Assessing the Influence of Demographic Factors on Community Participation in a Demand Driven Development Project: The Case of Hazina Ya Maendeleo Ya Pwani Approach in Coastal Kenya
Farida A. Hassan, Hilda A. Ong’ayo, Melckzedeck K. Osore
Community Participation, Demand Driven Development, Hazina Ya Maendeleo Ya Pwani, Demographic Factors, Kenya Coastal Counties
Open Journal of Social Sciences,
Vol.7 No.1,
ABSTRACT: While recognizing that community participation stimulates local self-reliance and reduced dependency on outside agencies, it is also appreciated that a number of factors influence participation. This study was conducted to determine the demographic factors that influence community participation by using empirical data collected from a sample of 326 community members who participated in the implementation of the Hazina Ya Maendeleo Ya Pwani (HMP) project. The research was carried out at the Kenya coastal region comprising six counties namely, Mombasa, Taita Taveta, Kwale, Kilifi, Lamu and Tana River. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Using a multinomial logistic regression, the study examined the extent to which demographic factors comprising age, gender, type of economic activity and level of education influenced community participation in development initiatives. Study findings revealed that gender and level of education were the two demographic factors that significantly influenced community participation, with women showing greater participation. The study also revealed that demographic factors comprising age and type of economic activity had no significant influence on community participation. The study concludes that in order to stimulate optimal community participation in development initiatives at the grass-root level, it is worthwhile to make gender and educational level considerations. The study recommends that there is a need to enhance the participation of men in development interventions considering the many socially constructed roles already assumed by women.