International Symposium on Engineering Management (ISEM 2009 PAPERBACK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-07-5 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

Paperback 794pp Pub. Date: December 2009

Category: Engineering

Price: $120

Title: Problems and Countermeasures of Urban Crisis
Source: International Symposium on Engineering Management (ISEM 2009 PAPERBACK) (pp 278-282)
Author(s): Lanlan Liu, School of Administration of republic management , Henan Polotechnic University, Jiaozuo, China
Feng Ai, School of Computer Science and Technology School, Henan Polotechnic University, Jiaozuo ,China
Abstract: As industrialization and city expanding, the cities are becoming more and more vulnerable. It is of momentous current significance to enhance the city’s crisis management, to protect the nation’s security, promote the economic development and keep the society steady. This article analyses the situation of our nation’s present city crisis management and points out the main problem that the awareness of public crisis is poor; the construction of city’s basic facilities is held up; the mechanism of the city’s crisis management is lag behind; and the legal model and reasonable supervising system are absent. According to these problems, this article puts forward the our government should adopt these measures below: perfect construction of the city’s foundation facilities, reducing the damage of the crisis to the lowest level; improve the forewarning mechanism of city’s crisis management, reinforcing the predictability of city’s crisis; establish an effective and forceful centralized planning department, forming a collective, three-dimensional city crisis management organization system; reinforce the legal system building., improve the supervising system, making the public crisis management legality.
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