International Symposium on Engineering Management (ISEM 2009 PAPERBACK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-07-5 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

Paperback 794pp Pub. Date: December 2009

Category: Engineering

Price: $120

Title: Evaluation of Human Management Strategies in Emergency Management
Source: International Symposium on Engineering Management (ISEM 2009 PAPERBACK) (pp 308-310)
Author(s): Xiaobo Yao, College of Emergency Management, Henan Polytech University, Jiaozuo, China
Abstract: The human behavior during an emergency will directly affect the outcome of the event. People are more likely to be panic during an emergency event because of the suddenness of the catastrophe, which causes people to act abnormally. In this paper, two examples, Dupont Plaza Hotel Fire (Puerto Rico, 1986) and Cook County Administration Building Fire (the United States, 2003), have been used to study the characteristics of human behavior in an emergency. This paper proposed to enhance the human management in an emergency by improving building design, exchanging information timely, and training peoples regularly.
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