rise from left to right,
which demonstrates that no matter whether the item order is
arranged by item bank calibrated item difficulty or adjusted
according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty,
the higher test anxiety the examinee has, the more easily the
test performance of the examinee can be influenced by item
order. Secondly, according to the easy-hard: hard-easy line, it
can be found that item order has significant moderating effects
on highly-anxious and moderately-anxious subjects, but the
effect on subjects with low test anxiety is not significant; while
according to the order adjusted by perceived difficulty: hard-
easy line, it can be found that item order has significant moder-
ating effects on all subjects in three levels of test anxiety. A
vivid demonstration of the finding is that the line representing
the comparison between the easy-hard item order and the
hard-easy item order is entirely above the line representing the
comparison between the item order adjusted by perceived dif-
ficulty and the hard-easy item order, which indicates that the
item order adjusted by perceived difficulty has a greater mod-
erating effect on the relationship between test anxiety and test
performance in a whole sense.
According to the outcomes of the two investigations and the
discussion above, two conclusions can be made at least: 1) Item
order arranged by difficulty does have moderating effects on
the relationship between test anxiety and test performance. The
higher test anxiety the examinee has, the more significant the
moderating effect will be; 2) The moderating effects of the item
order adjusted according to perceived difficulty are in a whole
sense more significant than the moderating effects of the item
order arranged by item bank calibrated item difficulty.
Copyright © 2012 SciRe s . 331
Copyright © 2012 SciRe s .
Figure 2.
Comparison of p-values between Investigation I and I n ve st i ga ti on II.
Summary and Conclusion
According to this research, three potential reasons why pre-
vious studies could not reach consensus can also be discovered.
First, previous studies have not taken into consideration the
collective effects of test anxiety and item order on test per-
formance, and neglected the fact that there exists relationship
between item order and test anxiety when item order or test
anxiety is at the same time exerting influence on test perform-
ance. Furthermore, most of the previous studies did not treat
subjects with different levels of test anxiety separately so that
they could not find the differential effects of item order on test
performance for different test-anxious groups. Last but not least,
previous studies mainly focused on the item bank calibrated
item difficulty. Little attention was given to the individual ex-
aminee’s perceived item difficulty which is an underlying fac-
tor affecting test anxiety and test performance.
The discoveries of the research have three practical signifi-
cances to educational and psychological tests: first, the findings
of the research may help to improve the item arrangement in
pencil-and-paper test where objective test items can be arranged
in an easy-to-hard order; second, the findings may help to pro-
mote the application of adaptive computerized tests which can
adjust the item order according to the individual examinee’s
perceived item difficulty so as to optimize the test performance;
third, students with higher test anxiety may be more frequently
treated in the way mentioned in the above two significances so
as to weaken their drawbacks in test performance.
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