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It is occasionally argued [3] that the variational principle can be expressed in terms of the variational procedure, allowing, in principle, a fractionally normalized charge density. Here, the quantity, , is a Lagrange multiplier that guarantees the presence of a given normalization associated with wave functions not normalized to unity in terms of which the variational theorem takes the form. These considerations are both unnecessary as well as frought with formal danger. First, the wave functions considered with respect of the variational theorem can always be normalized to unity through division by the square root of its squared modulus. Second, a variational procedure based on a fractionally normalized density can easily misdirect developments along the treatment of ensembles of open systems in terms of formalism appropriate exclusively for pure states, as is discussed explicitly in the body of the paper. As a quick reminder, the wave functions used in the variational theorem must be of the form emerging as solutions to the Schr¨odinger equation, and those are normalized to unity.

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