The Hidden Role of the Einstein Equation E = mc2 in Thermodynamics
                 (A Simplified Link between Thermodynamics and Relativity)

In several fields of science, the equation E = mc2 is not of commun use in practice, although it can be mentioned as being of general interest.

Thermodynamics is one of them and this peculiarity is associated with two others, constituting an interesting trilogy that can be summarized as follows:

1st Peculiarity: It is not inadvertently that the equation E = mc2 is generally absent from thermodynamics textbooks, but because it is classically admitted that this equation seems unnecessary in this specialty and can therefore be deliberately omitted.

2nd Peculiarity: The main reason for this conclusion is that the theoretical predictions obtained by the conventional approach of thermodynamics are generally in good agreement with the results experimentally observed. As a logical conclusion, the usual equations of thermodynamics are considered adequate.

3rd Peculiarity: Despite the relevance of this argument, it is a matter of fact that understanding thermodynamics is known to be difficult and this situation is mentioned in the preface of many books dealing with the subject. This is sometimes followed by complementary information saying that after some practice this impression disappears.

Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (177 KB)
Components of the Book:
  • Front Matter
    • Head Page
    • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: The Concepts of Reversibility and Irreversibility and the First Law of Thermodynamics
    • 1.1. The Basic Experiment
    • 1.2. The Postulate Constituting the First Law of Thermodynamics
  • Chapter 2: The Concepts of Reversibility and Irreversibility and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
    • 2.1. The Role of the Complementary Concept Called Entropy
    • 2.2. The Possible Link between Thermodynamics and Relativity
    • 2.3. The Incidence of this Hypothesis on the State Function Free Energy, Noted G
  • Appendix to Chapter 2
    • Appendix 2.1. The Hidden Role of the Term dQirr in Problems Dealing with the Term dSi
    • Appendix 2.2. Difference between Thermodynamic Convention and Engineering Convention
  • Chapter 3: Implications of the Hypothesis dUirr > dUrev for Internal Energy
    • 3.1. Preliminary Remark
    • 3.2. The Process of Expansion of a Gas into Vacuum
    • 3.3. Extension of the Process to the Case of an Isolated System Containing Two Gases
    • 3.4. Heat Exchange between Two Parts of an Isolated System
  • Chapter 4: Reasons Why E = mc2 Remains Absent Often from Thermodynamics Textbooks
    • 4.1. Preliminary Observations
    • 4.2. Complementary Relations
    • 4.3. Gravitational Data Concerning the Earth-Moon System
    • 4.4. Is there a Thermodynamic Difference between Inert Systems and Living Systems?
    • 4.5. Further Considerations
  • Closing Remarks and Acknowledgements
  • References
Readership: Researchers, students, scientific enthusiasts who are interested in thermodynamic theory and the Einstein equation.
Front Matter
Jean-Louis TANE
PDF (130 KB)
Jean-Louis TANE
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Jean-Louis TANE
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Chapter 1: The Concepts of Reversibility and Irreversibility and the First Law of Thermodynamics
Jean-Louis TANE
PDF (307 KB)
Chapter 2: The Concepts of Reversibility and Irreversibility and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Jean-Louis TANE
PDF (371 KB)
Appendix to Chapter 2
Jean-Louis TANE
PDF (401 KB)
Chapter 3: Implications of the Hypothesis dUirr > dUrev for Internal Energy
Jean-Louis TANE
PDF (356 KB)
Chapter 4: Reasons Why E = mc2 Remains Absent Often from Thermodynamics Textbooks
Jean-Louis TANE
PDF (322 KB)
Closing Remarks and Acknowledgements
Jean-Louis TANE
PDF (210 KB)
Jean-Louis TANE
PDF (217 KB)
Jean-Louis TANE (Biography), Vice-President of the European Association for the Development of the Railway Transport

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