New Constraints from Pb-Evaporation Zircon Ages of the Méiganga Amphibole-Biotite Gneiss, Central Cameroon, on Proterozoic Crustal Evolution


The amphibole biotite gneiss (ABGn) in the Méiganga area forms part of a meta volcano-sedimentary sequence of the Adamawa Yade domain (AYD), Central African Fold Belt (CAFB). This sequence shows affinity with immature sediments (greywackes, arkoses) with intercalation of mafic lavas or tuffs. New 207Pb/206Pb zircon evaporation ages for two ABGn samples range from 1887 - 2339 Ma and from 675 - 889 Ma, respectively. These ages and evidence from internal zircon structures indicate that igneous rocks of Archean to Paleoproterozoic and of early Neoproterozoic age contributed to the detritus of the sedimentary sequence. The deposition of detritus took place prior to 614 - 619 Ma which represent the syntectonic emplacement of the Méiganga metadiorite. Leucogranites north to the Méiganga area were generated by melting of crust identical to that which provided the source of the ABGn. The metasedimentary sequence investigated in this study is similar to that of the southern part of the AYD and in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. The tectonic and geochronologic characteristics of the AYD in the Méiganga area support the idea that during the Proterozoic, Central Africa and NE Brazil were part of the same continental landmass.

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G. Alexandre, S. Wolfgang, S. Cosmas, N. Seguem and E. Emmanuel, "New Constraints from Pb-Evaporation Zircon Ages of the Méiganga Amphibole-Biotite Gneiss, Central Cameroon, on Proterozoic Crustal Evolution," International Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2011, pp. 138-147. doi: 10.4236/ijg.2011.22014.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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