Vol.2, No.4, 352-355 (2010) Health
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Antiurolithiatic activity of aqueous extract of bark of
moringa oleifera (lam.) in rats
Jameel Fahad1, Vijayalakshmi1, M. C. Satish Kumar1, Sanjeeva1, G. Prabhath Kodancha1,
Benegal Adarsh1, A. L. Udupa2*, U. P. Rathnakar3
1Department of pharmacology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India
2Departmen t of Pharmac ology, Faculty of Medical Sc ience s, Univer sity of the West Indie s, Cave Hill, Ba rba dos;
3Department of pharmacology, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Received 8 January 2010; revised 20 February 2010; accepted 22 February 2010.
In the present study, aqueous extract of bark of
Moringa oleifera administered orally, was eva-
luated for its antiurolithiatic potential in albino
rats of Wistar strains. The stones were pro-
duced in this study by zinc disc foreign body
insertion in the bladder supplemented with 1%
ethylene glycol in drinking water. The reduction
in weight of the stones was used as criteria for
assessing the preventive or curative antiuro-
lithiatic effect of the bark of this plant. Two
doses of extract for prophylactic and curative
groups were used. In both groups the oral ad-
ministration of the extract of bark of Moringa
oleifera has resulted in significant reduction in
the weight of bladder stones compared to the
control group.
Keywords: Moringa oleifera bark; Antiurolithiatic
activity; Introduction
Moringa oleifera is an important medicinal herb, be-
longing to the family Moringaceae. It is considered as
miracle tree as all the parts of the plant are useful for
human health. It is also known as drum stick tree,
horseradish tree, clarifier tree and mother’s best friend
in different parts of the world, based on their appear-
ance and unique uses. It is mostly cultivated all over
the plains of India, in the old world tropics and it is
used medicinally in Guinea, Madagascar, and Burma
The various parts of the plant used include flower,
pod, leaves, bark and roots. The flowers, after cooking,
are eaten either mixed with other foods or fried in
butter and have been shown to be rich in po tassium and
calcium [4]. The leaves are eaten as greens, in salads,
in vegetable curries, as pickles and for seasoning. The
Bark is regarded as an antiscorbic, and it exudes a
reddish gum sometimes used for the treatment of
diarrhoea. The ro ot s are bitter, act as a tonic to the body
and lungs, and have an expectorant activity. They are a
mildly diuretic and are used as a stimulant in paralytic
afflictions, epilepsy and hysteria. The pods are the most
valued and widely used of all the tree parts. The pods
are extremely nutritious, containing all the essential
amino acids along with many vitamins and other nu-
trients. The immature pod can be eaten raw or prepared
like green peas or green beans, while the mature pods
are usually fried and possess a peanut- like flavour. The
pods also yield 38-40% of non-drying, edible oil
known as Ben Oil which is clear, sweet and odourless,
and never becomes rancid. Overall, its nutritional value
most closely resembles olive oil [4].
In recent decades, many scientific studies using the
extracts of leaves, pods and roots of Moringa oleifera
are being carried out to confirm many potential uses
including wound healing [5,6], anti-tumour [7], antihepa-
totoxic [8], antifertility [9], hypotensive [10], antiuroli-
thiatic [11] acute anti-inflammatory [6,12,13], and anal-
gesic activity [14].
Even though the root extracts of Moringa oleifera
have been studied for diuretic activity [11], there is no
scientific study showing antiurolithiatic activity of Mor-
inga oleifera bark extract. Therefore this study was
conducted in order to evaluate its antiurolithiatic activ ity
in rats.
2.1. Approval for the Project
Approval for the experiment was obtained from the
Institutional animal ethics committee (IAEC), Kasturba
Medical College, Manipal, vide letter No. IAEC/KMC
F. Jameel et al. / Health 2 (2010) 352-355
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
2.2. Plant Material
The bark of Moringa oleifera Lam. available locally
were collected be tween February and May in and aroun d
Udupi. The botanical identity has been confirmed by
department of botany, Sri Poornapagna College, Udupi.
The voucher specimen is preserved in our laboratory for
future reference.
2.3. Method of Extraction
The fresh bark collected were cut into small pieces, par-
tially crushed and soaked in water overnight which was
later subjected to boiling for 6 hours. The resultant ex-
tract was then drained and concentrated in a water bath
to get the concentrated extract. The yield of the extract
was 10.5%. The extract was stored in desiccators and
used for further experiments after dissolving it in dis-
tilled water.
2.4. Animals
Inbred albino rats of Wistar strain, of either sex, aged
around 2 to 3 month s and w eigh ing 15 0-2 00 g w er e used.
They were housed in standard conditions of temperature
(25 ± 2°C), relative humidity of 45-55%, and maintained
on 12–hour light: 12– hour dark cycle in animal house of
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. They were fed
standard pellet diet (Hindustan Lever rat pellets) and
water ad libitum.
The aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera bark was ad-
ministered orally in the escalating dosages, up to 8 g/kg
to different groups of rats (n = 6, in each). The animals
were observed for behavioural and physiological varia-
tions initially continuously for 4 hours, followed by 4th
hourly for 12 hours and there after once daily for 14
3.1. Antiurolithiatic Study: Method of
Induction of Urolithiasis by Insertion of
Zinc Disc [15-19]
Rats were anaesthetized with intraperitoneal ketamine
(50 mg/kg). A suprapubic incision was made and the
abdomen was opened. The urinary bladder was then
carefully exposed and the urine in the bladder was as-
pirated with a sterile syringe. A small nick was made at
the apex end of urin ary bladder and the ster ile zinc disc
(previously weighed) was carefully inserted into the
bladder. Then the bladder was closed in a single stitch
using chromic catgut (4-0). The abdomen was then
closed in layers with chromic catgut and skin was
closed with silk thread. The rats were allowed to re-
cover from anaesthesia. Food and 1% ethylene glycol
in water was given ad libitum. The stone was allowed
to form and grow inside the bladder during the study
period. After the study period the rats were sacrificed
and zinc disc implants/stones were removed from the
bladder and dried. Stones taken out were weighed. The
difference between initial and final weights indicated
the amount of stone formed.
3.2. Grouping of Animals for Different
Treatments and Procedure of the Study
Adult albino rats of Wistar strain, weighing between
150-200 g, were selected for the study. In this study us-
ing aqueous extract of bark of Moringa oleifera, the ra ts
were divided into 6 grou ps with 6 animals in each group
receiving different treatments. Group I–Prophylactic
control (1% ethylene glycol for 4 weeks), Group II–Pro-
phylactic treatment (1% ethylene glycol+aqueous extract
of bark of Moringa oleifera 400 mg/kg orally for 4
weeks), Group III–Prophylactic treatment (1% ethylene
glycol+aqueous extract of bark of Moringa oleifera 8 00 mg/
kg orally for 4 weeks), Group IV–Curative control (1%
ethylene glycol for 4 weeks followed by water for 4
weeks), Group V–Curative treatment (1% ethylene gly-
col for 4 weeks followed by aqueous extract of bark of
Moringa oleifera 400 mg/kg for 4 weeks), Group VI–
Curative treatment (1% ethylene glycol for 4 weeks
followed by aqueous extract bark of Moringa oleifera
800 mg/kg for 4 weeks).
Prophylactic activity against urolithiasis was tested
using Groups I to III in this study and after 4 weeks,
animals were sacrificed and vesical calculi were col-
lected, weighed and statistically evaluated.
Curative property was tested in using Groups IV to VI
in the stud y and, at the end of eig ht weeks , animals were
sacrificed and vesical calculi were collected, weighed
and statistically evaluated.
3.3. Weight of Stones
The difference between the weight of the implanted zinc
discs at the time of implantation and final weight of the
dried calculi taken out from the bladder at the end of the
4th and 8th week period indicated the weight of deposited
The data obtained from the study was statistically evalu-
ated using a parametric test ANOVA (Analysis of Vari-
ance) and Tukey as post hoc test. This was done with
SPSS (Statistical package for social science) software.
The results of different groups studied using aqueous
F. Jameel et al. / Health 2 (2010) 352-355
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 1. Weight of stone material deposit on zinc discs in con-
trol and after using aqueous extract of bark of Moringa oleifera
400 mg/kg & 800 mg/kg treated rats.
Groups No.of rats
Weight of stone (mg)
(Mean ± SEM)
Group I–prophylactic control 6 278.16 ± 7.35
Group II–prophylactic treat-
ment (400 mg/kg) 6 139.5 ± 8.89*
Group III–prophylactic treat-
ment (800 mg/kg) 6 105.6 ± 5.61*
Group IV–curative control 6 269 ± 10.45
Group V–curative treatment
(400 mg/kg) 6 170.6 ± 12.98*
Group VI–curative treatment
(800 mg/kg) 6 114.6 ± 4.43*
* p < 0.001, df = 2, SEM = Standard error of mean, n = 6
extract of bark of Moringa oleifera 400 mg/kg & 800 mg/
kg are shown in Table 1. In this study, the extracts from
bark of the plant showed significant decrease in the
weight of stones compared to control after the study pe-
In the present study, aqueous extract of bark of Mor-
inga oleifera 400 mg/kg & 800 mg/ were evaluated
for the antiurolithiatic potential in albino rats of Wis-
tar strains. The method used for induction of stones in
this study was zinc disc foreign body insertion tech-
nique supplemented with 1% ethylene glycol, which
is commonly used in these type of studies.
In this study, the weight of the stones was used as
criteria for assessing the preventive or curative effect
of the bark of Moringa oleifera. Two doses of extract
for prophylactic and curative groups were used. In
both groups the administration of the extract have
resulted in significant (p < 0.01) reduction in the weight
of stones compared to the control group.
The decrease in the bladder stone formation was in-
consistent with the increase in the dose of the extract
which could be due to variability in the response due to
physiological variation. The stone formation in the con-
trol group itself was variable to a certain extent ranging
from 240 mg to 300 mg in prophylactic control group
and 248 mg to 310 mg in curative control group, which
is indicative of normal physiological variation. Among
the different strains of rats used for preclinical studies,
Wistar rats are much less susceptible to persistent blad-
der infection and struvite stone formation in comparison
to other strains. In a study where female Fischer 344
(F344), Lewis (LEW), Sprague-Dawley (SD), and Wistar
(WIS) rats were inoculated with a host-adapted strain of
Ureaplasma parvum, and necropsied at 2 weeks post
inoculation; 100% of F344, 42% of SD, 10% of LEW,
and 10% of WIS rats remained infected. Severe bladder
lesions and struvite calculi were seen in 64% of F344
rats; in other rat strains, bladder lesions were mild or
absent [20].
In conclusion we can confiden tly confirm the possibility
of antiurolithiatic activ ity of bark of Moringa oleifera as
there was reduction in size of the stones. Further studies
are needed to prove the stone dissolving property of
aqueous extract of bark of Moringa oleifera (400 mg/kg
& 800 mg/kg) in other animal models
We the authors are thankful to the Dean of Kasturba Medical College,
Manipal and to the K.M.C. Trust Manipal for the financial support
rendered for this study.
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